Туризм. Путешествия. Путеводители (страница 7)

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НаименованиеЦенаАвторГодПроизводительКод ISBNАртикул
451Journey without Maps2419Greene Graham2020Vintage books9780099282235884654
Journey without Maps

Graham Greene's incredible journey to an unchartered land.

The iconic writer's travel log from the uncharted shores of West Africa.

Leaving Europe for the first time in his life, Graham Greene set out in 1935 to discover Liberia, then a virtually unmapped republic on the shores of West Africa. This captivating account of his arduous 350-mile journey on foot - a great adventure which took him from the border with Sierra Leone to the Atlantic coast at Grand Bassa - is as much a record of one young man's self-discovery as it is a striking insight into one of the few areas of Africa untouched by Western colonisation. Journey Without Maps is regarded as a masterclass in travel writing.

With a Foreword by Tim Butcher and an Introduction by Paul Theroux

'One of the best travel books this century' Independent


452London. An Illustrated Literary Companion3377 2020Macmillan9781509827688761239
London. An Illustrated Literary Companion

London: An Illustrated Literary Companion, compiled by Rosemary Gray, captures the varying moods of the great city over recent centuries, through diary entries, with quotations, poems, essays and extracts from great works written in its honour. It is beautifully illustrated with drawings and engravings from distinguished artists, including Gustave Dore, George Cruikshank, James McNeill Whistler and Hugh Thomson, and contains contemporary prints and photographs.
Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Серия: Macmillan Collector's Library


453Grand Union, Oxford and the South East. Waterways Guide 13429Mosse Jonathan2020Collins9780008363796898354
Grand Union, Oxford and the South East. Waterways Guide 1

The bestselling guides to Britain's canals and rivers for 50 years.

For all users of Britain's inland waterways. This established, popular and practical guide covers the canals and waterways between London and Birmingham.

Waterways covered in this guide - Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation, Grand Union Canal, Lee & Stort Navigations, River Medway, Oxford Canal, River Thames.

Guide includes;
- Detailed Ordnance Survey maps. Scale: 2 inches = 1 mile, 3 cm = 1 km.
- Descriptive text describing the canals
- Comprehensive navigational notes

Published for more than 50 years, the bestselling Collins Nicholson guides to the waterways have always been a vital part of journeys along Britain's canals and rivers. They are designed for anyone and everyone with an interest in Britain's inland waterways - from experienced boaters to those planning their first boat trip, as well as walkers, cyclists and visitors. This practical A5 guide features 'lie flat' spiral binding and 'book mark' back cover flap for ease of reference.

Comprehensive navigational notes include:
- Maximum dimensions and low bridges
- Mileages, advice and potential hazards
- Navigation authorities and contact details

Серия: Collins Nicholson Waterways Guides


454My Cool Campervan. An inspirational guide to retro-style campervans1873Field-Lewis Jane, Haddon Chris2020Pavilion Books Group9781911641551899917
My Cool Campervan. An inspirational guide to retro-style campervans

My Cool Campervan celebrates a new wave of interest in modern-retro campervans.

Join Jane Field-Lewis and Chris Haddon as they set off on a 3500-mile trip to locate campervans and proud owners, sharing their memories of family holidays under candy-striped pop-top roofs and of sunny days and simple pleasures. Delve into a world of road-tripping as Jane and Chris introduce us to a succession of distinctive campervans, memorable locations and classic models, at times beautifully restored, and at others well-loved and well-used.

My Cool Campervan reveals a world beyond the stereotype, of vintage vans from another era, forgotten rarities and beautifully restored mass-produced models.

Chapters include:
Old Retro: In the 1970s and 80s as the motor industry turned its sights towards the global market, campervan designs began to change.
Simple Life: Exploring functional campervans where styling doesn't overwhelm function and where vans are so well designed in the first place, there's nothing more to add than the journey.
Weird and Wonderful: From a converted French fire truck, to an 'extension' to a regular saloon car, these campers are customized, unusual and have been created to provide space.
American Beauties: The large American Recreational Vehicles, or RVs, fulfill just about everyone's expectations of a comfortable life on the road. The enduring appeal of the RV lies in its iconic design and long association with the romantic notion of the great road journey.
Classics: Some vehicle designs last longer than others. The VW T2 campervan is, without doubt, the front runner.
New Retro: Reflecting owners' unique styles and interest, the vehicles here function as an artist's workroom or as a photographer's studio; these are not only places to camp out or chill out, they are happy extensions of creative lives.

Серия: My Cool


455Architectural guide. Caracas3169Viso Ivan Gonzalez, Vera Jose Rosas2020Dom Publishers9783869225791774819
Architectural guide. Caracas

Об архитектуре Каракаса, столицы Венесуэлы, пережившей массовые протесты и сильные политические волнения, по-прежнему мало что известно. Глубокий разрыв между бедными и богатыми здесь столь же обыденное явление, как и грандиозные здания, доставшиеся Каракасу в наследство от эпохи модернизма. Этот архитектурный путеводитель иллюстрирует сложносоставность латиноамериканского города, основанного в 1567 году: его гармоничное взаимодействие с горным хребтом Авила и береговой линией, игру масштабов, архитектурных стилей, природных и городских ландшафтов. Книга представляет архитектурную историю города примерно с 1600 года по сегодняшний день, включая Университетский городок (Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas), спроектированный Карлосом Раулем Вильянуэвой в 1940 - 1960 гг. и вошедший в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Путеводитель предлагает читателям изучить 10 городских зон, а также узнать о концепциях развития города, предложенных известными архитекторами и урбанистами, такими как Федерико Вегас и Мария Изабель Пена.
Язык издания: английский.


456Architectural guide. Tel Aviv3559Yaron Sharon Golan, Even Yuval2020Dom Publishers9783869222523774825
Architectural guide. Tel Aviv

Новый архитектурный путеводитель по Тель-Авиву опубликован к столетию Баухауса, отмечаемому в 2019 году. В "Белом городе" Тель-Авива находится более 4000 зданий, построенных в интернациональном стиле архитекторами Баухауса. Сегодня это всемирно известный объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Этот архитектурный путеводитель написан Шарон Голан Ярон - архитектором, ратующей за сохранение архитектурных памятников, соучредителем и директором программ Центра "Белый город". Она создала книгу-ключ к изучению наиболее важных архитектурных объектов в Тель-Авиве. Здания в "Белом городе" отличает особый архитектурный язык, который появился в процессе адаптации европейского модернизма к местным климатическим и культурным реалиям. 100 наиболее примечательных сооружений, распределенных по четырем маршрутам, вошли в это издание. Кроме того, путеводитель рассказывает об уникальном современном подходе Тель-Авива к сохранению наследия, который поддерживает эксплуатацию исторических зданий и способствует росту города, позволяя возведение пристроек.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


457The Great Flood. Travels Through a Sodden Landscape2261Platt Edward2020Picador9780330420280903422
The Great Flood. Travels Through a Sodden Landscape

Flooding has always threatened the rainy, wind-swept islands of the United Kingdom, but it is becoming more frequent and more severe. Combining travel writing and reportage with readings of history, literature and myth, Edward Platt explores the way floods have shaped the physical landscape of Britain and left their mark on its inhabitants.

During the course of two years, which coincided with the record-breaking floods of the winter of 2013-14, Platt travelled around the country, visiting places that had flooded and meeting the people affected. He visited flooded villages and towns and expanses of marsh and Fen threatened by the winter storms, and travelled along the edge of the drowned plain that used to connect Britain to continental Europe. He met people struggling to stop their houses falling into the sea and others whose homes had been engulfed. He investigated disasters natural and man-made, and heard about the conflicting attitudes towards those charged with preventing them.

The Great Flood dramatizes the experience of being flooded and considers what will happen as the planet warms and the waters rise, illuminating the reality behind the statistics and headlines that we all too often ignore.


458Architectural guide. Sofia1327Stanishev Georgi2020Dom Publishers9783869226576774851
Architectural guide. Sofia

София один из старейших городов в Европе, но он все еще остается относительно неизученным направлением. В столице Болгарии можно найти архитектурное наследие древних фракийцев, римлян, византийцев, а также средневековые постройки и здания, относящиеся к периоду Османской империи. Новый архитектурный путеводитель в подробностях расскажет о них. Автор книги не обошел вниманием и современную архитектуру Софии, включая памятники коммунистического историзма и модернизма. Это издание анализирует город и его способность формировать уникальный архитектурный опыт, опираясь на его географические особенности и разные исторические слои. Облик Софии нельзя определить неким чистым архитектурным стилем; здесь различные влияния перекрывают друг друга, и создают нечто новое, аутентичное и особенное. Архитектурный путеводитель по Софии уделяет внимание не только историческим памятникам и очевидным достопримечательностям, но и самым новым зданиям в городе, примерам экспериментальных поисков современного поколения архитекторов. Он представляет более 200 избранных зданий, относящихся к разным историческим периодам, и включает несколько статей о становлении местной архитектурной традиции, а также эссе об архитектурных деталях, возникших в результате столкновения различных стилистических влияний. Более 15 цветных карт и 700 иллюстраций в сочетании с обширной библиографией помогут читателю и путешественнику совершить настоящий архитектурный тур по Софии.
Язык издания: английский.


459Architectural guide. Rome. Buildings and Projects3833Kavalirek Marina2020Dom Publishers9783869226606774824
Architectural guide. Rome. Buildings and Projects

Древний Рим определил вектор развития европейской культуры и искусства на 2000 лет. В течение нескольких столетий этот город был истинной caput mundi столицей мира . Именно здесь берет начало западная традиция архитектуры. На сегодняшний день более 12 миллионов людей со всей планеты ежегодно приезжают в Вечный город, чтобы насладиться впечатляющими артефактами Римской империи и памятниками искусства и архитектуры времен итальянского Ренессанса и Барокко.
Этот путеводитель призывает читателей свернуть с проторенных маршрутов и открыть для себя скрытые архитектурные жемчужины Рима: менее известные, но экстраординарные здания, созданные во второй половине XX века. От культурных, образовательных, спортивных и многофункциональных центров до религиозных, жилых и инфраструктурных зданий в книге представлено 140 проектов, которые демонстрируют большое разнообразие современной архитектуры итальянской столицы. В специальной главе приведены концепции, находящиеся в стадии реализации или завершенные в недавнем прошлом, а также список тематических маршрутов, которых можно придерживаться, прогуливаясь по итальянской столице.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


460The Voyage of the Beagle2384Darwin Charles2020Penguin9780140432688968977
The Voyage of the Beagle

The Voyage of the Beagle is Charles Darwin's account of the momentous voyage which set in motion the current of intellectual events leading to The Origin of Species. This Penguin Classics edition is edited with an introduction and notes by Janet Brown and Michael Neve.

When HMS Beagle sailed out of Devonport on 27 December 1831, Charles Darwin was twenty-two and setting off on the voyage of a lifetime. His journal, here reprinted in a shortened form, shows a naturalist making patient observations concerning geology, natural history, people, places and events. Volcanoes in the Galapagos, the Gossamer spider of Patagonia and the Australasian coral reefs - all are to be found in these extraordinary writings. The insights made here were to set in motion the intellectual currents that led to the theory of evolution, and the most controversial book of the Victorian age: The Origin of Species.

This volume reprints Charles Darwin's journal in a shortened form. In their introduction Janet Brown and Michael Neve provide a background to Darwin's thought and work, and this edition also includes notes, maps, appendices and an essay on scientific geology and the Bible by Robert FitzRoy, Darwin's friend and Captain of the Beagle.

Charles Darwin (1809-82), a Victorian scientist and naturalist, has become one of the most famous figures of science to date. The advent of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859 challenged and contradicted all contemporary biological and religious beliefs.

Серия: Penguin Classics


461India. An Area Of Darkness, A Wounded Civilization & A Million Mutinies Now4137Naipaul V S2020Picador9781529031133902614
India. An Area Of Darkness, A Wounded Civilization & A Million Mutinies Now

A collection of three classic books by V. S. Naipaul, with an introduction from Paul Theroux, author of The Great Railway Bazaar.

Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul first visited India in 1962 at the age of twenty-nine, hoping to settle the ghosts of a painful ancestral past. That journey was the first in what would become a decades-long project. An Area of Darkness chronicles the author's initial visit as estrangement gives way to connections and conversations. Prompted by the Emergency of 1975, India: A Wounded Civilization presents an intellectual portrait of a country whose people are no longer so willing to speak or bear witness. India: A Million Mutinies Now captures a panorama of voices and stories fifteen years later, at another moment of national upheaval.

Born of Naipaul's wish to see for himself the homeland from which he was twice displaced, India emerges as an invaluable account of a nation in times of dramatic change: acutely observant, tender, at once brilliantly composed and vividly clear-sighted.

Серия: Picador Classic


462Moscow. A Guide to Soviet Modernist Architecture 1955-19912571Bronovitskaya Anna, Malinin Nikolay, Palmin Yiri2020Музей современного искусства Гараж 9788090671461760421
Moscow. A Guide to Soviet Modernist Architecture 1955-1991

Moscow: A Guide to Soviet Modernist Architecture 1955-1991 provides descriptions of almost 100 buildings from the most underrated period of Soviet architecture. This is the first guide to bring together the architecture made during the three decades between Khrushchev and Gorbachev, from the naive modernism of the "thaw" of the late 1950s through postmodernism. Buildings include the Palace of Youth, the Rossiya cinema, the Pioneer Palace, the Ostankino TV Tower, the TASS headquarters, the "golden brains" of the Academy of Sciences and less well-known structures such as the House of New Life and the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant Museum. The authors situate Moscow's postwar architecture within the historical and political context of the Soviet Union, while also referencing developments in international architecture of the period.


463Architectural guide. Dessau. Worlitz1229Butter Andreas, Savelsberg Wolfgang, Pfeifer Ingo2020Dom Publishers9783869223711774820
Architectural guide. Dessau. Worlitz

Издание представляет собой первый подробный архитектурный путеводитель по региону Дессау-Росслау и городу Вёрлиц, собранный фондом "Баухаус-Дессау" и культурным фондом "Дессау-Вёрлиц". Читателям предлагается профессиональный обзор более чем 120 зданий и загородных территорий.
Дессау-Росслау и его окрестности могут похвастаться двумя объектами Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО: Парковым королевством Дессау-Вёрлиц и ансамблем Баухаус. Сегодня архитектурный ландшафт Дессау формируют контрасты: восстановленные исторические здания соседствуют со стандартными постройками времен социализма, а экспериментальные проекты реконструкций соперничают с новыми амбициозными разработками.
Язык издания: английский.


464Aarhus. Architectural Guide1097Weissbach Heiko2020Dom Publishers9783869225616823962
Aarhus. Architectural Guide

Aarhus is an architectural jewel on the periphery of Continental Europe. The self-proclaimed world's smallest city has borne the pet name City of Smiles for many decades in order to promote itself and its good vibe. Today, the Danish city is primarily a city prominent for education and training with a School of Architecture which is highly conducive to Aarhus having the highest density of architects throughout the country.
In addition to key buildings from the twentieth century, the Architectural Guide Aarhus seeks to present spectacular new buildings from recent years. Ten tours, which are classified according to their geographic scope, provide an overview of almost 150 buildings and projects. Complementary essays provide background knowledge on urban history, the history of specific quarters and renowned architects who have contributed to making Aarhus an European architectural metropolis - and not only since the City of Culture year of 2017.


465Tunis. Architectural Guide1494Khoud Faouzia Ben2020Dom Publishers9783869226767823990
Tunis. Architectural Guide

The courtyards, winding passages, and mosques of the Medina; an Art Nouveau theatre, churches, a brutalist hotel, and contemporary glass facades: Tunisia s capital has a rich and incredibly diverse built heritage. In addition, the archaeological remains at nearby Carthage give an impression of the power of an ancient city that once rivalled the Roman Empire.
This architectural guide presents over 100 sites in both Tunis and its surroundings. The Tunisian archi tect Faouzia Ben Khoud selects buildings from a long stretch of history: from the Phoenicians, who first founded a city there, to the Arab Spring, which began in Tunisia in 2010. Also covering recent renovation projects in detail, the author puts special emphasis on efforts to preserve the city s exceptional cultural heritage.


466Down and Out in Paris and London3101Orwell George2020Harvill Secker9781787302532973298
Down and Out in Paris and London

You can live on a shilling a day in Paris if you know how. But it is a complicated business.

When he was a struggling writer in his twenties, George Orwell lived as a down-and-out among the poorest members of society. In this early memoir, he recounts shocking experiences working as a penniless dishwasher in Paris, pawning clothes to buy a day's worth of bread and wine, sleeping in bug-infested bunks, trading survival skills and cigarette butts with fellow tramps, and trudging between London's workhouse spikes for a few hours' sleep and tea-and-two-slices.

With sensitivity and compassion, Orwell exposed the hardships of poverty and gave readers an unprecedented look at life lived on the fringes of society. His vivid account is an enduring call to support the world's most vulnerable people and exemplifies his belief that 'The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty.'

The Authoritative Text. With a new introduction by Kerry Hudson.


467Architectural guide. Berlin2273Schendel Dominik2020Dom Publishers9783869225470774817
Architectural guide. Berlin

Ни в одном другом месте на Земле сменяющиеся идеологии и градостроительные концепции не отразились так на городской структуре, как в Берлине. Показательная коллекция зданий и сооружений, представляющих разнообразные городские районы и архитектурные направления, позволит читателю отправиться в путешествие по истории, от средневековых кварталов Альт-Берлина до современности. Четыре маршрута познакомят с важнейшими архитектурными достопримечательностями города.
Язык издания: английский.


468The Summer Isles. A Voyage of the Imagination2024Marsden Philip2020Granta Publication9781783783007954276
The Summer Isles. A Voyage of the Imagination

In an old wooden sloop, Philip Marsden plots a course north from his home in Cornwall. He is sailing for the Summer Isles, a small archipelago near the top of Scotland that holds for him a deep and personal significance. On the way, he must navigate the west coast of Ireland and the Inner Hebrides. Bearing the full force of the Atlantic, it is a seaboard which is also a mythical frontier, a place as rich in story as anywhere on earth.
Through the people he meets and the tales he uncovers, Marsden builds up a haunting picture of these shores - of imaginary islands and the Celtic otherworld, of the ageless draw of the west, of the life of the sea and perennial loss - and the redemptive power of the imagination.
Exhilarating and poignant, Marsden's prose has been widely praised. Bringing together themes he has been pursuing for many years, The Summer Isles is an unforgettable account of the search for actual places, invented places, and those places in between that shape the lives of individuals and entire nations.


469Travel. Easy tips for the eco-friendly traveller2421Kinsman Juliet2020Ebury Press9781529107852890873
Travel. Easy tips for the eco-friendly traveller

Explore the world and satisfy your wanderlust in the most eco-friendly way.

How can we lessen our impact on the world without giving up the things we love? This series of easy-to-follow guides show that positive change is possible without radical changes to your everyday life.

Sustainable tourism doesn't have to mean vowing to never take another flight or spending holidays camping in your back garden. This short expert guide from eco-travel journalist Juliet Kinsman, takes you through every step of planning your trip, from booking to boarding, and arms you with everything you need to know for a lower-impact getaway.

Whether it's explaining how to know which plane to take (yes, some are greener than others) or how to avoid the mini toiletries trap; this book shows that you can save the planet and still live life to the full.

Серия: The Green Edit


470Architectural guide. Minsk3499Zadorin Dimitrij2020Dom Publishers9783869222394774822
Architectural guide. Minsk

Минск был основан в 1067 году. Долгое время он был одним из многих небольших городов на территории Восточной Европы. По иронии судьбы именно колоссальные разрушения, причиненные Второй мировой войной, вдохновили советские власти на трансформацию Минска. В послевоенный период он стал одним из самых быстрорастущих городов мира, в котором постарались воплотить идею идеального советского города. Сегодня Минск, существующий в своеобразном политическом и экономическом контексте, воспринимается многими как архив советской архитектуры и градостроительства.
Этот путеводитель, на создание которого ушло более трех лет, приглашает выйти за пределы круга популярных туристических достопримечательностей, предлагая читателю изучить все архитектурные слои города на примере 200 зданий, 10 площадей, 5 монументов, 7 парков, станций метро, а также жилых комплексов и серий панельных домов. Книга охватывает всё время существования города и его пространство: от Центральной площади до мемориального комплекса Тростенец на юго-восточной окраине; от средневекового Замчища и барочных церквей до новых гостиниц, возведенных к Чемпионату мира по хоккею в 2014 году; от небольшого деревянного дома РСДРП до завода-гиганта МТЗ и района Каменная Горка. Для автора архитектора и исследователя архитектуры Дмитрия Задорина издание стало откровением о Минске, а для читателя энциклопедией города, упакованной в формат архитектурного путеводителя.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


471Short Walks in Beautiful Places. 100 Great British Routes2435 2020National Trust Books9781911657101899927
Short Walks in Beautiful Places. 100 Great British Routes

With information on transport links, facilities, local attractions and fun stuff for the kids, along with maps of each route, this is the perfect guide for exploring Britain's countryside and discovering your new favourite walk.

The National Trust cares for some of the most spectacular countryside in Britain. This guide features 100 walks from across the country, from the ancient majesty of Avebury's stone circle and the wonder of Giant's Causeway to the dramatic peaks towering about Lake windermere.

The walks are organised by region, making it easy to explore historical sites, spot wildlife and stunning views wherever you are. The routes are graded according to ease, from two to eight miles in length, to include family-friendly rambles across parkland, adventurous hikes and everything in between.

With information on transport links, facilities, local attractions and fun stuff for the kids, along with maps of each route, this is the perfect guide for exploring Britain's countryside and discovering your new favourite walk.


472Architectural guide. South Africa2057Fisher Roger C.2020Dom Publishers9783869222622774868
Architectural guide. South Africa

Путеводитель представляет собрание наиболее значимых архитектурных объектов крупных южноафриканских городов: Кейптауна, Дурбана, Йоханнесбурга и Претории. Книга дает исчерпывающую информацию о более чем 150 зданиях и проектах: от более ранних периодов становления европейских поселений, когда архитекторы получали образование в военно-инженерных училищах, к XX веку и современности, когда профессия стала самостоятельной и авторитетной. Эта книга представляет собой достаточно полный обзор современной архитектуры Южной Африки. Все выбранные авторами здания являются общественными или светскими, а потому путешественнику будет легко их рассмотреть вблизи. Описание проектов содержит данные о времени их создания, именах проектировщиков и точном местоположении, которое легко найти с помощью QR-кодов.
Язык издания: английский.


473Architectural guide. Helsinki2453Meyer Ulf2020Dom Publishers9783869224831774847
Architectural guide. Helsinki

Хельсинки является особым архитектурным центром между Востоком и Западом. Влияние соседнего Санкт-Петербурга столь же ощутимо, как и влияние европейского неоклассицизма начала девятнадцатого века. Хельсинки магнит для ценителей скандинавского дизайна и финской архитектуры, известных во всем мире. Этот путеводитель (второе расширенное издание) представляет важнейшие примеры современной архитектуры Хельсинки с 1917 года и до наших дней.
Язык издания: английский.


474The Marvellous Republic of Komi540Мельникова Наталья Владимировна2020Коми республиканская типография978-5-7934-0847-9988497
The Marvellous Republic of Komi

Удивительная Республика Коми
Проект реализован при поддержке Министерства культуры, туризма и архивного дела РК
Книга на английском языке. В ней собраны увлекательные, яркие, редкие сведения о Республике Коми, изложенные в лёгкой для восприятия форме, в сопровождении многочисленных фотографий. Это не просто перевод книги-бестселлера "Удивительная Республика Коми", а новое издание, дополненное и переработанное с учётом потребностей иноязычных читателей. Издание может служить достойным и необычным подарком, "книгой на память" для гостей республики, деловых партнёров и друзей республики из других стран, а также для всех, кто преподаёт или изучает английский язык, кому необходимы интересные сведения о Республике Коми для разнопланового общения на английском языке.
VIP отделка флоком и тиснением делает книгу невероятно изысканным полезным подарком для англоговорящих гостей региона.

Серия: Книги о РК на английском


475The Times. The Joy of Railways5623Holland Julian2020Times Books9780008323769898149
The Times. The Joy of Railways

A beautiful treasury of railway memorabilia
Journey back to the 1950s and '60s with this nostalgic look at Britain's railways in their glory days. Beautifully illustrated throughout with a unique collection of photographs, train spotting notebooks and railway ephemera.

Packed with hundreds of photographs, trainspotting
notebooks and ephemera. This is a vivid recollection of
the whole atmosphere of the railways as the age of steam
ended and diesels were introduced.

Take a journey through each of the major regions, guided by bestselling author and railway expert, Julian Holland
Revel in the imagery of the mighty steam engines as they ran their final schedules
Savour some of the magic that trainspotters experienced during that glorious era


476Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 20202453Martovitskaya Anna2020Dom Publishers9783869220086774823
Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 2020

The Architectural Guide Norway showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture.
Anna Martovitskaya s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e.g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature.
While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.


477Книга-пособие Komi Highlights136Каганцова Эльвира2020Коми республиканская типография978-5-7934-0865-3988498
Книга-пособие Komi Highlights

Самое интересное в Коми
Уникальность этого проекта состоит в представлении Республики Коми через коммуникативную грамматику английского языка.
Интереснее и легче отрабатывать учебный материал на сведениях и фактах, относящихся к окружающему их миру.
Издание рекомендовано Министерством образования, науки и молодёжной политики Республики Коми для использования в качестве дополнительного пособия в образовательном процессе.
Для среднего и старшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Книги о РК на английском


478Greatest British Railway Journeys3679Portillo Michael2020Headline9781472279286976577
Greatest British Railway Journeys

The perfect gift for fans of the show as well as lovers of Britain's cultural heritage.

It is now over a decade since the much-loved Great British Railway Journeys series set off on its incredible run discovering the cultural, social and engineering landscape of the United Kingdom through the prism of George Bradshaw's Handbook to rail travel. Veteran politician and ex cabinet minister Michael Portillo has since presented eleven seasons of this ever-popular show on BBC Two, covering every part of the existing train network in Britain, as well as others that were closed as a result of the Beeching Report in 1963. Across a decade of these journeys, Portillo has celebrated how every corner of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland was opened up by the railway line as a result of the Industrial Revolution, thus giving fans a unique insight into our shared past of train travel since the Victorian era.

With the anniversary, this new collection will celebrate Michael's top fifty journeys from the hundreds he has covered, adding more insight and analysis to some of the greatest railway lines, stations, bridges, viaducts and tunnels the Victorians built to create the world we now live in. From Paddington Station to the Clifton Suspension Bridge; the Southend Pier line to the milk wagons departing from Blake Hall Station. An unrivalled narrative to be treasured.

Greatest British Railway Journeys is both a celebratory and charming ride through our country's beloved history - all from the unique position of a train seat.


479Architectural guide. Delhi2273Bansal Anupam, Kochupillai Malini2020Dom Publishers9783869221670774888
Architectural guide. Delhi

Город Дели, столица Индии, замечателен не только своей богатой архитектурной историей здесь встречаются и индуистские храмы, и старинные мечети, и образцы колониальной архитектуры, но и разнообразием современных проектов. Именно современная архитектура стала катализатором развития города после того, как страна обрела независимость. Сегодня город стремительно меняется в результате настоящего строительного бума. В этой книге представлено более 200 наиболее ярких и значимых зданий Дели.
Язык издания: английский.


480London Pocket Map. The Perfect Way to Explore London574 2020Collins9780008370015898392
London Pocket Map. The Perfect Way to Explore London

Handy little full colour map of central London with a high level of detail.
Clear mapping from Regent's Park in the north to Kennington in the south, and Kensington Gardens in the west to Tower Bridge in the east at a scale of 1:12, 500 (5 inches to 1 mile). Maps of West End shopping and theatres are also included.

Mapping is presented in a handy format ideal for the pocket or handbag. It is excellent value and covers the most visited area of central London. It is an essential buy for tourists and residents alike.


Detailed central area map
Map of theatres and cinemas
Shopping map
Underground map
The latest congestion zone boundary

Серия: Collins Maps


481LOST iN Milan361 2020Dom Publishers9783000487330770415
LOST iN Milan

A flamingo garden, slow food markets, a secret bar, traditional trattorias, hidden masterpieces of Italian design... Get lost in the ice-cool northern city.
LOST iN Milan is?
68 technicolour pages filled with tips on:
Outdoor activities & wellness
- Includes 5 long-form interviews with celebrated locals on their relationship with Milan and their absolute favourite spots in town
- A selection of the hottest places to visit in two of the city s most charismatic neighbourhoods
- A selection of our top picks for the entire city
- An in-depth story on the city s rich design heritage
- A surreally quotidian photo showcase
- An original piece of fiction
- Shopping guide
- Recommended books, films & music to get you in the Milan state of mind


482The Frozen River. Seeking Silence in the Himalaya2017Crowden James2020William Collins9780008353216898306
The Frozen River. Seeking Silence in the Himalaya

In 1976 James Crowden left his career in the British army and travelled to Ladakh in the Northern Himalaya, one of the most remote parts of the world. The Frozen River is his extraordinary account of the time he spent there, living alongside the Zangskari people, before the arrival of roads and mass tourism.

James immerses himself in the Zangskari way of life, where meditation and week-long mountain festivals go hand in hand, and silence and solitude are the hallmarks of existence. When butter traders invite James on their journey down the frozen river Leh, he soon realises that this way of living, unchanged for centuries, comes with a very human cost.

In lyrical prose, James captures a crucial moment in time for this Himalayan community. A moment in which their Buddhist practices and traditions are in flux, and the economic pull of a world beyond their valley is increasingly difficult to ignore.


483Architectural guide. Venice2273 2020Dom Publishers9783869223629774826
Architectural guide. Venice

Эта книга первый путеводитель по современной архитектуре Венеции города-музея под открытым небом, места, которое словно магнит привлекает архитекторов со всего мира, ведь именно здесь каждые два года проходит крупнейшее событие в мире архитектуры Венецианская архитектурная биеннале. Архитектурный путеводитель предлагает читателю узнать иную, не столь знакомую нам Венецию после 1950 года. Он включает водные и пешеходные маршруты по островной и континентальной Венеции, а также по площадкам Биеннале. В книге рассказывается о наиболее значимых проектах Карло Скарпы, Тадао Андо, Дэвида Чипперфильда и других всемирно известных архитекторов. Специальная глава книги посвящена масштабным, но нереализованным концепциям таких известных мастеров, как Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, Ле Корбюзье и Луис Кан.
Язык издания: английский.


484Paris Pop-Up3066Saturno Carole2020Rizzoli9780789336880795391
Paris Pop-Up

A selection of the city's most iconic monuments, landmarks, and architectural wonders unfold in seven pop-ups contained in a charming pint-sized package making it an easy impulse purchase. Easy to tuck in a bag or a pocket, this book is truly the perfect keepsake for tourists as well as the ideal gift for anyone who wants to share their love of the world's favorite city - Paris.
Each spread delivers an iconic building or monument accompanied by a two page spread of text provifing the historical background and cultural significance of the structure depicted by the pop-up. The package is designed with a retro feel like travel guides from the past lending it a nostalgic charm. This elegant, charming little book is the ideal gift or souvenir for anyone who wishes a keepsake of a visit to Paris.
Represented as pop-ups are the most beautiful classic architectural sites of Paris: Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Hotel des Invalides, the Louvre, Notre Dame, Place des Vosges, Centre Pompidou, and Sacre-coeur...
Artist Dominique Ehrhard has conceived a one of a kind work that will delight all ages.


485The Arctic. Modern Guidebook811 2020PressPass978-5-6044362-0-2809828
The Arctic. Modern Guidebook

The Arctic. Modern Guidebook contains detailed information on tourist opportunities in the Arctic Russia - the most interesting routes and objects. Detailed information about the climatic, geographic and ethnographic features of the region, transport infrastructure are provided. The guidebook is supplied with plans-schemes of large settlements in the Arctic regions of Russia, illustrated with photographs of popular attractions and infographics. The new travel guide from PressPass covers all regions of the Arctic Russia. The book presents natural and historical sights, routes, provides information about the history of the region, culture and traditions of the indigenous people of the North.

Серия: Современный путеводитель


486Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist2731Palavandishvili Nini, Prents Lena2020Dom Publishers9783869226910774866
Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist

В то время как здания в стиле советского модернизма, расположенные в Грузии, являются признанными архитектурными достопримечательностями уже на протяжении нескольких десятилетий, примеры монументального искусства тех времен всё еще ждут того часа, когда широкая аудитория откроет их для себя и оценит по достоинству. Яркие, изумительные мозаики, украшающие многие здания, являются полноценными произведениями искусства, и в то же время неотъемлемой частью архитектуры: они были призваны указывать на предназначение здания, определяли структуру его фасада или полностью покрывали его. В книге впервые задокументированы эти уникальные фрагменты советской истории искусства с указанием их точного географического положения. При помощи ярких фотографий и детальных описаний Нини Палавандишвили и Лена Пренц надеются привлечь внимание публики к художественному наследию. Они указывают на необходимость защищать и сохранять эти произведения искусства, которые представляют собой гораздо больше, чем просто элементы государственной пропаганды.
Язык издания: английский.


487Architectural guide. New York6583Belogolovsky Vladimir2020Dom Publishers9783869224312774867
Architectural guide. New York

Этот архитектурный путеводитель объединяет 100 наиболее оригинальных сооружений, построенных в Нью-Йорке после 1999 года. Критик Владимир Белоголовский наделяет здания такими яркими прозвищами, как Гильотина , Павлин , Акулий плавник , Панцирь черепахи или Дятел . Индивидуальная подборка живущего в Нью-Йорке автора охватывает здания, построенные самыми известными в мире архитекторами. Их творчество прославляется наравне с произведениями искусства, а собственный стиль становится предметом восхищения и обсуждения в СМИ и среди критиков и заказчиков.
Затронутый в книге период начинается с расцвета эры звездных архитекторов ( starchitects ) в 1990-х и продолжается в наше время. Эта книга не только и не столько документация, сколько посвящение мощной преобразующей энергии Нью-Йорка. Многие здания этого города были спроектированы иностранными архитекторами или теми, кто переехал в Нью-Йорк и теперь называет его своим домом. Благодаря остроумным комментариям автора, запоминающимся сравнениям, цитатам из интервью с архитекторами и подробным картам, это уникальное издание позволит читателям по-новому взглянуть на многие архитектурные иконы современного Нью-Йорка.
Язык издания: английский.


488Chernobyl. A Stalkers' Guide6016Richter Darmon2020Fuel9781916218420795395
Chernobyl. A Stalkers Guide

Drawing on unprecedented access to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone--including insights gained while working as a tour guide and during an illegal "stalker" hike--Darmon Richter creates an entirely new portrait of Chernobyl's forgotten ghost towns, monuments and more
Since the first atomic bomb was dropped, humankind has been haunted by the idea of nuclear apocalypse. That nightmare almost became reality in 1986, when an accident at the USSR's Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant triggered the world's worst radiological crisis. The events of that night are well documented--but history didn't stop there. Chernobyl, as a place, remains very much alive today. More than a quarter of a million tourists visited the Zone over the last few years, while millions more watched the acclaimed 2019 HBO mini-series Chernobyl. In Chernobyl: A Stalkers' Guide, researcher Darmon Richter journeys into the contemporary Exclusion Zone, venturing deeper than any previously published account. While thousands of foreign visitors congregate around a handful of curated sites, beyond the tourist hotspots lies a wild and mysterious land the size of a small country. In the forests of Chernobyl, historic village settlements and Soviet-era utopianism have lain abandoned since the time of the disaster--overshadowed by vast, unearthly megastructures designed to win the Cold War. Richter combines photographs of discoveries made during his numerous visits to the Zone with the voices of those who witnessed history--engineers, scientists, police and evacuees. He explores evacuated regions in both Ukraine and Belarus, finding forgotten ghost towns and Soviet monuments lost deep in irradiated forests, gains exclusive access inside the most secure areas of the power plant itself, and joins the "stalkers" of Chernobyl as he sets out on a high-stakes illegal hike to the heart of the Exclusion Zone.


489Architectural guide. Madrid2273Robles Juan Valle, Robles Irene Valle2020Dom Publishers9783869223988774848
Architectural guide. Madrid

Gran Via - амбициозный проект, охватывающий четыре десятилетия. Он, вне всякого сомнения, стал одной из самых масштабных градостроительных операций за всю историю существования Мадрида. Завершение строительных работ около 1930 года ознаменовало начало трансформации Мадрида из старинного города в современный мегаполис.
Данный гид представляет 150 наиболее значимых архитектурных проектов, созданных с этого момента. Читателям предлагаются 9 возможных маршрутов, пролегающих через 21 район Мадрида.
Язык издания: английский.


490A Beginner's Guide to Japan. Observations and Provocations1478Iver Pico2020Bloomsbury9781526611512777318
A Beginner s Guide to Japan. Observations and Provocations

How does a sushi bar explain a Japanese poem?
Why do Japanese couples plan matching outfits for their honeymoon?
Why are so many things in Japan the opposite of what we expect?
After thirty-two years in Japan, Pico Iyer knows the country as few others can. In A Beginner's Guide to Japan, he dashes from baseball games to love-hotels and from shopping malls to zen temple gardens to find fresh ways of illuminating his adopted home. Playful and surreptitiously profound, this is a guidebook to a Japan few have ever seen before.


491Architectural guide. Turin1796Chiorino Cristiana2020Dom Publishers9783869224114774853
Architectural guide. Turin

Турин, в XX веке известный как город одной корпорации благодаря марке Fiat, примерно 20 лет назад запустил процесс трансформации и поиска новой идентичности.
Город стал лабораторией для переосмысления постиндустриального наследия отчасти благодаря Зимним Олимпийским играм 2006 года. Помимо своей промышленной истории, Турин может удивить барочной архитектурой и шедеврами современного итальянского зодчества. Путеводитель рассматривает 150 зданий, построенных с 1900 года и до наших дней.
Язык издания: английский.


492Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities3151White Gary, Pienaat Marguerite2020Dom Publishers9783869224237774813
Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities

Африка это континент малых деревень в джунглях и саванне? Определенно нет. Урбанизация континента идет семимильными шагами, делая африканские города одними из самых быстрорастущих в мире. Данная книга представляет сто мегаполисов Африки, наиболее значимых и интересных с градостроительной точки зрения. Более 300 иллюстраций и подробных планов иллюстрируют их историческое и современное развитие.
Язык издания: английский.


493Architectural guide. Mexico City2273Zahradnik Sarah, Pullido Adlai, Humann Inka2020Dom Publishers9783869223742774821
Architectural guide. Mexico City

Мехико, уникальный город с впечатляющей историей, а в наши дни - огромный современный, постоянно развивающийся мегаполис.
Архитектурный путеводитель "Мехико" рассказывает о 120 знаковых сооружениях мексиканской столицы, открывая интересующимся неповторимую архитектуру этого города. Красочные иллюстрации сопровождаются развернутыми комментариями автора.
Язык издания: английский.


494Big London A-Z Street Atlas2622 2020Harpercollins9780008388003898500
Big London A-Z Street Atlas

Large scale A-Z street mapping of London. This A4 street atlas offers the perfect combination of coverage and clarity, the area covered ranges from Heathrow Airport all the way to Chingford at a scale of 4.25 inches to 1 mile, while a detailed map of Central London is at a larger scale of 8.5 inches to 1 mile.

The mapping features transport connections, places of interest, public buildings, postcode districts, one-way streets, Congestion and Low Emission Zones

This comprehensive street atlas of London also includes:
An overview map of the Congestion Charging Zone
West End Theatre and Cinema maps
The London Rail & Tube Services Map
London Underground map

A comprehensive index lists streets, selected flats, walkways and places of interest, place, area and junction names. Additional healthcare (hospitals, walk-in centres and hospices) and transport (National Rail, London Tramlink, Docklands Light Railway, London Underground and Overground stations, and River Bus pier) are indexed as well.


495Architectural guide. Pyongyang3559 2020Dom Publishers9783869221878774849
Architectural guide. Pyongyang

Столица Северной Кореи Пхеньян город, скрытый за политическим занавесом. Но сегодня у путешественников есть возможность узнать больше об этом городе благодаря уникальному архитектурному путеводителю, изданному в двух томах. Первый том включает описание почти ста современных проектов Пхеньяна, второй анализирует архитектурный и исторический контекст столицы КНДР.
Язык издания: английский.


496London A-Z Street Atlas1411 2020Harpercollins9780008387990898499
London A-Z Street Atlas

Navigate your way around London with this detailed, easy-to-use and up-to-date A-Z Street Atlas. First published in 1936, this iconic atlas is a trusted means of finding your way around the capital city.

The main mapping extends beyond Central London from Heathrow Airport to Chingford at a scale of 2.88 inches to 1 mile, featuring postcode districts, one-way streets, the Congestion Charging Zone and Low Emission Zone.

The large-scale street map of Central London at a scale of 5.75 inches to 1 mile cover Regent s Park and Shoreditch, Chelsea and Vauxhall, Hyde Park and Bermondsey.

A comprehensive index lists streets, selected flats, walkways and places of interest, place, area and junction names. Additional healthcare (hospitals, walk-in centres and hospices) and transport connections (National Rail, London Tramlink, Docklands Light Railway, London Underground and Overground stations, and River Bus pier) are indexed as well.

Also included are:
Overview map of the Congestion Charging Zone
West End Theatre map
London Connections rail services map
London Underground map


497Mud and Stars. Travels in Russia1455Wheeler Sara2020Vintage books9780099584131829568
Mud and Stars. Travels in Russia

A wonderfully original book about contemporary Russia as seen on journeys in search of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Chekhov, Gogol and Turgenev.

Shortlisted For The Edward Standford Travel Writing Award 2020

With the writers of the Golden Age as her guides - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gogol and Turgenev, among others - Wheeler travels the length and breadth of Russia to make connections between then and now. On the Trans-Siberian railway, at sail on the Black Sea, or while watching television with her hosts in Soviet apartment blocks, Wheeler searches for a Russia not in the news - a Russia of humanity and daily struggles.

At a time of deteriorating relations between Russia and the West, Wheeler gives a voice to the 'ordinary' people of Russia and discovers how the writers of the past continue to represent their country today.


498London Pop-Up3066Lemasson Anne-Florence2020Rizzoli9780789336873795388
London Pop-Up

A selection of London's most iconic monuments, landmarks, and architectural wonders unfold in seven pop-ups contained in a charming pint-sized package making it an easy impulse purchase. Easy to tuck in a bag or a pocket, this book is truly the perfect souvenir or gift for tourists as well as anyone who wants to share their love of London.
Each spread delivers an iconic building or monument accompanied by a two page spread of text provifing the historical background and cultural significance of the structure depicted by the pop-up. The package is designed with a retro feel featuring vintage style street maps as backgrounds for the pop-ups and other graphic elements that make this an elegant, charming gift or souvenir.
Represented as pop-ups are a range of traditional and contemporary London iconic sites known the world over and which nearly every visitor to the British capital wants to experience: Buckingham Palace, Westminster, the London Eye, Tate Modern, St. Paul's Cathedral, The Shard, and the Tower Bridge.
Artist Dominique Ehrhard has conceived a one of a kind work that will delight all ages.


499Architectural guide. Wroclaw3499Szczelina Marcin2020Dom Publishers9783869224268774827
Architectural guide. Wroclaw

Вроцлав - один из старейших городов Польши, и следы подлинной истории встречаются здесь повсеместно. Город фактически переходил из рук в руки, в разные периоды он входил в состав Польского государства и королевства Богемии, являлся предметом притязаний Венгрии и был присоединен к Пруссии. После Второй мировой войны он стал частью Польской республики. И хотя во время войны пострадало почти семьдесят процентов городской застройки, Вроцлав все же смог восстать из руин. Сегодня он является настоящей жемчужиной Западной Польши и может гордиться своей архитектурой. Этот путеводитель представляет более 150 избранных сооружений - от авангардных жилых кварталов 1960-70-х годов, спроектированных Ядвигой Грабовска-Гавриляк, до "Зала Столетия", который Фонд Гетти признал одним из важнейших памятников интернационального стиля XX века. Особое внимание уделено одному из первых разноуровневых домов в мире - "Дому холостяков" Ганса Шаруна, а также современным проектам крупнейших польских архитекторов.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


500Elsewhere2605Boland Rosita2020Black Swan9781784164379891353

From her first life-changing solo trip to Australia as a young graduate, Rosita Boland was enthralled by travel. In the last thirty years she has visited some of the most remote parts of the globe carrying little more than a battered rucksack and a diary.

Documenting nine journeys from nine different moments in her life, Elsewhere reveals how exploring the world and those we meet along the way can dramatically shape the course of a person s life. From death-defying bus journeys through Pakistan to witnessing the majestic icescapes of Antarctica to putting herself back together in Bali, Rosita experiences moments of profound joy and endures deep personal loss.

In a series of jaw-dropping, illuminating and sometimes heart-breaking essays, Elsewhere is a book that celebrates the life well-travelled in all its messy and wondrous glory.


501Inspire. Life Lessons from the Wilderness1873Fogle Ben2020William Collins9780008374075898411
Inspire. Life Lessons from the Wilderness

The latest adventure from bestselling author Ben Fogle explores what we can learn from nature about living well and living wild.

What can rowing across the Atlantic teach us about boredom and about patience?

Can coming down from Everest take more resilience than climbing up in the first place?

How can the isolation of the South Pole highlight what s most important? And how can we tap into the same reflective state in our daily lives?

Writing during the unprecedented period of the coronavirus pandemic and drawing on a wealth of personal stories, Ben reflects on the significance of nature to all our lives and shows us how we can benefit from living a little more wild.

Drawing on his greatest adventures, he shares what his time spent in the wilderness has taught him about life. Ranging across seas, icecaps, jungles and deserts, Ben s stories are filled with wonder and struggle, with animals, adventure, wilderness, friendships, unexpected acts of kindness and heroism, and are bursting with inspiration directly from nature. Ben s epic stories reveal a new side to his adventures and show how everyone can find meaning in the wilderness, even if it s just outside their front door.

Full of exciting adventures and practical guidance, this primer on positivity is a story about overcoming obstacles, surpassing your expectations and inspiring your journey of adventure.


502Around the World in 80 Trains2575Rajesh Monisha2020Bloomsbury9781408869772944541
Around the World in 80 Trains

Winner of the National Geographic Traveller Award for best travel book
Shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Travel Book Of The Year Award

'Monisha Rajesh has chosen one of the best ways of seeing the world. Never too fast, never too slow, her journey does what trains do best. Getting to the heart of things. Prepare for a very fine ride' Michael Palin

From the cloud-skimming heights of Tibet's Qinghai railway to silk-sheeted splendour on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Around the World in 80 Trains is a celebration of the glory of train travel and a witty and irreverent look at the world.

Packing up her rucksack - and her fiance, Jem - Monisha Rajesh embarks on an unforgettable adventure that takes her from London's St Pancras station to the vast expanses of Russia and Mongolia, North Korea, Canada, Kazakhstan, and beyond. The journey is one of constant movement and mayhem, as the pair strike up friendships and swap stories with the hilarious, irksome and ultimately endearing travellers they meet on board, all while taking in some of the earth's most breathtaking views.


503Architectural guide. Bangkok3476Takkanon Pattaranan2020Dom Publishers9783869223582774865
Architectural guide. Bangkok

Соседство футуристичных небоскребов и древних храмов, дворцов, исторической архитектуры отличительная черта Бангкока, столицы Таиланда и одного из самых популярных среди туристов городов мира. Удивительно, насколько гармонично здесь сосуществуют разные стили и эпохи. Яркие и шумные улицы Бангкока интересны не менее, чем богатая культура этой страны. Этот архитектурный путеводитель представляет 138 лучших проектов, отобранных Ассоциацией сиамских архитекторов. Для удобства читателя проекты распределены по пяти главам-маршрутам, берущим начало от реки Чаупхрая и основных магистралей города.
Язык издания: английский.


504Cuba. A Literary Guide for Travellers5025Gonzalez Mike2021Bloomsbury9781788314992922757
Cuba. A Literary Guide for Travellers

Cuba with its flamboyant style and rich culture, has provided the inspiration and setting for literature for decades. It has always been one of the most compelling places in the world, though perhaps never more so than now. Following Raul Castro's resignation as President in 2018, the era of Castroism has come to an end, and the US-Cuba rapprochement has opened the country to a generation of Americans whose only previous exposure was through film and literature. The coming years will undoubtedly bring significant changes to a country that has in many ways been frozen in time.

Cuba: A Literary Guide for Travellers takes the literary-minded traveller (either in person or in an armchair) on a vivid and illuminating journey, retracing the footsteps of writers and artists who have lived and worked in, or been inspired by, the history and landscape of Cuba. This literary guide challenges some firmly-held Western assumptions about the country, and shines a light on one of the richest and most deeply embedded literary cultures in the world.


505Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 19363559Tokarev Artur, Bychkov Igor2021Dom Publishers9783869223049789152
Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 1936

The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and mid-1930s is attracting more and more attention from both domestic and foreign researchers, but in spite of this, entire regions remain unexplored. One of them, until recently, was the South of Russia - an area that encom passes the Southern Federal Dis trict and the North Caucasus Federal District.
The state of this architectural heritage deserves special mention. In the South of Russia during the Second World War, there were active hostilities and mass destruction. Over the course of post-war reconstruction, many buildings were rebuilt in a neo classical style, and a whole layer of avant- garde works nearly disappeared. During the post- Soviet years, the management of these buildings was no less destructive.
The product of extensive research, this guidebook divides the objects in question into two groups: those that have survived and those that have been lost forever. Fortunately, Architectural Guide The South of Russia allows readers to see more than 100 selected buildings of the Soviet avantgarde with their own eyes.

Серия: Art Architecture


506Alexandria. Architectural Guide3427Taha Dina S., Sayad Zeyad El, Abaza Yasmeen2021Dom Publishers9783869226170823965
Alexandria. Architectural Guide

Founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, Alexandria was once the largest city in the ancient world. It has had an eventful past: it was home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was occupied by various foreign powers, and has long been a key port. Situated on the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt's second largest city is today a popular holiday destination.
This book, the first comprehensive guide to the city's archi tecture, traces how the ebbs and flows of history and diverse cultures have left their marks on Alexandria. It covers every thing from classical ruins and Ottoman fortifications to a Venetian Gothic hotel and Snohetta's modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. It also highlights edifices off the beaten path, such as the Cotton Palace T ower, a sky scraper intended for use as the headquarters of the country's cotton industry but inexplicably abandoned before completion.
Structured around five main routes, the publication serves as a user-friendly guide for exploring the city's wealth of buildings. Its knowledgeable authors, from the Architecture departments at Alexandria University, furnish readers with enlightening in for ma tion from multi ple perspectives, building up a clear picture of a multi- layered city.


507Chukotka. Modern Guide659 2021PressPass978-5-6042323-8-5803894
Chukotka. Modern Guide

Chukotka is the most remote, most frosty and most hard-to-reach region of Russia. Huge expanses covered with a blindingly white snow maintain their pristine beauty all year round, waiting for those brave enough to overcome any adversity and journey to the edge of the earth. The reward? Bright, unforgettable memories and impressions to last a lifetime.
Chukotka is home to unique archeological discoveries that tell of a rich indigenous culture. The rarest species of animals and birds roam the land, and the subsoil is rich with mineral reserves. Those who travel to Chukotka should be ready to dive into a most extraordinary yet absolutely wonderful world. The journey of a lifetime is waiting for you!
The guide is available in Russian and in English.

Серия: Современный путеводитель


508Shadow City. A Woman Walks Kabul2605Khan Taran N.2021Vintage books9781784708023891571
Shadow City. A Woman Walks Kabul

One of the first things I was told when I arrived in Kabul was never to walk...

When journalist Taran Khan arrives in Kabul, she uncovers a place that defies her expectations. Her wanderings with other Kabulis reveal a fragile city in a state of flux: stricken by near-constant war, but flickering with the promise of peace; governed by age-old codes but experimenting with new modes of living.

Her walks take her to the unvisited tombs of the dead, and to the land of the living - like the booksellers, archaeologists, film-makers and entrepreneurs who are remaking this 3, 000-year-old city. And as NATO troops begin to withdraw from the country, Khan watches the cycle of transformation begin again.


509The Little Book of New York1555 2021Юпитер-Импэкс9782812315329944567
The Little Book of New York

- Discover everything about the neighborhoods and heritage sites of the city of New York in this glorious little book
- Complete with period illustrations, it tells the history of New York, its five boroughs and its famous monuments
Which woman was the model for the Statue of Liberty? Why do we call NY's stock exchange Wall Street? Why is Broadway the only avenue going through Manhattan diagonally? Which is the first Art Deco skyscraper of the city? How many workers died during the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge?
Which building was known by the press as The Flatiron? What happens on Times Squares every NYE? How many books can you find in the Public Library on Fifth Avenue? How long did it take to build Central Park? Where can we go to the beach in NY?
This richly illustrated little book tells the story of the greatest American city through its monuments, streets and neighborhoods.


510Farewell Mr Puffin. A small boat voyage to Iceland3266Heiney Paul2021Adlard Coles9781472990976922763
Farewell Mr Puffin. A small boat voyage to Iceland

The writer and broadcaster Paul Heiney set sail from the east coast of England bound for Iceland, propelled by a desire to breathe the cool, clear air of the high latitudes, and to follow in the wake of generations of sailors who have made this often treacherous journey since the 13th century. In almost every harbour he tripped over maritime history and anecdote, and came face to face with his own past as he sailed north along his childhood coastline of east Yorkshire towards the Arctic Circle.

But there was one major thing missing from this voyage - the sight of puffins. They are remarkable birds, uplifting as a ray of sunshine after a storm. To see them and share their waters was also part of Heiney's ambition. Imagine then his disappointment when, first, no puffins appeared off the Farne Islands, then none to be seen on puffin hotspots like Orkney. When he failed to see puffins on Iceland, Heiney still held out the hope that he would see the 'joker of the seas'.

With inspiring travel writing, social and maritime history, and good-humoured reflections on his sailing journey, Heiney brings us this delightful book a love letter to the puffin, to Iceland and the north, and to the pure pleasure of being at sea.


511The Times. All Aboard! Remembering Britain s Railways6055Holland Julian2021Times Books9780008467951898872
The Times. All Aboard! Remembering Britain s Railways

The perfect gift for every railway enthusiast.
The history of Britain's railways is a long and fascinating one, filled with stories of grand endeavours, noted figures and record-breaking feats. Julian Holland brings together a unique miscellany of intriguing tales and engaging trivia - the perfect collection for every railway enthusiast.

Stories range from Bulleid's 'Chinese Laundries', trainspotting trips in Wales and Scotland and Liverpool's 'Dockers' Umbrella' to railway artists and clergy, a railway-owned airline and railways that were never built.

Find out about
- The Royal Scot's 11, 000-mile journey in the USA and Canada
- A narrow gauge island railway in the middle of the Bristol Channel
- How the London & South Western Railway saved the British Empire
- Mallard's unbeaten world speed record of 1938
- How to fly by Great Western Railway from Cardiff to Plymouth
- The 75-mile network of narrow gauge railways on the Isle of Skye
- How another 4, 500 miles of railway escaped closure by Dr Beeching

All Aboard is a delightful miscellany for every railway enthusiast, filled with fascinating and obscure stories, facts and figures.


512The Greek Islands2852Durrell Lawrence2021Faber and Faber9780571362417953961
The Greek Islands

Lose yourself in this dazzling travelogue of the idyllic Greek Islands by the king of travel writing and real-life family member of The Durrells in Corfu.

White-washed houses drenched in pink bougainvillea; dazzling seascapes and rugged coastlines; colourful harbours in quaint fishing villages; shady olive and cypress groves; terraces bathed in the Aegean sun The Greek islands conjure up a treasure-chest of images but nobody brings them to life as vividly as the legendary travel writer Lawrence Durrell.

It was during his youth in Corfu which his brother Gerald fictionalised in My Family and Other Animals, later filmed as The Durrells In Corfu that his love affair with the Mediterranean began. Now, in this glorious tour of the Greek islands, he weaves evocative descriptions of these idyllic landscapes with insights into their ancient history, and shares luminous personal memories of his time in the local communities. No traveller to Greece or admirer of Durrell s magic should miss it.


513Magdalena. River of Dreams2877Davis Wade2021Vintage books9781529112214890968
Magdalena. River of Dreams

A captivating new book from Wade Davis - winner of the Samuel Johnson Prize for Into the Silence - that brings vividly to life the story of the great Rio Magdalena, illuminating Colombia's complex past, present, and future.

For Wade Davis, Colombia was the first country that captured his heart and gave him license to be free. Here, he tells of his travels on the mighty Magdalena, the river that made possible the nation. Along the way, he finds a people who have overcome years of conflict precisely because of their character, informed by an enduring spirit of place, and a deep love of their remarkable land.

Braiding together memoir, history and journalism, Magdalena is at once an absorbing adventure through a spectacular landscape and a kaleidoscopic picture of Colombia as it stands on the verge of a new period of peace.


514Golden Gate Bridge570 2021National Geographic Learning9781285348247814690
Golden Gate Bridge

Articles include Working Under the Water, The Golden Gate Bridge and A Striking Color.

Серия: Ladders Social


515Scotland Touring Map990 2021Collins9780008368302898388
Scotland Touring Map

Explore new places with this up-to-date map of Scotland.
Bestselling map of Scotland. More than 1, 000 places of tourist interest plotted and named on the map. The features have been plotted onto an up-to-date and attractive Collins map of Scotland.
A clear, easy to follow road map with colour classified roads. Ideal for tourists with hundreds of distinctive tourist symbols and tourist information centres all shown.
This map includes:
* The whole of Scotland on a double sided sheet at 5 miles to 1 inch
* Over 25 categories of tourist information shown on the map including youth hostels, picnic sites and ferries as well as the more obvious tourist sites such as castles, wildlife parks and museums
* Detailed town centre maps of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and Perth
* New places of interest including Japanese Garden (near Dollar), Macallan Distillery centre, Moat Brae (Dumfries) and Scottish submarine centre (Helensburgh)
* Road updates include the new Dalry bypass, Maybole bypass under construction, A9 dualling sections
* New stations of Robroyston and Kintore
Scale: 1:316, 800 (5 miles to 1 inch).
There is a comprehensive index to both place names and places of tourist interest.

Серия: Collins Maps


516Cairngorms National Park Pocket Map806 2021Collins9780008439187898750
Cairngorms National Park Pocket Map

Handy little full colour map and guide of Cairngorms National Park. Detailed mapping and visitor information to the National Park along with a selection of photographs. Map at a scale of 1:182, 000 (2.9 miles to 1 inch or 1.82 km to 1 cm).

This small map with additional text and photographs gives a great overview of the Cairngorms National Park, and is the perfect companion for exploring this beautiful area of the Scottish Highlands.

Clear, detailed mapping
Key park, tourist and travel information
Ideal for planning visits to the National Park
Index to help locate and plan your trip


517Treasured Islands. The explorer s guide to over 200 of the most beautiful and intriguing islands4775Naldrett Peter2021Conway9781844865925922756
Treasured Islands. The explorer s guide to over 200 of the most beautiful and intriguing islands

Islands represent adventure, mystery, wilderness and escapism. Surrounded by water, they're somewhere to run away to, to be marooned on, to find a paradise The British Isles includes some 194 inhabited islands (out of a total of over 6, 000), ranging from remote lost worlds to famous and popular holiday spots. And Treasured Islands includes them all, in one enticing package.

This wonderfully comprehensive and inspiring guide starts off with a Best of section, highlighting the ten best islands for foodies, wildlife, adrenaline-junkies and pure escapism. Then, region by region, the author explores the UK's most wonderful islands, including:

Shetlands, Fair Isle, Orkneys, Outer Hebrides, Inner Hebrides, Isle of Arran
Lindisfarne, Isle of Man, Walney Island
Anglesey, Pembrokeshire Island
Foulness and Canvey Islands
Isle of Sheppey, Lundy
Isle of Wight, Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, Islands of Ireland
Tidal Islands (to include Burgh Island, Holy Island and St Michael's Mount)
Inland Islands (to include Eel Pie, Derwent Isle and Peel Island in the Lake District)
Remote Islands

Illustrated with beautiful colour photography, the text ensures you won't miss out on must-see attractions, wildlife and natural features, local food specialties, sporting activities, best places to stay and eat, and all-important transport links to and from the mainland, and other nearby islands. For some light relief, there are interesting historical and cultural anecdotes woven through, giving a fascinating insight into the way of life on these sometimes remote settlements.


518The New York Times Explorer. 100 Dream Trips Around the World9469Ireland Barbara2021Taschen9783836584173980692
The New York Times Explorer. 100 Dream Trips Around the World

100 dream trips from the distinguished travel writers and photographers of The New York Times

Whether it s a culinary adventure in vibrant Mexico City, a historic and meditative train ride through Siberia, or a solo trip to Paris, get your bucket lists ready with the discoveries of Explorer a curated collection of 100 dream trips from the distinguished travel writers and photographers of The New York Times.

In four volumes worth of adventures in one, the Times writers offer guidance, from the personal to the practical, along with a wealth of color photographs that capture the catch-your-breath awe of each destination. Motor past pink sands and bougainvillea in Bermuda with Andrew McCarthy, follow Virginia Woolf s footsteps through the English countryside with Francine Prose, or dare to pilot a boat through the Venice lagoon with Tony Perrottet.

NYT Explorer. 100 Trips Around the World takes travel beyond the obvious with adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the distinguished travel journalism of The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography, capturing the unique personality of the destination as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by Barbara Ireland, whose 36 Hours travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, Explorer features color-coded tabs and a ribbon to bookmark your favorite stops in each region. It's the perfect companion for hardcore globetrotters as well as inspiration for curious armchair travelers.


519Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes)13705 2021Dom Publishers9783869224008823989
Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes)

Despite the growing interest in Africa, the continent s built environment is still largely unfamiliar in many parts of the world. The seven volumes of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide form the first comprehensive overview of architecture south of the Sahara that does justice to the region s wealth of buildings. In 49 chapters, each focusing on one country, richly illustrated texts by more than 350 authors from Africa and across the globe come together to produce a superlative work.
On the basis of 850 selected buildings and over 200 thematic articles, the continent s building culture is elucidated and contextualised. The diverse contributions paint a multifaceted picture of Africa s architecture in the twenty-first century, a discipline shaped by traditional and colonial roots as well as today s global interconnections and challenges. An introductory volume on the history and theory of African architecture provides essential background knowledge.

Серия: Art Architecture


520London Clay. Journeys in the Deep City2867Chivers Tom2021Penguin9781529176711891172
London Clay. Journeys in the Deep City

What secrets lie beneath a city?

Tom Chivers follows hidden pathways, explores lost islands and uncovers the geological mysteries that burst up through the pavement and bubble to the surface of our streets. From Roman ruins to a submerged playhouse, from an abandoned Tube station to underground rivers, Chivers leads us on a journey into the depths of the city he loves.

A lyrical interrogation of a capital city, a landscape and our connection to place, London Clay celebrates urban edgelands: in-between spaces where the natural world and the metropolis collide. Through a combination of historical research, vivid reportage and personal memoir, it will transform how you see London, and cities everywhere.


521Notes from an Apocalypse. A Personal Journey to the End of the World and Back1880O`Connell Mark2021Granta Publication9781783784073954201
Notes from an Apocalypse. A Personal Journey to the End of the World and Back

From the prize-winning author of To Be a Machine meet the men and women preparing for the end of the world

In the remote mountains of Scotland, in high-tech bunkers in South Dakota and in the lush valleys of New Zealand, small groups of determined men and women are getting ready.

They are environmentalists who fear the ravages of climate change; billionaire entrepreneurs dreaming of life on Mars; and right-wing conspiracists yearning for a lost American idyll. One thing unites them: their certainty that we are only years away from the end of civilization as we know it.

Not unconcerned himself by the possibility of the end of days, Mark O Connell set out to meet them.


522The Kinfolk Travel. Slower Ways to See the World7304Burns John2021Artisan9781648290749939028
The Kinfolk Travel. Slower Ways to See the World

Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in "slow living, " their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450, 000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned their attention to "slow travel, " offering readers a road map for planning trips that foster meaningful connections with local people and authentic experiences of local culture.

Go museum hopping in Tasmania, or birdwatching in London. Explore the burgeoning fashion community in Dakar. Take a bicycle tour through Idaho, or a train trip from Oslo to Bergen. Drawing on the magazine's global community of writers and photographers, Kinfolk Travel takes readers to over 20 location across five continents, with travel tips from locals, stunning images, and thoughtful essays.

Серия: Kinfolk


523Britain's 100 Best Railway Stations3578Jenkins Simon2021Penguin9780241979006973022
Britain s 100 Best Railway Stations

It is the scene for our hopeful beginnings and our intended ends, and the timeless experiences of coming and going, meeting, greeting and parting. It is an institution with its own rituals and priests, and a long-neglected aspect of Britain's architecture. And yet so little do we look at the railway station.

Simon Jenkins has travelled the length and breadth of Great Britain, from Waterloo to Wemyss Bay, Betws-y-Coed to Beverley, to select his hundred best railway stations. Blending his usual insight and authority with his personal reflections and experiences - including his founding the Railway Heritage Trust - the foremost expert on our national heritage deftly reveals the history, geography, design and significance of each of these glories.

Beautifully illustrated with colour photographs throughout, this joyous exploration of our social history shows the station's role in the national imagination; champions the engineers, architects and rival companies that made them possible; and tells the story behind the triumphs and follies of these very British creations. These are the marvellous, often undersung places that link our nation, celebrated like never before.


524Moscow. On the Road Architectural Guide3176 2021Edilingua9788896780961798461
Moscow. On the Road Architectural Guide

The last fifteen years of Russian history have profoundly altered Moscow, bringing dramatic changes to the Communist city it was in the eighties. These alterations have increasingly highlighted Moscow's many contrasts and multiple facets.
The guide seeks to do more than just recount and illustrate the city's architectural history. It strives to be a tool to study the building trends that have shaped it. After a short introduction and the essential information needed to plan a visit, the book includes several essays that give the city's historical context and then critically consider its possible future developments. The itineraries include about a hundred architectural works, both historical and contemporary, which are fully illustrated with images, drawings and descriptions, and are marked on the front of the map with a reference number corresponding to the section in the book and the icon on the back of the map. The guide also provides information about museums, libraries, institutions, movie theatres, restaurants and gathering places.


525About Britain. A Journey of Seventy Years and 1, 345 Miles2566Cole Tim2021Bloomsbury9781472937285881148
About Britain. A Journey of Seventy Years and 1, 345 Miles

In 1951, the Festival of Britain commissioned a series of short guides they dubbed 'handbooks for the explorer'. Their aim was to encourage readers to venture out beyond the capital and on to 'the roads and the by-roads' to see Britain as a 'living country'. Yet these thirteen guides did more than celebrate the rural splendour of this 'island nation': they also made much of Britain's industrial power and mid-century ambition - her thirst for new technologies, pride in manufacturing and passion for exciting new ways to travel by road, air and sea.

Armed with these About Britain guides, historian Tim Cole takes to the roads to find out what has changed and what has remained the same over the 70 years since they were first published. From Oban to Torquay, Caernarvon to Cambridge, he explores the visible changes to our landscape, and the more subtle social and cultural shifts that lie beneath.

In a starkly different era where travel has been transformed by the pandemic and many are journeying closer to home, About Britain is a warm and timely meditation on our changing relationship with the landscape, industry and transport. As he looks out on vineyards and apple orchards, power stations and slate mines, vast greenhouses and fulfilment centres for online goods, Cole provides an enchanting glimpse of twentieth and early twenty-first century Britain as seen from the driver's seat.


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Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена