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Architectural guide. Minsk
Architectural guide. Minsk

Минск был основан в 1067 году. Долгое время он был одним из многих небольших городов на территории Восточной Европы. По иронии судьбы именно колоссальные разрушения, причиненные Второй мировой войной, вдохновили советские власти на трансформацию Минска. В послевоенный период он стал одним из самых быстрорастущих городов мира, в котором постарались воплотить идею идеального советского города. Сегодня Минск, существующий в своеобразном политическом и экономическом контексте, воспринимается многими как архив советской архитектуры и градостроительства.
Этот путеводитель, на создание которого ушло более трех лет, приглашает выйти за пределы круга популярных туристических достопримечательностей, предлагая читателю изучить все архитектурные слои города на примере 200 зданий, 10 площадей, 5 монументов, 7 парков, станций метро, а также жилых комплексов и серий панельных домов. Книга охватывает всё время существования города и его пространство: от Центральной площади до мемориального комплекса Тростенец на юго-восточной окраине; от средневекового Замчища и барочных церквей до новых гостиниц, возведенных к Чемпионату мира по хоккею в 2014 году; от небольшого деревянного дома РСДРП до завода-гиганта МТЗ и района Каменная Горка. Для автора архитектора и исследователя архитектуры Дмитрия Задорина издание стало откровением о Минске, а для читателя энциклопедией города, упакованной в формат архитектурного путеводителя.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 3499 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774822
ISBN: 9783869222394
Автор: Zadorin Dimitrij


Architectural guide. New York
Architectural guide. New York

Этот архитектурный путеводитель объединяет 100 наиболее оригинальных сооружений, построенных в Нью-Йорке после 1999 года. Критик Владимир Белоголовский наделяет здания такими яркими прозвищами, как Гильотина , Павлин , Акулий плавник , Панцирь черепахи или Дятел . Индивидуальная подборка живущего в Нью-Йорке автора охватывает здания, построенные самыми известными в мире архитекторами. Их творчество прославляется наравне с произведениями искусства, а собственный стиль становится предметом восхищения и обсуждения в СМИ и среди критиков и заказчиков.
Затронутый в книге период начинается с расцвета эры звездных архитекторов ( starchitects ) в 1990-х и продолжается в наше время. Эта книга не только и не столько документация, сколько посвящение мощной преобразующей энергии Нью-Йорка. Многие здания этого города были спроектированы иностранными архитекторами или теми, кто переехал в Нью-Йорк и теперь называет его своим домом. Благодаря остроумным комментариям автора, запоминающимся сравнениям, цитатам из интервью с архитекторами и подробным картам, это уникальное издание позволит читателям по-новому взглянуть на многие архитектурные иконы современного Нью-Йорка.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 6583 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774867
ISBN: 9783869224312
Автор: Belogolovsky Vladimir


Architectural guide. Pyongyang
Architectural guide. Pyongyang

Столица Северной Кореи Пхеньян город, скрытый за политическим занавесом. Но сегодня у путешественников есть возможность узнать больше об этом городе благодаря уникальному архитектурному путеводителю, изданному в двух томах. Первый том включает описание почти ста современных проектов Пхеньяна, второй анализирует архитектурный и исторический контекст столицы КНДР.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 3559 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774849
ISBN: 9783869221878


Architectural guide. Rome. Buildings and Projects
Architectural guide. Rome. Buildings and Projects

Древний Рим определил вектор развития европейской культуры и искусства на 2000 лет. В течение нескольких столетий этот город был истинной caput mundi столицей мира . Именно здесь берет начало западная традиция архитектуры. На сегодняшний день более 12 миллионов людей со всей планеты ежегодно приезжают в Вечный город, чтобы насладиться впечатляющими артефактами Римской империи и памятниками искусства и архитектуры времен итальянского Ренессанса и Барокко.
Этот путеводитель призывает читателей свернуть с проторенных маршрутов и открыть для себя скрытые архитектурные жемчужины Рима: менее известные, но экстраординарные здания, созданные во второй половине XX века. От культурных, образовательных, спортивных и многофункциональных центров до религиозных, жилых и инфраструктурных зданий в книге представлено 140 проектов, которые демонстрируют большое разнообразие современной архитектуры итальянской столицы. В специальной главе приведены концепции, находящиеся в стадии реализации или завершенные в недавнем прошлом, а также список тематических маршрутов, которых можно придерживаться, прогуливаясь по итальянской столице.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 3833 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774824
ISBN: 9783869226606
Автор: Kavalirek Marina


Architectural guide. Sofia
Architectural guide. Sofia

София один из старейших городов в Европе, но он все еще остается относительно неизученным направлением. В столице Болгарии можно найти архитектурное наследие древних фракийцев, римлян, византийцев, а также средневековые постройки и здания, относящиеся к периоду Османской империи. Новый архитектурный путеводитель в подробностях расскажет о них. Автор книги не обошел вниманием и современную архитектуру Софии, включая памятники коммунистического историзма и модернизма. Это издание анализирует город и его способность формировать уникальный архитектурный опыт, опираясь на его географические особенности и разные исторические слои. Облик Софии нельзя определить неким чистым архитектурным стилем; здесь различные влияния перекрывают друг друга, и создают нечто новое, аутентичное и особенное. Архитектурный путеводитель по Софии уделяет внимание не только историческим памятникам и очевидным достопримечательностям, но и самым новым зданиям в городе, примерам экспериментальных поисков современного поколения архитекторов. Он представляет более 200 избранных зданий, относящихся к разным историческим периодам, и включает несколько статей о становлении местной архитектурной традиции, а также эссе об архитектурных деталях, возникших в результате столкновения различных стилистических влияний. Более 15 цветных карт и 700 иллюстраций в сочетании с обширной библиографией помогут читателю и путешественнику совершить настоящий архитектурный тур по Софии.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 1327 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774851
ISBN: 9783869226576
Автор: Stanishev Georgi


Architectural guide. South Africa
Architectural guide. South Africa

Путеводитель представляет собрание наиболее значимых архитектурных объектов крупных южноафриканских городов: Кейптауна, Дурбана, Йоханнесбурга и Претории. Книга дает исчерпывающую информацию о более чем 150 зданиях и проектах: от более ранних периодов становления европейских поселений, когда архитекторы получали образование в военно-инженерных училищах, к XX веку и современности, когда профессия стала самостоятельной и авторитетной. Эта книга представляет собой достаточно полный обзор современной архитектуры Южной Африки. Все выбранные авторами здания являются общественными или светскими, а потому путешественнику будет легко их рассмотреть вблизи. Описание проектов содержит данные о времени их создания, именах проектировщиков и точном местоположении, которое легко найти с помощью QR-кодов.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 2057 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774868
ISBN: 9783869222622
Автор: Fisher Roger C


Architectural guide. Tel Aviv
Architectural guide. Tel Aviv

Новый архитектурный путеводитель по Тель-Авиву опубликован к столетию Баухауса, отмечаемому в 2019 году. В "Белом городе" Тель-Авива находится более 4000 зданий, построенных в интернациональном стиле архитекторами Баухауса. Сегодня это всемирно известный объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Этот архитектурный путеводитель написан Шарон Голан Ярон - архитектором, ратующей за сохранение архитектурных памятников, соучредителем и директором программ Центра "Белый город". Она создала книгу-ключ к изучению наиболее важных архитектурных объектов в Тель-Авиве. Здания в "Белом городе" отличает особый архитектурный язык, который появился в процессе адаптации европейского модернизма к местным климатическим и культурным реалиям. 100 наиболее примечательных сооружений, распределенных по четырем маршрутам, вошли в это издание. Кроме того, путеводитель рассказывает об уникальном современном подходе Тель-Авива к сохранению наследия, который поддерживает эксплуатацию исторических зданий и способствует росту города, позволяя возведение пристроек.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 3559 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774825
ISBN: 9783869222523
Автор: Yaron Sharon Golan, Even Yuval


Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 1936
Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922 1936

The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and mid-1930s is attracting more and more attention from both domestic and foreign researchers, but in spite of this, entire regions remain unexplored. One of them, until recently, was the South of Russia - an area that encom passes the Southern Federal Dis trict and the North Caucasus Federal District.
The state of this architectural heritage deserves special mention. In the South of Russia during the Second World War, there were active hostilities and mass destruction. Over the course of post-war reconstruction, many buildings were rebuilt in a neo classical style, and a whole layer of avant- garde works nearly disappeared. During the post- Soviet years, the management of these buildings was no less destructive.
The product of extensive research, this guidebook divides the objects in question into two groups: those that have survived and those that have been lost forever. Fortunately, Architectural Guide The South of Russia allows readers to see more than 100 selected buildings of the Soviet avantgarde with their own eyes.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 3559 руб.
Год: 2021
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 789152
ISBN: 9783869223049
Автор: Tokarev Artur, Bychkov Igor


Architectural guide. Tokyo
Architectural guide. Tokyo

Уходящая корнями в традиции древнего зодчества, а сегодня ультрасовременная и высокотехнологичная архитектура японской столицы очаровывает путешественников и исследователей со всего мира. Новый путеводитель по Токио - незаменимый компаньон для тех, кто стремится исследовать один из крупнейших и наиболее сложных городов в мире, столицу летних Олимпийских игр 2020 года. Почти 300 знаковых зданий Токио, построенных после 1945 года, представлены в книге информативными текстами и богато проиллюстрированы. Планы и указатели дополняют этот путеводитель, а удобные карты позволяют легко найти здания, несмотря на головокружительные темпы трансформации города. От сверкающего неоновыми огнями перекрестка в районе Сибуя до оригинальных сооружений из деревянных балок: этот путеводитель по Токио демонстрирует все богатство его необычайной архитектуры.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 4316 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774852
ISBN: 9783869224855
Автор: Meyer Ulf


Architectural guide. Turin
Architectural guide. Turin

Турин, в XX веке известный как город одной корпорации благодаря марке Fiat, примерно 20 лет назад запустил процесс трансформации и поиска новой идентичности.
Город стал лабораторией для переосмысления постиндустриального наследия отчасти благодаря Зимним Олимпийским играм 2006 года. Помимо своей промышленной истории, Турин может удивить барочной архитектурой и шедеврами современного итальянского зодчества. Путеводитель рассматривает 150 зданий, построенных с 1900 года и до наших дней.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 1796 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774853
ISBN: 9783869224114
Автор: Chiorino Cristiana


Architectural guide. United Arab Emirates
Architectural guide. United Arab Emirates

Этот путеводитель раскрывает разнообразие и многогранность архитектуры Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов. Вниманию читателей представлены примеры поразительной архитектуры Дубая и монументальные здания Абу-Даби. Сегодня ОАЭ стремятся перенести акцент с эксплуатирования природных ресурсов на развитие таких областей экономики, как туризм, строительство, торговля и логистика. Доказательствами экономического подъема страны являются город Масдар, остров Яс в Абу-Даби, а также искусственные острова и высокие небоскребы Дубая.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 2279 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774854
ISBN: 9783869225081
Автор: Bohle Hendrik, Dimog Jan


Architectural guide. Venice
Architectural guide. Venice

Эта книга первый путеводитель по современной архитектуре Венеции города-музея под открытым небом, места, которое словно магнит привлекает архитекторов со всего мира, ведь именно здесь каждые два года проходит крупнейшее событие в мире архитектуры Венецианская архитектурная биеннале. Архитектурный путеводитель предлагает читателю узнать иную, не столь знакомую нам Венецию после 1950 года. Он включает водные и пешеходные маршруты по островной и континентальной Венеции, а также по площадкам Биеннале. В книге рассказывается о наиболее значимых проектах Карло Скарпы, Тадао Андо, Дэвида Чипперфильда и других всемирно известных архитекторов. Специальная глава книги посвящена масштабным, но нереализованным концепциям таких известных мастеров, как Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, Ле Корбюзье и Луис Кан.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 2273 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774826
ISBN: 9783869223629


Architectural guide. Wroclaw
Architectural guide. Wroclaw

Вроцлав - один из старейших городов Польши, и следы подлинной истории встречаются здесь повсеместно. Город фактически переходил из рук в руки, в разные периоды он входил в состав Польского государства и королевства Богемии, являлся предметом притязаний Венгрии и был присоединен к Пруссии. После Второй мировой войны он стал частью Польской республики. И хотя во время войны пострадало почти семьдесят процентов городской застройки, Вроцлав все же смог восстать из руин. Сегодня он является настоящей жемчужиной Западной Польши и может гордиться своей архитектурой. Этот путеводитель представляет более 150 избранных сооружений - от авангардных жилых кварталов 1960-70-х годов, спроектированных Ядвигой Грабовска-Гавриляк, до "Зала Столетия", который Фонд Гетти признал одним из важнейших памятников интернационального стиля XX века. Особое внимание уделено одному из первых разноуровневых домов в мире - "Дому холостяков" Ганса Шаруна, а также современным проектам крупнейших польских архитекторов.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture

Цена: 3499 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774827
ISBN: 9783869224268
Автор: Szczelina Marcin


Architectural guide. Yerevan
Architectural guide. Yerevan

Ереван и легендарный Арарат это символы, которые занимают особое место в армянской культуре, несмотря на то что столиц в истории Армении было множество и располагались они в самых разных городах, а библейская года сейчас находится на территории Турции. Природные катастрофы и геноцид 1915 года стали неотъемлемой частью идентичности армянского народа и армянской архитектуры.
Этот архитектурный путеводитель прослеживает историю Еревана, которая оставила свой след на рисунке улиц и облике этого многоликого города.
Армянский конструктивизм, национальные мотивы, классицизм, советский модернизм в издании рассмотрены архитектурные проекты самых разных направлений. Дополнительная экскурсия представит читателю необычный город Спитак, который был до основания разрушен землетрясением в 1988 году и перестроен заново как модель идеального советского города. Путеводитель, таким образом, ответит на вопросы о сущности и характере современного армянского города.
Язык издания: английский.

Цена: 2923 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dom Publishers
Артикул: 774855
ISBN: 9783869223575
Автор: Harutynyan Tigran


Arctic Dreams
Arctic Dreams

The author of Horizon's classic work explores the Arctic landscape and the hold it continues to exert on our imagination.

Lopez's journey across our frozen planet is a celebration of the Arctic in all its guises. A hostile landscape of ice, freezing oceans and dazzling skyscapes. Home to millions of diverse animals and people. The stage to massive migrations by land, sea and air. The setting of epic exploratory voyages.

In crystalline prose, Lopez captures the magic of the Arctic: the essential mystery and beauty of a continent that has enchanted man's imagination and ambition for centuries.

Серия: Vintage Classics

Цена: 2660 руб.
Год: 2014
Производитель: Vintage books
Артикул: 885992
ISBN: 9780099583455
Автор: Lopez Barry


Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days

'The pace of this kind of travel has not much changed since Fogg set out in 1872. Trains may be a little faster, but there are certainly no high-speed rail links yet across India, China or the USA. Passenger services have practically disappeared from the world's shipping lanes ... Recourse to air travel, even as a convenient means of escape, was not allowed.'
Following the route taken by Phileas Fogg 115 years earlier, Michael Palin set out from the Reform Club to circumnavigate the world. The rules were simple, but nothing else about the trip was straightforward...
From a tour of Venice on a rubbish barge to ship spotting at the Suez Canal and the bicycle rush hour and snake snacks in China, this is an unparalleled tribute to man's ability to make life difficult for himself.

Цена: 1887 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Orion
Артикул: 795479
ISBN: 9780753823248
Автор: Palin Michael


Around the World in 80 Trains
Around the World in 80 Trains

Winner of the National Geographic Traveller Award for best travel book
Shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Travel Book Of The Year Award

'Monisha Rajesh has chosen one of the best ways of seeing the world. Never too fast, never too slow, her journey does what trains do best. Getting to the heart of things. Prepare for a very fine ride' Michael Palin

From the cloud-skimming heights of Tibet's Qinghai railway to silk-sheeted splendour on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Around the World in 80 Trains is a celebration of the glory of train travel and a witty and irreverent look at the world.

Packing up her rucksack - and her fiance, Jem - Monisha Rajesh embarks on an unforgettable adventure that takes her from London's St Pancras station to the vast expanses of Russia and Mongolia, North Korea, Canada, Kazakhstan, and beyond. The journey is one of constant movement and mayhem, as the pair strike up friendships and swap stories with the hilarious, irksome and ultimately endearing travellers they meet on board, all while taking in some of the earth's most breathtaking views.

Цена: 2575 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 944541
ISBN: 9781408869772
Автор: Rajesh Monisha


Art Escapes. Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum
Art Escapes. Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum

Art exists all around us: one just needs to know where to look. Escaping the conventional settings of the museum or gallery, a fascinating variety of art pieces exist everywhere from Ghanaian patios to the Las Vegas desert, from the forest in Scandinavia to the buzzing streets of Mexico City. Art Escapes is a thoughtful journey through these little-known gems that become a destination in themselves, and should be part of every art-lover bucket list. Away from the queues, the crowds, and the constraints of the classic art spaces, these places invite you to discover creativity in a new light.

Серия: Art Travel

Цена: 6112 руб.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Gestalten
Артикул: 918661
ISBN: 9783967040524


Art and History Moscow (на англ. яз.)
Art and History Moscow (на англ. яз.)

Текст полностью на английском языке.

Цена: 644 руб.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Юпитер-Импэкс
Артикул: 185043
ISBN: 978-88-476-1949-4


As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams. Recollections of a Woman in Eleventh-century Japan
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams. Recollections of a Woman in Eleventh-century Japan

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams is a unique autobiography in which the anonymous writer known as Lady Sarashina intersperses personal reflections, anecdotes and lyrical poems with accounts of her travels and evocative descriptions of the Japanese countryside. Born in AD 1008, Lady Sarashina felt an acute sense of melancholy that led her to withdraw into the more congenial realm of the imagination - this deeply introspective work presents her vision of the world. While barely alluding to certain aspects of her life such as marriage, she illuminates her pilgrimages to temples and mystical dreams in exquisite prose, describing a profound emotional journey that can be read as a metaphor for life itself.

Серия: Penguin Classics

Цена: 2865 руб.
Год: 1989
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 886560
ISBN: 9780140442823
Автор: Sarashina


At the Edge. Riding for My Life
At the Edge. Riding for My Life

The adrenalin-fuelled story of the stunt cyclist whose jaw-dropping adventures have racked up 200 million YouTube views

Danny MacAskill lives on the edge.

The cyclist is legendary for his YouTube viral videos like The Ridge, Cascadia, Imaginate and Wee Day Out: nerve-racking montages of stunts which scale everything from mountain peaks, rooftops, ghost towns and movie sets. His life is one of thrills, bloody spills and millions of online hits.

It hasn't been an easy ride. Doubt, stress and the 'what if?' factor circle every trailblazing trick, which require imagination, fearlessness, groundbreaking techniques and an eye for a good camera angle. He has spent his life pushing the extremes; somehow, he's still around to tell the tale.

In this unflinching memoir of mayhem, Danny shares his anarchic childhood on the Isle of Skye and early days as a street trials rider, takes us behind the scenes of his training and videos, and reveals what it takes to go the next level - both mentally and physically.

Join Danny for a nerve-shredding ride. Just be sure to bring a crash helmet.

Цена: 4121 руб.
Год: 2017
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 889255
ISBN: 9780241973264
Автор: MacAskill Danny



The long-standing Michelin Travel Guides are an ideal travel companion for travelers who really want to connect with the world. Get to know the local way of life through detailed background information on the country, people, and culture. Quickly identify the best places to visit using Michelin's star rating system. The best sites are highlighted on the sites map or you can follow a pre-planned driving tour. With the Michelin Travel Guide to Austria, discover Vienna's famed Opera, choirs, coffeehouses, pastries, elegant architecture, Museum of Fine Arts, and Danube River. Salzburg's festivals, historic Old Town, Mozart's birthplace, shops and markets are yours to enjoy. Spas and winter sports resorts abound throughout the countryside.

Серия: Зеленые гиды

Цена: 1027 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230627
ISBN: 978-1-906261-50-4


Barcelona and Catalonia
Barcelona and Catalonia

Whether you want to enjoy Costa Brava's laidback lifestyle, marvel at the iconic Sagrada Familia or hike the undulating landscape of long-extinct volcanoes, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Barecelona and Catalonia have to offer.
From gothic churches and old taverns to dizzying skyscrapers and ritzy cocktail bars, Catalonia is a constant contradiction. The natural landscape is just as varied: soaring mountain ranges preside over pristine wilderness and vineyard-cloaked hills taper into a seemingly endless stretch of coastline.
Our updated guide brings Barcelona and Catalonia to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which place you inside the Barcelona and Catalonia's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel

Цена: 2597 руб.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 986722
ISBN: 9780241559352


Barcelona. Hotels & More
Barcelona. Hotels & More

Cool comforts in the Catalonian capital
Angelika Taschen has selected a delectable range of hotels and hotspots for your stay in Barcelona, from the Hotel Neri in the Gothic district to the modern and minimal Hotel Omm with breathtaking views of Gaudi's Casa Mila; to the Casa Camper, a quirky and multicultural smoke-free hotel in the former prostitute quarter run by the famous Spanish shoe makers. She also tells you where to taste the best tapas and innovative Catalan cuisine as well as where to check out contemporary art exhibitions and the best markets.
About the series: Angelika Taschen`s Hotel series books are much more than simple hotel guides. They are meant to be taken along on your trip, as they not only feature the best and most interesting places to stay-from low budget to luxury-but also list hot spots for each hotel`s neighborhood. Once you`re installed in the hotel of your choice, you can peruse our suggestions for restaurants, bars, boutiques, specialty shops, and more.
Special features:
- plastic jacket with silk screen
- hand-illustrated postcard
- a space for your personal travel notes
- an exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area
About the editor and author:
Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
About the photographer:
Pep Escoda is based in Tarragona, Spain, from where he travels the world in order to realize his projects, which were honored by the National Photographer Assosiation with 11 LUX awards. He has published more than 100 books and works for international magazines such as Homes & Houses of the New York Times.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Цена: 2024 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 206808
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0047-0
Автор: Taschen Angelika


Barcelona. Restaurants & More
Barcelona. Restaurants & More

When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa!
Special features:
- exclusive hand-illustrated cover
- exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area
- information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes
- hand-illustrated postcard
- softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket
Редактор: Angelika Taschen.
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.

Цена: 964 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 205263
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0053-1


Barcelona. Shops & More
Barcelona. Shops & More

Barcelona may be design-crazed these days, but visitors can still take a trip back in time by visiting devotional shops that have hardly changed in centuries, such as Cereria Subira (est. 1761). Cooks and culinary fans will appreciate our recommendations for the best places to find kitchenware, chef's apparel, fresh-roasted coffee, or world-famous Spanish hams. If clothes-shopping is more your style, you'll want to visit one of our selected boutiques such as Josep Font, one of Spain's most celebrated designers, or the concept store Lobby. Be sure to keep this guide with you while you jaunt through Barcelona so you don't miss any of the local institutions (n.b. when you're drooling over a leg of jamon iberico, you may want to remind yourself that the airlines impose a weight limit for checked baggage).
Special features:
- exclusive hand-illustrated cover
- exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area
- information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes
- hand-illustrated postcard
- softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket
Редактор: Angelika Taschen.
Фотограф: Pep Escoda.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Цена: 1012 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 205290
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0055-5


Barging Round Britain
Barging Round Britain

Barging Round Britain by David Bartley is a beautifully-illustrated guide to a unique and fascinating part of our history: the canal network.

Explore the people and places that have forged this national treasure, from the birth of the Industrial Revolution to the leisure explosion on our waterways today. Fully-illustrated with maps and photographs, the book will trace canal routes across the UK, from the Georgian grandeur of Bath to the dramatic splendour of the Scottish Highlands.

David Bartley's Barging Round Britain includes a foreword and chapter introductions by the presenter of the TV series, John Sergeant.

Цена: 2608 руб.
Год: 2016
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 890119
ISBN: 9780718180645
Автор: Sergeant John, Bartley David


Beijing and Shanghai
Beijing and Shanghai

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring these diverse and compelling cities.

Experience imperial splendour at the Forbidden City in Beijing, travel back in time with a visit to the Great Wall or explore the bazaars and backstreets of Shanghai's Old City: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Beijing and Shanghai with this indispensable travel guide.

Серия: Eyewitness Travel

Цена: 3580 руб.
Год: 2016
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 986637
ISBN: 9780241196762
Автор: Neville-Hadley Peter


Belgium, Luxembourg
Belgium, Luxembourg

For people who want to see more:
- Sights and attractions rated by the Michelin star system;
- Suggested driving tours;
- 53 easy-to-use and detailed plans and maps;
- Address Book - places to eat, drink, stay and relax for every budget.
Admire Bruges' varied architecture. Wander Luxembourg's Chemin de la Corniche. Visit Namur's Roman castle.

Серия: Зеленые гиды

Цена: 1027 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230629
ISBN: 978-1-906261-46-7



Moscow to Paris in a sidecar: an epic, crazy 2, 500 mile road trip following Napoleon s retreat
October 1812, Napoleon enters Moscow. The Russians have set fire to the city, soon it will be reduced to a pile of ash. The Emperor equivocates, decides to turn back. This is the beginning of the retreat from Russia, a page of history that has become legendary for its degree of suffering and horror, but also for the heroic acts that took place.

Two hundred years later, Sylvain Tesson, accompanied by four friends (two Russians and two French), decides to follow the route of the retreat. Perched on two Soviet Ural sidecar motorcycles, they will rejoin Paris from Moscow, guided only by the spectres of the two hundred thousand soldiers who died through cold, starvation, and in battle. Twenty five hundred miles travelled in a wild escapade to salute the ghosts of history, across the white plains of Russia.

Серия: Europa Compass

Цена: 2445 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Europa Editions
Артикул: 954392
ISBN: 9781787701885
Автор: Tesson Sylvain


Berlin Now. The Rise Of The City And The Fall Of The Wall
Berlin Now. The Rise Of The City And The Fall Of The Wall

In Berlin Now, and on the 25th Anniversary of the fall of the Wall, a legendary Berliner tells the inside story of the city.
Over the last five decades, no other city has changed more than Berlin. Divided in 1961, reunited in 1989, it has morphed over the last twenty-five years into Europe's most vibrant melting-pot of artists, immigrants and entrepreneurs. Pieces of the wall are collected around the world. Blending memoir, history, anecdote and reportage, this legendary Berliner takes us behind the scenes - from wrenching stories of life under the Stasi, to the difference between East and West Berliners' sex-lives, to a present-day investigation of its arts scene, night-life, tumultuous politics and hidden quirks - revealing what makes Berlin the uniquely fascinating place it is.

Цена: 2723 руб.
Год: 2014
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 889235
ISBN: 9780241970836
Автор: Schneider Peter


Berlin. Hotels & More
Berlin. Hotels & More

Glamorous in the Roaring Twenties, destroyed during World War II and divided afterwards, rebuilt in the 1950s, and now reunited, Berlin is a city of vibrant contrasts where diverse cultures form a multihued urban fabric. Derelict former Communist neighborhoods have been reincarnated as haunts for artists and designers while elsewhere the city's old traditions are also still very much alive. Places Angelika Taschen recommends you stay while visiting Berlin include everything from classic hotels like The Regent Berlin, bed and breakfast-style pensions such as Nurnberger Eck and Askanischer Hof in Charlottenburg, or the serviced apartments Lux 11 in Berlin-Mitte. And of course none of the hotel books would be complete without a copious helping of hotspots to visit and places at which to eat and drink during your stay. Favorite recommendations for Berlin: include Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's New National Gallery, the Helmut Newton Foundation, a curry wurst stand in Prenzlauerberg where Berlin's signature dish was invented and a ballroom nearly a century old.
Special features:
- plastic jacket with silk screen
- hand-illustrated postcard
- a space for your personal travel notes
- an exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area
About the editor and author:
Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel.
About the photographer:
Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Цена: 2024 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 205532
ISBN: 978-3-8228-3712-2
Автор: Taschen Angelika


Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin. Restaurants & More

Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets
You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers.
- Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar
- Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food
- Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot
- Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa
- Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel?
- Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel
- Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst
- Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg
Редактор: Angelika Taschen.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Цена: 1012 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 205279
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0039-5


Berlin. Shops & More
Berlin. Shops & More

Shopping ist gut for you!
Go traipsing through Berlin and be sure to catch all the most trendy, original, and traditional shops with this guide to the best the city's shops have to offer. Whether you're a fan of avant-garde fashion or old-fashioned handmade items - or both - we've got all your bases covered. As always, we also suggest perfect places to grab a bite or relax with a refreshing drink while on your shopping spree.
Adidas Originals Store
DIM, 130-year-old, wickerwork and brush shop where products are made by physically and mentally handicapped people
Steiff famous German teddy bears, company founded in 1877
Original Erzgebirgskunst, decorative wooden items from a famous German region of traditional crafts
KPM (Konigliche Porzellan Manufaktur) German Royal Porcelain founded in 1763 where you can buy vases designed by famous architect Karl-Friedrich Schinkel
Junemanns Pantoffel-Eck, handmade felt slippers
Ausberlin, souvenirs made in and about Berlin such as books or candles shaped like the Brandenburger Tor
Andreas Murkudis, avant-garde fashion, impressive selection of cutting-edge labels and young Berlin brands
Chocolatier Erich Hamann, scrumptious chocolate made in Berlin in a shop designed by Bauhaus icon Johannes Itten in 1928
KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens), opened in 1907, it is Europe's largest department store with an outrageous delicatessen department
Редактор: Angelika Taschen.
Фотограф: Thorsten Klapsch.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Цена: 1012 руб.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 205289
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0041-8


Between the Sunset and the Sea. A View of 16 British Mountains
Between the Sunset and the Sea. A View of 16 British Mountains

Simon Ingram takes us high into Britain s most forbidding and astonishing wild places through all the seasons of the year from the first blush of spring to the darkest bite of the mountain winter.

In the late 18th century, mountains shifted from being universally reviled to becoming the most inspiring things on earth. Simply put, the monsters became muses and an entire artistic movement was born. This movement became a love affair, the love affair became an obsession, and gradually but surely, obsession became lifestyle as mountains became stitched into the fabric of the British cultural tapestry.

In his compelling new book, Simon Ingram explores how mountains became such a preoccupation for the modern western imagination, weaving his own adventures into a powerful narrative which provides a kind of experiential hit list for people who don t have the time nor the will to climb a thousand mountains.

For some of these mountains, the most amazing thing about them might be the journey they ve taken to get here. Others, the tales of science, endeavour and art that have played out on their slopes. The mythology they re drenched in. The history they ve seen. The genius they ve inspired. The danger that draws people to them. The life that clusters around them, human and otherwise. The extreme weather they conjure. The adventure they fuel. The way that some raise the hairs on the back of your neck, and trigger powerful, strange emotions. And moreover, what they re like to be amidst, under, on just what that indefinable quality is that the British mountains wield which takes possession of you so powerfully, and never goes away.

From Beinn Dearg to Ben Nevis, Ingram takes us on a journey spanning sixteen of Britain s most evocative mountainous landscapes, and what they mean to us today.

Цена: 2218 руб.
Год: 2016
Производитель: William Collins
Артикул: 897272
ISBN: 9780007547906
Автор: Ingram Simon


Big London A-Z Street Atlas
Big London A-Z Street Atlas

Large scale A-Z street mapping of London. This A4 street atlas offers the perfect combination of coverage and clarity, the area covered ranges from Heathrow Airport all the way to Chingford at a scale of 4.25 inches to 1 mile, while a detailed map of Central London is at a larger scale of 8.5 inches to 1 mile.

The mapping features transport connections, places of interest, public buildings, postcode districts, one-way streets, Congestion and Low Emission Zones

This comprehensive street atlas of London also includes:
An overview map of the Congestion Charging Zone
West End Theatre and Cinema maps
The London Rail & Tube Services Map
London Underground map

A comprehensive index lists streets, selected flats, walkways and places of interest, place, area and junction names. Additional healthcare (hospitals, walk-in centres and hospices) and transport (National Rail, London Tramlink, Docklands Light Railway, London Underground and Overground stations, and River Bus pier) are indexed as well.

Цена: 2622 руб.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Harpercollins
Артикул: 898500
ISBN: 9780008388003


Blood Rive. A Journey to Africa s Broken Heart
Blood Rive. A Journey to Africa's Broken Heart

A compulsively readable account of an African country now virtually inaccessible to the outside world and one journalist's daring and adventurous journey.

When Daily Telegraph correspondent Tim Butcher was sent to cover Africa he quickly became obsessed with the idea of recreating H.M. Stanley's famous expedition - but travelling alone. Despite warnings that his plan was 'suicidal', Butcher set out for the Congo's eastern border with just a rucksack and a few thousand dollars hidden in his boots. Making his way in an assortment of vessels including a motorbike and a dugout canoe, helped along by a cast of characters from UN aid workers to a campaigning pygmy, he followed in the footsteps of the great Victorian adventurers.

Vintage Voyages: A world of journeys, from the tallest mountains to the depths of the mind

Серия: Vintage Voyages

Цена: 2342 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Vintage books
Артикул: 891882
ISBN: 9781784875381
Автор: Butcher Tim


Blood River. A Journey to Africa s Broken Heart
Blood River. A Journey to Africa's Broken Heart

A compulsively readable account of an African country now virtually inaccessible to the outside world and one journalist's daring and adventurous journey.

When war correspondent Tim Butcher was sent to cover Africa in 2000 he quickly became obsessed with the idea of recreating H.M. Stanley's famous nineteenth century trans-Africa expedition - but travelling alone.

Despite warnings that his plan was 'suicidal', Butcher set out for the Congo's eastern border with just a rucksack and a few thousand dollars hidden in his boots. Making his way in an assortment of vessels including a motorbike and a dugout canoe, helped along by a cast of unlikely characters, he followed in the footsteps of the great Victorian adventurers.

Butcher's journey was a remarkable feat, but the story of the Congo, told expertly and vividly in this book, is more remarkable still.

A masterpiece John Le Carrй

Extraordinary, audacious, completely enthralling William Boyd

A remarkable marriage of travelogue and history, which deserves to make Tim Butcher a star for his prose, as well as his courage Max Hastings

Цена: 2660 руб.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Vintage books
Артикул: 885152
ISBN: 9780099494287
Автор: Butcher Tim



Designed to show you in the blink of an eye a destination's best attractions, the Michelin Mustsees series helps you maximize the fun and minimize the guesswork of travel.

Серия: Must sees (Гиды на англ. языке)

Цена: 602 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230638
ISBN: 978-1-906261-64-1


Breakfast London. Where Real Londoners Eat
Breakfast London. Where Real Londoners Eat

Rise and shine London! Get the day off to a great start in the world s greatest city.

Discover your new favourite places to breakfast and brunch, including local hang-outs and hidden gems from @breakfastlondon, the feed to follow if you want to find the best breakfasts in town before anyone else.

Celebrate the most important meal of the day and find insider recommendations for all occasions whether you re looking for something boozy, insta-worthy or vegan, feeling healthy or hungover, in search of the perfect coffee, the ideal setting for an important work meeting or organizing a special birthday brunch.

Features London s 120 best breakfast spots, stunning original photography, mouth-wateringly delicious dishes and a look behind-the-scenes with the top chefs that create them.

Wakey, wakey!

Цена: 3390 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Ebury Press
Артикул: 890819
ISBN: 9781529102628
Автор: Bridges Bianca


Britain 2010
Britain 2010

Detailed scenic driving tours. Selection of our favorites dining pubs. 70 town plans. Includes our best dining pubs.
На спирали.

Серия: Атласы

Цена: 1181 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230691
ISBN: 978-2-06-714756-0


Britain s Heritage Railways. Discover more than 100 historic lines
Britain s Heritage Railways. Discover more than 100 historic lines

Explore Britain's remaining historic lines with railway expert Julian Holland.
The essential guide to exploring Britain s last remaining historic lines, Britain s Heritage Railways is ideal for anyone planning or looking for a nostalgic railway trip. From bestselling railway author Julian Holland.

More than 100 locations, the majority steam operated, featured all over Britain. Highly illustrated with maps and old and new photographs.
Historic lines include;
Bodmin & Wenford Railway two rural branch lines with a rich industrial history tucked away in Cornwall
West Somerset Railway the longest heritage railway in England with views of the Quantock Hills and the sea
Bluebell Railway a Victorian steam railway deep in rural Mid Sussex
North Norfolk Railway a delightful journey through heathland with views of the sea
Dean Forest Railway with a rich industrial history this heritage railway takes passengers into the ancient Forest of Dean
Ffestiniog Railway a steam operated Victorian narrow gauge slate railway clinging to steep hillsides
Wensleydale Railway a long heritage railway in the unspoilt Yorkshire Dales
Speyside Railway a Highland line with views of the Cairngorm Mountains

Цена: 3025 руб.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Collins
Артикул: 898873
ISBN: 9780008467982
Автор: Holland Julian


Britain s 100 Best Railway Stations
Britain's 100 Best Railway Stations

It is the scene for our hopeful beginnings and our intended ends, and the timeless experiences of coming and going, meeting, greeting and parting. It is an institution with its own rituals and priests, and a long-neglected aspect of Britain's architecture. And yet so little do we look at the railway station.

Simon Jenkins has travelled the length and breadth of Great Britain, from Waterloo to Wemyss Bay, Betws-y-Coed to Beverley, to select his hundred best railway stations. Blending his usual insight and authority with his personal reflections and experiences - including his founding the Railway Heritage Trust - the foremost expert on our national heritage deftly reveals the history, geography, design and significance of each of these glories.

Beautifully illustrated with colour photographs throughout, this joyous exploration of our social history shows the station's role in the national imagination; champions the engineers, architects and rival companies that made them possible; and tells the story behind the triumphs and follies of these very British creations. These are the marvellous, often undersung places that link our nation, celebrated like never before.

Цена: 3578 руб.
Год: 2021
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 973022
ISBN: 9780241979006
Автор: Jenkins Simon


Bryant & May s Peculiar London
Bryant & May s Peculiar London

As the nation's oldest serving detectives, we know more about London than almost anyone. After all, we've been walking its streets and impulsively arresting its citizens for decades. Who better to take you through its less savoury side?
We'll be chatting about odd buildings, odder characters, lost venues, forgotten disasters, confusing routes, dubious gossip, illicit pleasures and hidden pubs. We'll be making all sorts of odd connections and showing you why it's almost impossible to separate fact from fiction in London.
With the help of some of our more disreputable friends, each an argumentative and unreliable expert in his or her own dodgy field, we'll explain why some streets have genders, why only two Londoners got to meet Dracula, how a department store and a prison played tricks on your mind, when a theatre got stranded in the past, how a building vanished in plain sight, what excited Charlotte Bronte about the city and where the devils hide in London.
We hope to capture something of the city's restless spirit by wilfully wandering off course, and it goes without saying that we'll bluff and bamboozle you along the way but that's all part of the fun. History is what you remember. London is what you forget (and we've forgotten a lot). So please do join us on this magical mystery tour of our city. Who knows where we'll end up?

Цена: 2825 руб.
Год: 2023
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 973037
ISBN: 9781804990933
Автор: Fowler Christopher


Budapest Hungary
Budapest Hungary

The perfect travel companion, the Michelin Travel Guide has brought discerning and up-to-date information to domestic and international travelers for over 80 years. Its world-famous star-rating system of "worth a journey, " "worth a detour, " and "interesting" provides travelers with the inside scoop on what to see in the blink of an eye. Whether cruising the wine regions of France, or hoofing it through NYC, travelers have depended on the accurate and precise information to craft trips of a lifetime.

Серия: Зеленые гиды

Цена: 1027 руб.
Год: 2007
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230628
ISBN: 978-1-906261-18-4


Burgundy. Art. Architecture. Landscape
Burgundy. Art. Architecture. Landscape

La Bourgogne (Burgundy) - the name evokes beautiful landscapes and cities, famous wines and culinary pleasures. In this book, the reader will discover all cathedrals and cloisters, castles and vineyards of this region. Burgundy is a guide through 3, 000 years of Burgundy's history, beginning at the Neolithic era with mysterious meter-thick layers of horse bones, through Greek craftwork and Etruscan gold, then further on to the Cistercian cloisters and up to the present day. Burgundy is exciting!

Цена: 2191 руб.
Год: 2022
Производитель: H.F.Ullmann
Артикул: 875618
ISBN: 9783848004010
Автор: Laule Ulrike


Cairngorms National Park Pocket Map
Cairngorms National Park Pocket Map

Handy little full colour map and guide of Cairngorms National Park. Detailed mapping and visitor information to the National Park along with a selection of photographs. Map at a scale of 1:182, 000 (2.9 miles to 1 inch or 1.82 km to 1 cm).

This small map with additional text and photographs gives a great overview of the Cairngorms National Park, and is the perfect companion for exploring this beautiful area of the Scottish Highlands.

Clear, detailed mapping
Key park, tourist and travel information
Ideal for planning visits to the National Park
Index to help locate and plan your trip

Цена: 806 руб.
Год: 2021
Производитель: Collins
Артикул: 898750
ISBN: 9780008439187



For people who want to see more:
- Sights and attractions rated by the Michelin star system;
- Suggested driving tours;
- 45 easy-to-use and detailed plans and maps;
- Address Book - places to eat, drink, stay and relax for every budget.
Drive the Pacific coast Tour Napa's vineyards Explore Spanish missions.

Серия: Зеленые гиды

Цена: 1027 руб.
Год: 2007
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230650
ISBN: 978-1-906261-03-0



The long-standing Michelin Travel Guides are an ideal travel companion for travelers who really want to connect with the world. Get to know the local way of life through detailed background information on the country, people, and culture. Quickly identify the best places to visit using Michelin's star rating system. The best sites are highlighted on the sites map or you can follow a pre-planned driving tour. With the Michelin Travel Guide to Canada, catch an indy-film in Vancouver, spot a beluga whale in Quebec's Saguenay Fjord, explore the stockyards "where the west begins" in Manitoba, hire a guide to the Denmark-sized Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary or try on the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.

Серия: Зеленые гиды

Цена: 1027 руб.
Год: 2007
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230656
ISBN: 978-1-906261-24-5


Cancun & the Yucatan
Cancun & the Yucatan

A Day with Mustsees Cancun & the Yucatan
Morning - Stroll along the beach in Cancun to the Xcaret Terminal and jump on a bus heading south.
Afternoon - Explore the underground river and bountiful reefs at Xcaret. Swim with dolphins or walk underwater on a "snuba" tour of the reef.
Evening - Stay at Xcaret for the evening spectacular and return to Cancun for dinner and a night out. Or, continue to Tulum to see the Mayan ruins in the fading light, before putting on your dancing sandals for a local beach party.

Серия: Must sees (Гиды на англ. языке)

Цена: 602 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Michelin
Артикул: 230635
ISBN: 978-1-906261-67-2


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Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена