Туризм. Путешествия. Путеводители (страница 2)

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76Architectural guide. Caracas3169Viso Ivan Gonzalez, Vera Jose Rosas2020Dom Publishers9783869225791774819
Architectural guide. Caracas

Об архитектуре Каракаса, столицы Венесуэлы, пережившей массовые протесты и сильные политические волнения, по-прежнему мало что известно. Глубокий разрыв между бедными и богатыми здесь столь же обыденное явление, как и грандиозные здания, доставшиеся Каракасу в наследство от эпохи модернизма. Этот архитектурный путеводитель иллюстрирует сложносоставность латиноамериканского города, основанного в 1567 году: его гармоничное взаимодействие с горным хребтом Авила и береговой линией, игру масштабов, архитектурных стилей, природных и городских ландшафтов. Книга представляет архитектурную историю города примерно с 1600 года по сегодняшний день, включая Университетский городок (Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas), спроектированный Карлосом Раулем Вильянуэвой в 1940 - 1960 гг. и вошедший в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Путеводитель предлагает читателям изучить 10 городских зон, а также узнать о концепциях развития города, предложенных известными архитекторами и урбанистами, такими как Федерико Вегас и Мария Изабель Пена.
Язык издания: английский.


77Architectural guide. Astana2038Meuser Philipp2020Dom Publishers9783869224060774816
Architectural guide. Astana

Среди бесконечных равнинных просторов Казахстана возник экстраординарный архитектурный эксперимент: Астана. Всемирно известные и местные архитекторы проектируют здесь захватывающие дух здания. Всего через 20 лет после основания в этом городе прошла ЭКСПО-2017. Книга представляет 80 разных зданий и проектов, исследуя прихотливый архитектурный сплав восточных традиций, западных моделей и советских влияний.
Язык издания: английский.


78Architectural guide. Madrid2273Robles Juan Valle, Robles Irene Valle2020Dom Publishers9783869223988774848
Architectural guide. Madrid

Gran Via - амбициозный проект, охватывающий четыре десятилетия. Он, вне всякого сомнения, стал одной из самых масштабных градостроительных операций за всю историю существования Мадрида. Завершение строительных работ около 1930 года ознаменовало начало трансформации Мадрида из старинного города в современный мегаполис.
Данный гид представляет 150 наиболее значимых архитектурных проектов, созданных с этого момента. Читателям предлагаются 9 возможных маршрутов, пролегающих через 21 район Мадрида.
Язык издания: английский.


79Architectural guide. Venice2273 2020Dom Publishers9783869223629774826
Architectural guide. Venice

Эта книга первый путеводитель по современной архитектуре Венеции города-музея под открытым небом, места, которое словно магнит привлекает архитекторов со всего мира, ведь именно здесь каждые два года проходит крупнейшее событие в мире архитектуры Венецианская архитектурная биеннале. Архитектурный путеводитель предлагает читателю узнать иную, не столь знакомую нам Венецию после 1950 года. Он включает водные и пешеходные маршруты по островной и континентальной Венеции, а также по площадкам Биеннале. В книге рассказывается о наиболее значимых проектах Карло Скарпы, Тадао Андо, Дэвида Чипперфильда и других всемирно известных архитекторов. Специальная глава книги посвящена масштабным, но нереализованным концепциям таких известных мастеров, как Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, Ле Корбюзье и Луис Кан.
Язык издания: английский.


80Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 20202453Martovitskaya Anna2020Dom Publishers9783869220086774823
Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 2020

The Architectural Guide Norway showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture.
Anna Martovitskaya s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e.g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature.
While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.


81Architectural guide. Mexico City2273Zahradnik Sarah, Pullido Adlai, Humann Inka2020Dom Publishers9783869223742774821
Architectural guide. Mexico City

Мехико, уникальный город с впечатляющей историей, а в наши дни - огромный современный, постоянно развивающийся мегаполис.
Архитектурный путеводитель "Мехико" рассказывает о 120 знаковых сооружениях мексиканской столицы, открывая интересующимся неповторимую архитектуру этого города. Красочные иллюстрации сопровождаются развернутыми комментариями автора.
Язык издания: английский.


82Collector's edition of Architectural guides4797Bokern Anneke, Moneo Rafael2020Dom Publishers9783869222660774900
Collector s edition of Architectural guides

Коллекционный сборник представляет 200 знаковых современных зданий из самых разных городов мира. Сборник состоит из 20 архитектурных мини-путеводителей, авторы которых состоят в глобальной Ассоциации Guiding Architects . В каждом из путеводителей 5 самых известных достопримечательностей и 5 скрытых жемчужин таких удивительных городов, как Амстердам, Барселона, Берлин, Бильбао, Будапешт, Доха, Дубай / Абу-Даби, Франкфурт-на-Майне, Гамбург, Стамбул, Милан, Москва, Мюнхен, Нью-Йорк, Осло, Рим, Роттердам, Турин, Венеция и Вена.
Все авторы практикующие архитекторы, большинство из них работают в тех городах, о которых пишут.
Язык издания: английский.


83Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes)13705 2021Dom Publishers9783869224008823989
Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes)

Despite the growing interest in Africa, the continent s built environment is still largely unfamiliar in many parts of the world. The seven volumes of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide form the first comprehensive overview of architecture south of the Sahara that does justice to the region s wealth of buildings. In 49 chapters, each focusing on one country, richly illustrated texts by more than 350 authors from Africa and across the globe come together to produce a superlative work.
On the basis of 850 selected buildings and over 200 thematic articles, the continent s building culture is elucidated and contextualised. The diverse contributions paint a multifaceted picture of Africa s architecture in the twenty-first century, a discipline shaped by traditional and colonial roots as well as today s global interconnections and challenges. An introductory volume on the history and theory of African architecture provides essential background knowledge.

Серия: Art Architecture


84Architectural guide. United Arab Emirates2279Bohle Hendrik, Dimog Jan2020Dom Publishers9783869225081774854
Architectural guide. United Arab Emirates

Этот путеводитель раскрывает разнообразие и многогранность архитектуры Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов. Вниманию читателей представлены примеры поразительной архитектуры Дубая и монументальные здания Абу-Даби. Сегодня ОАЭ стремятся перенести акцент с эксплуатирования природных ресурсов на развитие таких областей экономики, как туризм, строительство, торговля и логистика. Доказательствами экономического подъема страны являются город Масдар, остров Яс в Абу-Даби, а также искусственные острова и высокие небоскребы Дубая.
Язык издания: английский.


85Japan. Architectural guide4316Bognar Botond2013Dom Publishers9783869221939, 978-3-8692-2696-5823954
Japan. Architectural guide

Contemporary Japanese architecture has, for over half a century, achieved worldwide recognition not only for its highly innovative and often futuristic qualities, but also for its sensitive response to Japan's cultural and physical context, which has become especially challenging given the country's increasingly urbanised environment. Today, Japan's contemporary architecture is admired perhaps as much as its traditional counterpart, with which it often maintains a meaningful dialogue.
Botond Bognar's Architectural Guide Japan introduces close to 700 of the most prominent examples of this fertile architecture, in addition to outlining its development from the mid-nineteenth century to the present in a concise historical essay. All texts are accompanied by about 930 colour photos, all taken by the author, and over 90 drawings. Detailed information about each entry is enhanced by geodata in the form of QR codes.

Серия: Art Architecture


86Architectural guide. Helsinki2453Meyer Ulf2020Dom Publishers9783869224831774847
Architectural guide. Helsinki

Хельсинки является особым архитектурным центром между Востоком и Западом. Влияние соседнего Санкт-Петербурга столь же ощутимо, как и влияние европейского неоклассицизма начала девятнадцатого века. Хельсинки магнит для ценителей скандинавского дизайна и финской архитектуры, известных во всем мире. Этот путеводитель (второе расширенное издание) представляет важнейшие примеры современной архитектуры Хельсинки с 1917 года и до наших дней.
Язык издания: английский.


87Architectural guide. Yerevan2923Harutynyan Tigran2020Dom Publishers9783869223575774855
Architectural guide. Yerevan

Ереван и легендарный Арарат это символы, которые занимают особое место в армянской культуре, несмотря на то что столиц в истории Армении было множество и располагались они в самых разных городах, а библейская года сейчас находится на территории Турции. Природные катастрофы и геноцид 1915 года стали неотъемлемой частью идентичности армянского народа и армянской архитектуры.
Этот архитектурный путеводитель прослеживает историю Еревана, которая оставила свой след на рисунке улиц и облике этого многоликого города.
Армянский конструктивизм, национальные мотивы, классицизм, советский модернизм в издании рассмотрены архитектурные проекты самых разных направлений. Дополнительная экскурсия представит читателю необычный город Спитак, который был до основания разрушен землетрясением в 1988 году и перестроен заново как модель идеального советского города. Путеводитель, таким образом, ответит на вопросы о сущности и характере современного армянского города.
Язык издания: английский.


88Tunis. Architectural Guide1494Khoud Faouzia Ben2020Dom Publishers9783869226767823990
Tunis. Architectural Guide

The courtyards, winding passages, and mosques of the Medina; an Art Nouveau theatre, churches, a brutalist hotel, and contemporary glass facades: Tunisia s capital has a rich and incredibly diverse built heritage. In addition, the archaeological remains at nearby Carthage give an impression of the power of an ancient city that once rivalled the Roman Empire.
This architectural guide presents over 100 sites in both Tunis and its surroundings. The Tunisian archi tect Faouzia Ben Khoud selects buildings from a long stretch of history: from the Phoenicians, who first founded a city there, to the Arab Spring, which began in Tunisia in 2010. Also covering recent renovation projects in detail, the author puts special emphasis on efforts to preserve the city s exceptional cultural heritage.


89Architectural guide. Wroclaw3499Szczelina Marcin2020Dom Publishers9783869224268774827
Architectural guide. Wroclaw

Вроцлав - один из старейших городов Польши, и следы подлинной истории встречаются здесь повсеместно. Город фактически переходил из рук в руки, в разные периоды он входил в состав Польского государства и королевства Богемии, являлся предметом притязаний Венгрии и был присоединен к Пруссии. После Второй мировой войны он стал частью Польской республики. И хотя во время войны пострадало почти семьдесят процентов городской застройки, Вроцлав все же смог восстать из руин. Сегодня он является настоящей жемчужиной Западной Польши и может гордиться своей архитектурой. Этот путеводитель представляет более 150 избранных сооружений - от авангардных жилых кварталов 1960-70-х годов, спроектированных Ядвигой Грабовска-Гавриляк, до "Зала Столетия", который Фонд Гетти признал одним из важнейших памятников интернационального стиля XX века. Особое внимание уделено одному из первых разноуровневых домов в мире - "Дому холостяков" Ганса Шаруна, а также современным проектам крупнейших польских архитекторов.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


90Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities3151White Gary, Pienaat Marguerite2020Dom Publishers9783869224237774813
Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities

Африка это континент малых деревень в джунглях и саванне? Определенно нет. Урбанизация континента идет семимильными шагами, делая африканские города одними из самых быстрорастущих в мире. Данная книга представляет сто мегаполисов Африки, наиболее значимых и интересных с градостроительной точки зрения. Более 300 иллюстраций и подробных планов иллюстрируют их историческое и современное развитие.
Язык издания: английский.


91Architectural guide. Berlin2273Schendel Dominik2020Dom Publishers9783869225470774817
Architectural guide. Berlin

Ни в одном другом месте на Земле сменяющиеся идеологии и градостроительные концепции не отразились так на городской структуре, как в Берлине. Показательная коллекция зданий и сооружений, представляющих разнообразные городские районы и архитектурные направления, позволит читателю отправиться в путешествие по истории, от средневековых кварталов Альт-Берлина до современности. Четыре маршрута познакомят с важнейшими архитектурными достопримечательностями города.
Язык издания: английский.


92Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist2731Palavandishvili Nini, Prents Lena2020Dom Publishers9783869226910774866
Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist

В то время как здания в стиле советского модернизма, расположенные в Грузии, являются признанными архитектурными достопримечательностями уже на протяжении нескольких десятилетий, примеры монументального искусства тех времен всё еще ждут того часа, когда широкая аудитория откроет их для себя и оценит по достоинству. Яркие, изумительные мозаики, украшающие многие здания, являются полноценными произведениями искусства, и в то же время неотъемлемой частью архитектуры: они были призваны указывать на предназначение здания, определяли структуру его фасада или полностью покрывали его. В книге впервые задокументированы эти уникальные фрагменты советской истории искусства с указанием их точного географического положения. При помощи ярких фотографий и детальных описаний Нини Палавандишвили и Лена Пренц надеются привлечь внимание публики к художественному наследию. Они указывают на необходимость защищать и сохранять эти произведения искусства, которые представляют собой гораздо больше, чем просто элементы государственной пропаганды.
Язык издания: английский.


93Architectural guide. Tel Aviv3559Yaron Sharon Golan, Even Yuval2020Dom Publishers9783869222523774825
Architectural guide. Tel Aviv

Новый архитектурный путеводитель по Тель-Авиву опубликован к столетию Баухауса, отмечаемому в 2019 году. В "Белом городе" Тель-Авива находится более 4000 зданий, построенных в интернациональном стиле архитекторами Баухауса. Сегодня это всемирно известный объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Этот архитектурный путеводитель написан Шарон Голан Ярон - архитектором, ратующей за сохранение архитектурных памятников, соучредителем и директором программ Центра "Белый город". Она создала книгу-ключ к изучению наиболее важных архитектурных объектов в Тель-Авиве. Здания в "Белом городе" отличает особый архитектурный язык, который появился в процессе адаптации европейского модернизма к местным климатическим и культурным реалиям. 100 наиболее примечательных сооружений, распределенных по четырем маршрутам, вошли в это издание. Кроме того, путеводитель рассказывает об уникальном современном подходе Тель-Авива к сохранению наследия, который поддерживает эксплуатацию исторических зданий и способствует росту города, позволяя возведение пристроек.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


94Aarhus. Architectural Guide1097Weissbach Heiko2020Dom Publishers9783869225616823962
Aarhus. Architectural Guide

Aarhus is an architectural jewel on the periphery of Continental Europe. The self-proclaimed world's smallest city has borne the pet name City of Smiles for many decades in order to promote itself and its good vibe. Today, the Danish city is primarily a city prominent for education and training with a School of Architecture which is highly conducive to Aarhus having the highest density of architects throughout the country.
In addition to key buildings from the twentieth century, the Architectural Guide Aarhus seeks to present spectacular new buildings from recent years. Ten tours, which are classified according to their geographic scope, provide an overview of almost 150 buildings and projects. Complementary essays provide background knowledge on urban history, the history of specific quarters and renowned architects who have contributed to making Aarhus an European architectural metropolis - and not only since the City of Culture year of 2017.


95Architectural guide. Brazil2832Tiggemann Anke, Kimmel Laurence, Cecilia Santa2020Dom Publishers9783869222202774818
Architectural guide. Brazil

Летняя Олимпиада 2016 года позади, а архитектурный подъем Бразилии продолжает набирать обороты.
Архитектурный путеводитель Бразилия знакомит читателя с 220 ключевыми зданиями и комплексами, которые внесли свой вклад в формирование современного экономического и культурного облика страны.
Язык издания: английский.


96Architectural guide. New York6583Belogolovsky Vladimir2020Dom Publishers9783869224312774867
Architectural guide. New York

Этот архитектурный путеводитель объединяет 100 наиболее оригинальных сооружений, построенных в Нью-Йорке после 1999 года. Критик Владимир Белоголовский наделяет здания такими яркими прозвищами, как Гильотина , Павлин , Акулий плавник , Панцирь черепахи или Дятел . Индивидуальная подборка живущего в Нью-Йорке автора охватывает здания, построенные самыми известными в мире архитекторами. Их творчество прославляется наравне с произведениями искусства, а собственный стиль становится предметом восхищения и обсуждения в СМИ и среди критиков и заказчиков.
Затронутый в книге период начинается с расцвета эры звездных архитекторов ( starchitects ) в 1990-х и продолжается в наше время. Эта книга не только и не столько документация, сколько посвящение мощной преобразующей энергии Нью-Йорка. Многие здания этого города были спроектированы иностранными архитекторами или теми, кто переехал в Нью-Йорк и теперь называет его своим домом. Благодаря остроумным комментариям автора, запоминающимся сравнениям, цитатам из интервью с архитекторами и подробным картам, это уникальное издание позволит читателям по-новому взглянуть на многие архитектурные иконы современного Нью-Йорка.
Язык издания: английский.


97Architectural guide. Delhi2273Bansal Anupam, Kochupillai Malini2020Dom Publishers9783869221670774888
Architectural guide. Delhi

Город Дели, столица Индии, замечателен не только своей богатой архитектурной историей здесь встречаются и индуистские храмы, и старинные мечети, и образцы колониальной архитектуры, но и разнообразием современных проектов. Именно современная архитектура стала катализатором развития города после того, как страна обрела независимость. Сегодня город стремительно меняется в результате настоящего строительного бума. В этой книге представлено более 200 наиболее ярких и значимых зданий Дели.
Язык издания: английский.


98Architectural guide. Dessau. Worlitz1229Butter Andreas, Savelsberg Wolfgang, Pfeifer Ingo2020Dom Publishers9783869223711774820
Architectural guide. Dessau. Worlitz

Издание представляет собой первый подробный архитектурный путеводитель по региону Дессау-Росслау и городу Вёрлиц, собранный фондом "Баухаус-Дессау" и культурным фондом "Дессау-Вёрлиц". Читателям предлагается профессиональный обзор более чем 120 зданий и загородных территорий.
Дессау-Росслау и его окрестности могут похвастаться двумя объектами Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО: Парковым королевством Дессау-Вёрлиц и ансамблем Баухаус. Сегодня архитектурный ландшафт Дессау формируют контрасты: восстановленные исторические здания соседствуют со стандартными постройками времен социализма, а экспериментальные проекты реконструкций соперничают с новыми амбициозными разработками.
Язык издания: английский.


99Alexandria. Architectural Guide3427Taha Dina S., Sayad Zeyad El, Abaza Yasmeen2021Dom Publishers9783869226170823965
Alexandria. Architectural Guide

Founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, Alexandria was once the largest city in the ancient world. It has had an eventful past: it was home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was occupied by various foreign powers, and has long been a key port. Situated on the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt's second largest city is today a popular holiday destination.
This book, the first comprehensive guide to the city's archi tecture, traces how the ebbs and flows of history and diverse cultures have left their marks on Alexandria. It covers every thing from classical ruins and Ottoman fortifications to a Venetian Gothic hotel and Snohetta's modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. It also highlights edifices off the beaten path, such as the Cotton Palace T ower, a sky scraper intended for use as the headquarters of the country's cotton industry but inexplicably abandoned before completion.
Structured around five main routes, the publication serves as a user-friendly guide for exploring the city's wealth of buildings. Its knowledgeable authors, from the Architecture departments at Alexandria University, furnish readers with enlightening in for ma tion from multi ple perspectives, building up a clear picture of a multi- layered city.


100Architectural guide. Pyongyang3559 2020Dom Publishers9783869221878774849
Architectural guide. Pyongyang

Столица Северной Кореи Пхеньян город, скрытый за политическим занавесом. Но сегодня у путешественников есть возможность узнать больше об этом городе благодаря уникальному архитектурному путеводителю, изданному в двух томах. Первый том включает описание почти ста современных проектов Пхеньяна, второй анализирует архитектурный и исторический контекст столицы КНДР.
Язык издания: английский.


101LOST iN Milan361 2020Dom Publishers9783000487330770415
LOST iN Milan

A flamingo garden, slow food markets, a secret bar, traditional trattorias, hidden masterpieces of Italian design... Get lost in the ice-cool northern city.
LOST iN Milan is?
68 technicolour pages filled with tips on:
Outdoor activities & wellness
- Includes 5 long-form interviews with celebrated locals on their relationship with Milan and their absolute favourite spots in town
- A selection of the hottest places to visit in two of the city s most charismatic neighbourhoods
- A selection of our top picks for the entire city
- An in-depth story on the city s rich design heritage
- A surreally quotidian photo showcase
- An original piece of fiction
- Shopping guide
- Recommended books, films & music to get you in the Milan state of mind


102Tbilisi. Architectural Guide4316Wheeler Angela2023Dom Publishers97838692262861009500
Tbilisi. Architectural Guide

Tbilisi, capital of the Republic of Georgia, has attracted increasing international attention in recent years: Buildings play no small part in its reputation, as evidenced by the urban mega projects enacted by successive administrations, countless real estate adverts shilling surrealist investment properties, and the recent establishment of the Tbilisi Architecture Biennial.

Architecture offers perhaps the best guide to the myriad contradictions of the city s history: Tbilisi is a Silk Road outpost with caravanserais newer than brownstone Brooklyn. The Orientalist landmarks that prompted many a traveller to invoke the Thousand and One Night were, in fact, usually built by members of a German minority emulating European trends. Today, touts may peddle tours of Brutalist Soviet ruins, but one would be hard-pressed to find clear examples of the style within city limits.

This book helps to unravel the different layers of this fascinating metropolis. It provides in-depth profiles of more than 120 buildings, themed guides to many others (sacred architecture, Art Nouveau, Constructivism), and essays contributed by local scholars.

Серия: Art Architecture


103Architectural guide. Minsk3499Zadorin Dimitrij2020Dom Publishers9783869222394774822
Architectural guide. Minsk

Минск был основан в 1067 году. Долгое время он был одним из многих небольших городов на территории Восточной Европы. По иронии судьбы именно колоссальные разрушения, причиненные Второй мировой войной, вдохновили советские власти на трансформацию Минска. В послевоенный период он стал одним из самых быстрорастущих городов мира, в котором постарались воплотить идею идеального советского города. Сегодня Минск, существующий в своеобразном политическом и экономическом контексте, воспринимается многими как архив советской архитектуры и градостроительства.
Этот путеводитель, на создание которого ушло более трех лет, приглашает выйти за пределы круга популярных туристических достопримечательностей, предлагая читателю изучить все архитектурные слои города на примере 200 зданий, 10 площадей, 5 монументов, 7 парков, станций метро, а также жилых комплексов и серий панельных домов. Книга охватывает всё время существования города и его пространство: от Центральной площади до мемориального комплекса Тростенец на юго-восточной окраине; от средневекового Замчища и барочных церквей до новых гостиниц, возведенных к Чемпионату мира по хоккею в 2014 году; от небольшого деревянного дома РСДРП до завода-гиганта МТЗ и района Каменная Горка. Для автора архитектора и исследователя архитектуры Дмитрия Задорина издание стало откровением о Минске, а для читателя энциклопедией города, упакованной в формат архитектурного путеводителя.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


104Moon. Architectural Guide3833Meuser Paul2019Dom Publishers9783869226705823959
Moon. Architectural Guide

Architecture on the moon is no longer a naive fantasy dreamt up by space-flight pioneers. In fact, various building typologies for lunar architecture have emerged in recent years. Their prototypes are being tested in hostile regions on Earth and are waiting to be deployed on the moon.
This book's publication marks the 50th anniversary of the first human landing on the moon. It examines all artefacts that we have sent to the moon, from bizarre technologies to habitation modules for astronauts. This architectural guide thus offers a full retrospective of the history of lunar missions, from the space race during the Cold War through to the missions being prepared by China, India, and Israel in the present day. All of these are considered under the rubric of architecture. At the same time, efforts to commercialise space travel have come to the fore in recent years. New players have entered the stage, competing to utilise the moon's vast and untouched resources.
This book also presents essays by and interviews with space experts, including a discussion with Galina Balashova, renowned architect of the Soviet space programme, and a piece by Alexander Glushko, son of Valentin Glushko, legendary head engineer of the Soviet space programme. Brian Harvey, Gurbir Singh, and Olga Bannova provide an insight into current and future developments in lunar architecture, writing on China, India, and the US, respectively.


105Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 19363559Tokarev Artur, Bychkov Igor2021Dom Publishers9783869223049789152
Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 1936

The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and mid-1930s is attracting more and more attention from both domestic and foreign researchers, but in spite of this, entire regions remain unexplored. One of them, until recently, was the South of Russia - an area that encom passes the Southern Federal Dis trict and the North Caucasus Federal District.
The state of this architectural heritage deserves special mention. In the South of Russia during the Second World War, there were active hostilities and mass destruction. Over the course of post-war reconstruction, many buildings were rebuilt in a neo classical style, and a whole layer of avant- garde works nearly disappeared. During the post- Soviet years, the management of these buildings was no less destructive.
The product of extensive research, this guidebook divides the objects in question into two groups: those that have survived and those that have been lost forever. Fortunately, Architectural Guide The South of Russia allows readers to see more than 100 selected buildings of the Soviet avantgarde with their own eyes.

Серия: Art Architecture


106Architectural guide. Tokyo4316Meyer Ulf2020Dom Publishers9783869224855774852
Architectural guide. Tokyo

Уходящая корнями в традиции древнего зодчества, а сегодня ультрасовременная и высокотехнологичная архитектура японской столицы очаровывает путешественников и исследователей со всего мира. Новый путеводитель по Токио - незаменимый компаньон для тех, кто стремится исследовать один из крупнейших и наиболее сложных городов в мире, столицу летних Олимпийских игр 2020 года. Почти 300 знаковых зданий Токио, построенных после 1945 года, представлены в книге информативными текстами и богато проиллюстрированы. Планы и указатели дополняют этот путеводитель, а удобные карты позволяют легко найти здания, несмотря на головокружительные темпы трансформации города. От сверкающего неоновыми огнями перекрестка в районе Сибуя до оригинальных сооружений из деревянных балок: этот путеводитель по Токио демонстрирует все богатство его необычайной архитектуры.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


107Hello, South Korea4306 2023Dorling Kindersley9780241617397986790
Hello, South Korea

Korea is a global phenomenon. K-pop tops the charts, kimchi spices up meals and K-drama dominates TV screens. Now, it's time to discover more of the country and culture that's captivated the world.

It might be a powerhouse of popular culture, but South Korea is so much more than BTS and bibimbap - and with this book, it's yours to explore. Dive deeper into the country behind Hallyu and discover why it was long known as the Hermit Kingdom, who the incredible haenyeo divers of Jeju Island are and how age was once calculated in three different ways.

Along the way, you'll get to know the people who've shaped the country and its customs, uncover the makings of the Hallyu and, of course, explore the global exports we all know and love. How many varieties of kimchi are there? Why did Squid Game receive mixed reactions in Korea? And what, exactly, is the "glass skin" beauty effect? Find out all this and more in this must-have book: the perfect introduction to this wonderfully varied country.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


108Top 10 Seoul1796 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241462737986688
Top 10 Seoul

Encapsulating traditional tearooms, cutting-edge boutiques and K-pop spots, South Korea's capital is the perfect introduction to Korean culture. Make the most of your trip to this captivating city with DK Eyewitness Top 10.
Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Seoul has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Seoul to life. DK Eyewitness Top 10 Seoul is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


109London2371 2018Dorling Kindersley9780241311837716280

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this historic city. This edition comes complete with five exclusive audio walks to help you get the most from your trip.
Explore London's world-class museums, uncover the city's history at Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London, or enjoy a show in the West End: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of London with this indispensable travel guide.
Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide London, 2019
- Over 50 colour maps, plus a large-scale pull-out map of the city and a map of the tube system, help you navigate with ease
- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need
- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of London, designed for every interest and budget
- Illustrations and floorplans show the inside of St Paul's Cathedral, the British Museum, Buckingham Palace and more
- Colour photographs of London's historic sights, museums, churches, parks and more
- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover Whitehall and Westminster; Piccadilly, Mayfair and St James's; Soho and Trafalgar Square; Covent Garden and the Strand; Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia; Holborn and the Inns of Court; the City; Smithfield and Spitalfields; Southwark and Bankside; the South Bank; Chelsea; South Kensington and Knightsbridge; Kensington and Holland Park; Regent's Park and Marylebone; Hampstead and Highgate; Greenwich and Blackheath; and beyond the city
- Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about the city's history, famous Londoners, festivals and traditions
- Experience the culture with features on London's best museums and galleries, iconic churches, parks and gardens, plus an illustrated river view of the city
- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, how to get around, plus visa and health information
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide London, 2019 is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to London.
"No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The Independent
Planning a shorter break? Try our DK Eyewitness Top 10 London guide.
About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


110Beijing and Shanghai3580Neville-Hadley Peter2016Dorling Kindersley9780241196762986637
Beijing and Shanghai

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring these diverse and compelling cities.

Experience imperial splendour at the Forbidden City in Beijing, travel back in time with a visit to the Great Wall or explore the bazaars and backstreets of Shanghai's Old City: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Beijing and Shanghai with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


111Russia. Eyewitness Travel Guide1884 2014Dorling Kindersley9781409386650465278
Russia. Eyewitness Travel Guide

The DK Eyewitness Russia Travel Guide is your indispensable guide to this beautiful part of the world. The fully updated guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the must-see sites, plus street-by-street maps of all the fascinating cities and towns. The new-look guide is also packed with photographs and illustrations leading you straight to the best attractions on offer.
The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel guide will help you to discover everything region-by-region; from local festivals and markets to day trips around the countryside. Detailed listings will guide you to the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets, whilst detailed practical information will help you to get around, whether by train, bus or car. Plus, DK's excellent insider tips and essential local information will help you explore every corner of Russia effortlessly.
DK Eyewitness Russia Travel Guide - showing you what others only tell you.


112Top 10 Cuba1796 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241568859986737
Top 10 Cuba

Cuba is a magnificently diverse island brimming with stunning beaches, lush valleys, beautifully preserved colonial-era buildings and classic cars. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Cuba with absolute ease.

Our newly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Cuba into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums and galleries, places to eat, shops and cultural experiences.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


113Mountaineers. Great tales of bravery and conquest5382 2019Dorling Kindersley9780241298800916827
Mountaineers. Great tales of bravery and conquest

Celebrating a tradition of bravery, thirst for knowledge, and pursuit of glory, this book tells the stories of the most famous mountaineers in history and explores the climbs that they conquered.

Mountaineers is filled with stirring tales of adventure and intriguing characters, from the Brits who insisted on hauling cases of vintage champagne up to Everest base camp in 1924, to the Italian Duke of the Abruzzi who took 10 iron bedsteads up Alaska's Malaspina glacier. It chronicles the stories of the pioneers who first conquered the heights of this planet, from Otzi the Iceman to Edmund Hillary, important scientific discoveries that were made along the way, and accounts of great bravery, fellowship, altruism, and humour in the face of adversity.

The book features fact files for over 100 famous mountaineers and stunning photography of the mountains they scaled, and contains rare artefacts that were found on their journeys, previously unpublished photographs, and specially commissioned route maps to recreate history's greatest ascents. The book also charts the development of technology, equipment, and techniques from the tweed hacking jackets and pipe-smoking of the early mountaineers to the sophisticated kit being used today.


114Gardens of the World4297 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241559246986720
Gardens of the World

Explore the world's most stunning gardens and gain expert knowledge that you can use in your own green space.

A celebration of the world's most extraordinary green spaces, Gardens of the World will sow the seeds of adventure and inspire your next trip.

Illustrated with inspiring photography and full of fascinating insights from expert gardeners, this beautiful compilation takes you on a visual journey of some of the world's most gorgeous gardens and green spaces. The book is split into five chapters, each focusing on a different theme. From the intricately planned and carefully curated French formal gardens of Versailles to the surrealist jungle dreamland of Mexico's Las Pozas, these gardens prove that green-fingered ingenuity comes in many forms and thrives in even the most unlikely of locations.


115Moscow2614Rice Christopher, Rice Melanie2016Dorling Kindersley978-1-4093-7005-5549820

Leads you straight to the best attractions Moscow has to offer. This guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's architecture, as well as 3D aerial views of the key districts to explore on foot. It also includes detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


116Natural Wonders of the World9596 2017Dorling Kindersley9780241276297916408
Natural Wonders of the World

Visit the world's greatest natural wonders in this spectacular visual guide.

Your journey gets underway with an inspiring foreword by celebrated naturalist Chris Packham, before you explore our planet as never before. Cross the continents to enjoy the most breathtaking landscapes and natural features on Earth. The diverse range of delights includes the Rocky Mountains, Namib Desert, Great Barrier Reef, Skogafoss waterfall, Ninety Mile Beach, Antarctic ice sheets, Amazon River - and everywhere in between.

Captivating landscape photography combines with 3D terrain models, explanatory artworks, and accessible text to reveal what lies beneath the surface and show how incredible geographical features are formed.

To complete this picture-perfect package, all the plants and animals inhabiting these remarkable environments are also included, making Natural Wonders of the World a complete celebration of our world today.

Satisfy your wanderlust from the comfort of your armchair as you experience our wonderful world in unparalleled depth and detail.


117A Short History of Seafaring1999Lavery Brian2019Dorling Kindersley9780241379691827051
A Short History of Seafaring

Discover over 5000 years of seafaring history, packed with first-hand accounts of triumphs and disasters.
A fascinating journey through more than 5, 000 years of seafaring history in this essential guide to the most impressive seafaring tales, explorers, and maritime environments.
For more than 5, 000 years, the seas have challenged, rewarded, and punished the brave sailors who set forth to explore it. This history of the seas and sailing tells the remarkable story of those individuals - whether they lived to tell the tale themselves or not.
From the early Polynesian seafarers and the first full circumnavigations of the globe, to explorers picking their way through the coral reefs of the West Indies, this book tells the compelling story of life at sea that lies behind man's search for new lands, new trade, conquest, and uncharted waters.
Charting the great milestones of nautical history from the discovery of America to the establishment of the Royal Navy, the naval history of the American Civil War, the Battle of Midway and modern piracy the book sets all of them in their cultural and historical context.
Previously published as The Conquest of the Ocean, A Short History of Seafaring is a unique compendium of awe-inspiring tales of epic sea voyages and great feats of seamanship, navigation, endurance, and ingenuity.


118Thailand`s Beaches and Islands4134 2016Dorling Kindersley9780241209691986642
Thailand`s Beaches and Islands

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Thailand's Beaches and Islands is your ideal companion for exploring this diverse and fascinating part of the world. Thailand's glorious beaches stretch over 2, 000 miles of coastline, proving irresistible to lovers of beach-life and ocean sports.
Whether you're seeking a secluded getaway or the hottest party destinations, you'll find insider tips and reviews for best hotels, restaurants and bars, shopping and entertainment, beaches, markets, and festivals. Your options are listed area by area and include recommendations for all budgets.

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Thailand's Beaches and Islands also provides in-depth information on this region's breathtaking geographic diversity and rich cultural heritage. All of Thailand's extensive coastline is covered in this updated guide, from the Eastern Seaboard to Bangkok, the Upper and Lower Western Gulf coasts, the Deep South, and the Upper and Lower Andeman Coasts.

You won't miss a thing on your vacation with the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide to Thailand' Beaches and Islands.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


119Top 10 Israel and the Palestinian Territories1934 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241462706986687
Top 10 Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Whether you want to explore Jerusalem s religious sites, visit the awe-inspiring city of Petra, or make the most of Tel-Aviv's forward-thinking food scene, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Jerusalem, Israel and the Palestinian Territories have to offer.

Imbued with a fascinating mix of cultural influences and home to sacred sites and ancient ruins, this dramatic landscape has been enchanting visitors since the dawn of civilisation.

Our updated guide brings the region to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the region's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


120Turkey2999Swan Suzanne2016Dorling Kindersley9780241208212986639

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring Turkey.

Browse the lively bazaars of Istanbul, laze on Bodrum's picturesque bays or stroll around the incredible rock formations of Cappadocia: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Turkey with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


121Great Maps. The World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained7165Brotton Jerry2015Dorling Kindersley9781409345718916865
Great Maps. The World s Masterpieces Explored and Explained

A superbly illustrated guide to 64 maps from all around the world!

From examples of medieval Mappa Mundi and the first atlas to Google Earth and maps of the moon, this captivating maps book is a must-have for all history and geography enthusiasts and explorers!

Embark on a visual tour of the world's finest maps! This fascinating world atlas book:

- Analyses each map visually, with the help of pull-outs and graphic close-up details
- Traces the history of maps chronologically, providing a fascinating overview of cartography through the ages
- Tells the story behind each map - why it was created, who it was for, and how it was achieved
- Profiles key cartographers, explorers, and artists
- Draws together navigation, propaganda, power, art, and politics through the world's greatest maps

Maps are much more than just geographical data. They are an accurate reflection of the culture and context of different time frames in history. This remarkable geography book puts cartography on the map! It tells the stories behind great maps through stunning pull-out details and reveals how they have helped people make sense of the world.

Embark on a global adventure of a lifetime with this world map book and see our planet like never before! On this mind-blowing journey, you'll encounter maps that show the way to heaven, depict lands with no sunshine and even the world ocean floor.

With incredible secret stories from British historian, Jerry Brotton, and insight into how mapmakers have expressed their world views, Great Maps is a welcome addition to any armchair cartographer's bookshelf.


122St Petersburg4013 2018Dorling Kindersley9780241310489793252
St Petersburg

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this fascinating and cultural city.
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this fascinating and cultural city.
Explore imperial palaces, visit unique museums and stunning churches or stroll across the city's bridges: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of St Petersburg with this indispensable travel guide.
Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide St Petersburg:
- Over 20 colour maps, plus a pull-out map of the city and transport map, help you navigate with ease
- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need
- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of St Petersburg, designed for every interest and budget
- Illustrations and floorplans show the inside of St Isaac's Cathedral, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Winter Palace and more
- Colour photographs of St Petersburg's palaces, bazaars, ornate architecture, churches and many more
- Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about Russia's political history, annual festivals, beliefs and traditions
- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover Vasilevskiy Island, Petrogradskaya, Palace Embankment, Gostinyy Dvor, Sennaya Ploshchad and further afield
- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus visa and health information, and a useful phrasebook
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide St Petersburg is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to Russia's cultural capital.
"No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The Independent
Want to explore more of Russia? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Russia.
About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


123Spain3596 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241559369986723

From the golden beaches on the Mediterranean coast to the wild peaks of the Pyrenees, Spain's varied landscape is a treasure trove for outdoor enthusiasts. But its cities are just as enticing. Discover architectural wonders, Roman ruins, captivating museums and, to top it all off, a tantalizing cuisine complemented by world-class wine.

Our updated guide brings Spain to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighborhoods. Whether you want to explore Granada's spectacular Alhambra palace, watch swirling flamenco dancers in Seville or walk through the lush countryside on the epic Camino de Santiago, DK Eyewitness Spain is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


124Mexico3444 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241566077986730

Immerse yourself in a culture like no other
Whether you want to sample sizzling street food in Mexico City, swim in the Yucatan's crystal-clear cenotes or marvel at towering Maya pyramids, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Mexico has to offer.
A cultural bonanza, a sun-seekers paradise, a foodie haven: Mexico is a treat for the senses. Its urban areas are buzzing with vibrant markets, tantalizing cuisine and exuberant festivals, whilst its natural landscape encompasses dusty deserts, tropical jungles and plunging canyons. Urban or rural, this country is endlessly enticing.
Our recently updated guide brings Mexico to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


125Istanbul4614 2016Dorling Kindersley9780241208724986640

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this ancient city.
Wander the bustling Spice Bazaar or labyrinthine Grand Bazaar, admire spectacular architecture of the Blue Mosque or Hagia Sophia, or take a boat trip down the Bosphorus: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Istanbul with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


126Great Cities. The Stories Behind the World's most Fascinating Places5197 2021Dorling Kindersley9780241471159916836
Great Cities. The Stories Behind the World s most Fascinating Places

Explore the social and cultural history of 100 of the world's most important cities.

From the first towns in Mesopotamia to today's global metropolises, cities have marked the progress of civilisation. Written in the form of illustrated "biographies", Great Cities offers a rich historical overview of each featured city, brought to vivid life with paintings, photographs, timelines, maps, and artefacts.

This history book provides a fascinating insight into the events, movements and people throughout history who have shaped the cities where we live. Inside the pages of this visual guide, discover:

- The story behind each city - how it was established, critical moments in its development, and why it is considered historically significant
- The different types of cities, from the centres of ancient and lost civilisations and great river cities to planned cities and modern metropolises
- Beautiful illustrations with large-scale reproductions of paintings, photographs, maps, and other artefacts
- Stunning images of city life and key moments in history are complemented by close-ups of revealing details and feature panels that provide additional context

From the ancient to the modern, get under the skin of what made cities like Persepolis, Paris, Vienna, Prague, Amsterdam, Tokyo, and Dubai tick. This lavish book is about more than history - it explores the art, architecture, commerce, and politics of the great civilisations throughout history.

Great Cities provides a unique window into how cities have become markers of human progress. Explore which ancient civilisation founded the precursor to Mexico City, why Venice was the gateway to the East, what the Belle Epoque was, and who the first city to build sewers was. It's the perfect gift for armchair explorers interested in history, geography, and the arts.


127Top 10 Cyprus1934 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241462829986689
Top 10 Cyprus

This sun-soaked Mediterranean island is the perfect blend of traditional and modern, with centuries of history and superb beach resorts. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Cyprus with absolute ease.

Our regularly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Cyprus into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums and galleries, restaurants, watersports, natural beauty spots and of course, beaches.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


128USA5232Barrus Pamela, Karlin Adam, Keeling Stephen2022Dorling Kindersley9780241568293986735

Spectacular scenery, vibrant cities and captivating culture - welcome to the USA. Whether you want to hike in breathtaking Yosemite National Park, take a road trip from coast to coast or sample southern soul food in the Deep South, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that the USA has to offer. Dramatic and diverse, the star-spangled super-power that is the USA offers everything in excess. From the bright lights of its cities and quaint charisma of its rural towns, to the natural majesty of the national parks, this is a country of contrasts that never fails to delight and amaze.

Our updated guide brings the USA to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings the USA to life. DK Eyewitness USA is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


129Cyprus3011 2016Dorling Kindersley9780241209288986641

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this ancient island.
Take a tour of UNESCO World Heritage-listed churches of the Troodos mountains, enjoy pristine beaches at Pafos, or explore Neolithic settlements near Choirokoitia and Kalavasos: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Cyprus with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


130Egypt3658 2015Dorling Kindersley9780241198438986638

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring Egypt.
Marvel at the Pyramids of Giza, cruise down the Nile or explore the Valley of the Kings: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Egypt with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


131Seville and Andalucia3011 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241559345986721
Seville and Andalucia

Whether you want to tour the magical Moorish palace of Alhambra, learn the art of tapas bar hopping in Granada or spot wildlife at Parque Nacional de Donana, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Seville and Andalucia have to offer.

With undulating hills awash with olive trees, rugged mountain ranges and endless stretches of coastline, this beautiful country offers plenty of opportunity for adventure. Meanwhile, Seville's orange-scented plazas, filled with the bewitching sound of Spanish guitar, are the perfect place to slow down and savour a glass of sherry.

Our updated guide brings Seville and Andalucia to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which place you inside the region's iconic buildings and neighborhoods. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Seville and Andalucia to life. DK Eyewitness Seville and Andalucia is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


132Greece. Athens and the Mainland3198 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241565964986729
Greece. Athens and the Mainland

World-class museums and archaeological sites may be the first things that come to mind when you think of Greece, but the country is home to both old and new. Take Europe's oldest city, for example: Athens has a youthful vibe and buzzing nightlife, where upmarket restaurants stand alongside traditional grill eateries and old-school ouzeris jostle with the trendy cocktail bars of up-and-coming urban neighbourhoods. Meanwhile Thessaloniki, Greece's second city, seduces visitors with its array of Byzantine churches and vibrant contemporary art scene.

But it's not all about the cities. Kissed by three seas and stretching from the barren peaks of the northern Pindos to the sunny vineyards of Attica and the Peloponnese, the rural landscapes of mainland Greece are stunningly diverse. Outdoor adventurers can trek the dramatic Vikos and Lousios gorges and climb the craggy peaks of Mount Olympos. Whether you want to watch the sun sink behind the marble columns of the Parthenon in Athens, visit iconic archaeological sites such as Delphi and Olympia, or simply soak up the sun on the sandy beaches of Halkidiki, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that mainland Greece has to offer. Our newly updated guide brings Athens and the mainland to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the region's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.
We've also worked hard to make sure our information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak. DK Eyewitness Greece: Athens and the Mainland is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


133Cuba2597 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241568842986736

Explore Cuba's spectacular scenery, profound history and lively culture. Whether you want to experience the vivacious nightlife in Santiago de Cuba, recharge on the soft sands of the Jadrdines del Rey or trace the quest for independence across the country, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Cuba has to offer.

A captivating time warp, Havana's timeless streets are home to opulent rooftop bars, sizzling nightclubs and a rising foodie scene. But there's more to Cuba than just one city - think bottle-green mountains draped in mist, lush valleys surrounded by tobacco fields and diamond-dust beaches that give way to crystal clear waters. Our newly updated guide brings Cuba to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods. We've also worked hard to make sure our information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak. DK Eyewitness Cuba is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


134Jerusalem, Israel and the Palestinia3444 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241462522986686
Jerusalem, Israel and the Palestinia

Whether you want to float in the Dead Sea, visit the ruby-colored city of Petra, or tuck into Tel-Aviv's sumptuous food scene, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Jerusalem, Israel and the Palestinian territories have to offer.
Imbued with a fascinating mix of cultural influences and gilded with sacred sites and ancient ruins, this dramatic landscape has been enchanting visitors since the dawn of civilization.
Our recently updated guide brings Jerusalem, Israel and the Palestinian Territories to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the region's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


135St Petersburg1726 2017Dorling Kindersley9781409371915606791
St Petersburg

The DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: St Petersburg will lead you straight to the best attractions St Petersburg has to offer. The guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, plus 3D aerial views of the key districts to explore on foot. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets in this fully updated and expanded guide, plus insider tips on everything from where to find the best entertainment to the top guided walks. Founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703, St Petersburg quickly became a magnificent city reflecting the majesty of the Russian Empire. The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: St Petersburg includes in-depth coverage of the wonderfully preserved heritage of Russia's cultural capital, and comes complete with a free pull-out city map, clearly marked with sights from the guidebook and an easy-to-use street index. The map has detailed street views of all the key areas, plus there are transport maps and information on how to get around the city, and there's even a chart showing the distances between major sights for walkers. DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: St Petersburg - showing you what others only tell you.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


136Top 10 Beijing1796 2023Dorling Kindersley9780241568965986738
Top 10 Beijing

A city of contrasts, Beijing has ancient temples and edgy art districts, winding hutongs and futuristic architecture - all within a stone's-throw of the awe-inspiring Great Wall of China.
Make the most of your trip to this enthralling city with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Beijing has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Beijing to life. DK Eyewitness Beijng is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


137Barcelona and Catalonia2597 2022Dorling Kindersley9780241559352986722
Barcelona and Catalonia

Whether you want to enjoy Costa Brava's laidback lifestyle, marvel at the iconic Sagrada Familia or hike the undulating landscape of long-extinct volcanoes, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Barecelona and Catalonia have to offer.
From gothic churches and old taverns to dizzying skyscrapers and ritzy cocktail bars, Catalonia is a constant contradiction. The natural landscape is just as varied: soaring mountain ranges preside over pristine wilderness and vineyard-cloaked hills taper into a seemingly endless stretch of coastline.
Our updated guide brings Barcelona and Catalonia to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which place you inside the Barcelona and Catalonia's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


138Leaders Who Changed History4253 2019Dorling Kindersley9780241363171916427
Leaders Who Changed History

Explore the lives and achievements of more than 85 of the world's most inspirational and influential leaders with this innovative, and boldly graphic biography-led book.

Comprehensive in its scope and depth, and fully illustrated, Leaders profiles leaders from all walks of life - kings, queens, and political leaders; military leaders; religious icons, revolutionaries, and business leaders.

Combining accessible text with specially-commissioned illustrated portraits in a range of bold artwork styles, photographs, and infographics, these entries showcase each individual in a fresh, visual way.

Covering political masterminds and military geniuses such as Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan, great kings, queens, and rulers like Elizabeth I or Cleopatra, icons of religion and rebellion from Muhammad to Mohandas Gandhi to Emmeline Pankhurst, and inspirational captains of industry, Leaders explores and explains the groundbreaking contributions made by these men and women and their legacies.


139China5512 2018Dorling Kindersley9780241310328986657

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this cultured and unique nation.

Explore the magnificent Forbidden City at the heart of Beijing; walk along the Great Wall of China; see the fascinating Terracotta Army near Xi'an; admire the futuristic skylines of Shanghai and Hong Kong; or marvel at the beauty of China's natural landscapes: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of China with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel


140Nightwalking. Four Journeys into Britain After Dark3169Lewis-Stempel John2022Doubleday9780857529114890463
Nightwalking. Four Journeys into Britain After Dark

At night, the normal rules of Nature do not apply. In the night-wood I have met a badger coming the other way, tipped my cap, said hello. The animals do not expect us humans to be abroad in the dark, which is their time, when the world still belongs to them.

That was in winter. The screaming of a tawny owl echoed off the bare trees. For all of our street-lamp civilization, you can still hear the call of the wild. If, if, you go out after the decline of the day...

As the human world settles down each evening, nocturnal animals prepare to take back the countryside. Taking readers on four walks through the four seasons, acclaimed nature writer and farmer John Lewis-Stempel reveals a world bursting with life and normally hidden from view. Out beyond the cities, it is still possible to see the night sky full of stars, or witness a moonbow, an arch of white light in the heavens.

It is time for us to leave our lairs and go tramping. To join our fellow creatures of the night.


141Long Road from Jarrow. A journey through Britain then and now3160Maconie Stuart2018Ebury Press9781785030543891969
Long Road from Jarrow. A journey through Britain then and now

Three and half weeks. Three hundred miles. I saw roaring arterial highway and silent lanes, candlelit cathedrals and angry men in bad pubs. The Britain of 1936 was a land of beef paste sandwiches and drill halls. Now we are nation of vaping and nail salons, pulled pork and salted caramel.

In the autumn of 1936, some 200 men from the Tyneside town of Jarrow marched 300 miles to London in protest against the destruction of their towns and industries. Precisely 80 years on, Stuart Maconie, walks from north to south retracing the route of the emblematic Jarrow Crusade.

Travelling down the country s spine, Maconie moves through a land that is, in some ways, very much the same as the England of the 30s with its political turbulence, austerity, north/south divide, food banks and of course, football mania. Yet in other ways, it is completely unrecognisable.

Maconie visits the great cities as well as the sleepy hamlets, quiet lanes and roaring motorways. He meets those with stories to tell and whose voices build a funny, complex and entertaining tale of Britain, then and now.


142The Pie at Night. In Search of the North at Play3628Maconie Stuart2016Ebury Press9780091933821884532
The Pie at Night. In Search of the North at Play

Join Stuart Maconie as he clock off in the north of England

Factory, mine and mill. Industry, toil and grime. Its manufacturing roots mean we still see the North of England as a hardworking place. But, more than possibly anywhere else, the North has always known how to get dressed up, take itself out on the town and have a good time. After all, working and playing hard is its specialty, and Stuart Maconie is in search of what, exactly, this entails what it tells us about the North today.

Following tip offs and rumour, Stuart takes trip to forgotten corners and locals' haunts. From the tapas bars of Halifax to the caravan parks of Berwick Upon Tweed, from a Westhoughton bowling green to Manchester's curry mile, via dog tracks and art galleries, dance floors and high fells, Stuart compares the new and old North, with some surprising results.

The Pie at Night could be seen as a companion to the bestselling Pies and Prejudice, but it is not a sequel. After all, this is a new decade and the North is changing faster than ever. This is a revealing and digressive journey and a State of the North address, delivered from barstool, terrace, dress circle and hillside.


143Neither Nowt Nor Summat3533McMillan Ian2016Ebury Press9780091959968884590
Neither Nowt Nor Summat

A glorious ramble around Yorkshire from one of our best loved poets

I'm going to define the essence of this sprawling place as best I can. I'm going to start here, in this village, and radiate out like a ripple in a pond. I don't want to go to the obvious places, either; I want to be like a bus driver on my first morning on the job, getting gloriously lost, turning up where I shouldn't. I'm going to confirm or deny the cliches, holding them up to see where the light gets in. Yorkshire people are tight. Yorkshire people are arrogant. Yorkshire people eat a Yorkshire pudding before every meal. Yorkshire people solder a t' before every word they use...

If there were such a thing as a professional Yorkshireman, Ian McMillan would be it. He's regularly consulted as a home-grown expert, and southerners comment archly on his 'fruity Yorkshire brogue'. But he has been keeping a secret. His dad was from Lanarkshire, Scotland, making him, as he puts it, only 'half tyke'. So Ian is worried; is he Yorkshire enough?

To try to understand what this means Ian embarks on a journey around the county, starting in the village has lived in his entire life. With contributions from the Cudworth Probus Club, a kazoo playing train guard, Mad Geoff the barber and four Saddleworth council workers looking for a mattress, Ian tries to discover what lies at the heart of Britain's most distinct county and its people, as well as finding out whether the Yorkshire Pudding is worthy of becoming a UNESCO Intangible Heritage Site, if Harrogate is really, really, in Yorkshire and, of course, who knocks up the knocker up?


144Travel. Easy tips for the eco-friendly traveller2421Kinsman Juliet2020Ebury Press9781529107852890873
Travel. Easy tips for the eco-friendly traveller

Explore the world and satisfy your wanderlust in the most eco-friendly way.

How can we lessen our impact on the world without giving up the things we love? This series of easy-to-follow guides show that positive change is possible without radical changes to your everyday life.

Sustainable tourism doesn't have to mean vowing to never take another flight or spending holidays camping in your back garden. This short expert guide from eco-travel journalist Juliet Kinsman, takes you through every step of planning your trip, from booking to boarding, and arms you with everything you need to know for a lower-impact getaway.

Whether it's explaining how to know which plane to take (yes, some are greener than others) or how to avoid the mini toiletries trap; this book shows that you can save the planet and still live life to the full.

Серия: The Green Edit


145One Man and His Bike3145Carter Mike2012Ebury Press9780091940560884542
One Man and His Bike

Mike Carter's journey around the British coast by bike

What would happen if you were cycling to the office and just kept on pedalling?

Needing a change, Mike Carter did just that. Following the Thames to the sea he embarked on an epic 5, 000 mile ride around the entire British coastline - the equivalent of London to Calcutta.

He encountered drunken priests, drag queens and gnome sanctuaries. He met fellow travellers and people building for a different type of future. He also found a spirit of unbelievable kindness and generosity that convinced him that Britain is anything but broken. This is the inspiring and very funny tale of the five months Mike spent cycling the byways of the nation.


146Pies and Prejudice. In search of the North2419Maconie Stuart2008Ebury Press9780091910235884500
Pies and Prejudice. In search of the North

A Northerner in exile, Stuart Maconie goes on a journey in search of the North, attempting to discover where the cliches end and the truth begins. He travels from Wigan Pier to Blackpool Tower and Newcastle's Bigg Market to the Lake District to find his own Northern Soul, encountering along the way an exotic cast of chippy Scousers, pie-eating woollybacks, topless Geordies, mad-for-it Mancs, Yorkshire nationalists and brothers in southern exile.

The bestselling Pies and Prejudice is a hugely enjoyable journey around the north of England.


147Round Ireland With A Fridge3673Hawks Tony2007Ebury Press9780091867775884479
Round Ireland With A Fridge

'I hereby bet Tony Hawks the sum of One Hundred Pounds that he cannot hitchhike round the circumference of Ireland, with a fridge, within one calendar month'

A foolhardy attempt to win a drunken bet led to Tony Hawks having one of the most unforgettable experiences of his life. Joined by his trusty travelling-companion-cum-domestic-appliance, he found himself in the midst of a remarkable, inspirational and, at times, downright silly adventure.

In their month of madness, Tony and his fridge surfed together; entered a batchelor festival; and one of them had sex without the other knowing. The fridge got christened, and they even met the poorest king on Earth.

An absurd story of an extraordinary adventure, Round Ireland with a Fridge follows the fearless pair as they battle towards Dublin and a breathtaking finale that is moving, uplifting, and a fitting conclusion to the whole ridiculous affair.


148Breakfast London. Where Real Londoners Eat3390Bridges Bianca2019Ebury Press9781529102628890819
Breakfast London. Where Real Londoners Eat

Rise and shine London! Get the day off to a great start in the world s greatest city.

Discover your new favourite places to breakfast and brunch, including local hang-outs and hidden gems from @breakfastlondon, the feed to follow if you want to find the best breakfasts in town before anyone else.

Celebrate the most important meal of the day and find insider recommendations for all occasions whether you re looking for something boozy, insta-worthy or vegan, feeling healthy or hungover, in search of the perfect coffee, the ideal setting for an important work meeting or organizing a special birthday brunch.

Features London s 120 best breakfast spots, stunning original photography, mouth-wateringly delicious dishes and a look behind-the-scenes with the top chefs that create them.

Wakey, wakey!


149Moscow. On the Road Architectural Guide3176 2021Edilingua9788896780961798461
Moscow. On the Road Architectural Guide

The last fifteen years of Russian history have profoundly altered Moscow, bringing dramatic changes to the Communist city it was in the eighties. These alterations have increasingly highlighted Moscow's many contrasts and multiple facets.
The guide seeks to do more than just recount and illustrate the city's architectural history. It strives to be a tool to study the building trends that have shaped it. After a short introduction and the essential information needed to plan a visit, the book includes several essays that give the city's historical context and then critically consider its possible future developments. The itineraries include about a hundred architectural works, both historical and contemporary, which are fully illustrated with images, drawings and descriptions, and are marked on the front of the map with a reference number corresponding to the section in the book and the icon on the back of the map. The guide also provides information about museums, libraries, institutions, movie theatres, restaurants and gathering places.


150Berezina2445Tesson Sylvain2019Europa Editions9781787701885954392

Moscow to Paris in a sidecar: an epic, crazy 2, 500 mile road trip following Napoleon s retreat
October 1812, Napoleon enters Moscow. The Russians have set fire to the city, soon it will be reduced to a pile of ash. The Emperor equivocates, decides to turn back. This is the beginning of the retreat from Russia, a page of history that has become legendary for its degree of suffering and horror, but also for the heroic acts that took place.

Two hundred years later, Sylvain Tesson, accompanied by four friends (two Russians and two French), decides to follow the route of the retreat. Perched on two Soviet Ural sidecar motorcycles, they will rejoin Paris from Moscow, guided only by the spectres of the two hundred thousand soldiers who died through cold, starvation, and in battle. Twenty five hundred miles travelled in a wild escapade to salute the ghosts of history, across the white plains of Russia.

Серия: Europa Compass


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