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1ABC департамент интерьеров Architects. Portfolio635 2012TATLIN978-5-903433-71-1362487
ABC департамент интерьеров Architects. Portfolio

Объемные постройки ABD architects хоть раз видел каждый москвич: они изменили облик многих центральных улиц и площадей города, от площади Тверской заставы до Нахимовского шоссе и Крылатских холмов. Но в данном издании речь идет о другой, менее заметной для широких масс стороне деятельности бюро - интерьерах общественных и офисных пространств. За 22 года деятельности ABD architects создали 54 коммерческих интерьера, из них в книгу вошли 46. Среди интерьеров, представленных в книге, - офисы крупнейших российских и зарубежных компаний, интерьеры представительств банков, учебных центров, а также частной клиники и самого большого атриума в Москве. Масштабы проектов колеблются от небольших офисов в 80 квадратных метров до шестиэтажных представительств, внутренний облик которых был полностью создан в бюро. Книгу открывает интервью с Борисом Левянтом, генеральным директором ABD architects, и Денисом Кувшинниковым, руководителем Департамента интерьеров компании. Издание может представлять интерес для практикующих дизайнеров и архитекторов, занимающихся разработкой офисных зданий, студентов соответствующих специальностей и людей, желающих познакомиться с лучшими примерами современного российского офисного проектирования.


2ARCHI-DOODLE. Креативные задания для архитекторов619Боукетт Стив2015Питер978-5-496-01153-2467143
ARCHI-DOODLE. Креативные задания для архитекторов

Эта необычная книга порадует как профессиональных архитекторов и дизайнеров, так и студентов. На каждой странице вас ждет прекрасный рисунок с творческим заданием, например изобразить небоскреб, мост или виллу на острове. Каждый пейзаж задает свой собственный стиль и настроение. И разумеется, вам придется также подумать о конструкторских решениях, строительных материалах, гармонии сооружения с окружающим ландшафтом и прочем, без чего немыслима современная архитектура. Если вам нравится рисовать и вы любите архитектуру, эта книга подарит вам незабываемые минуты удовольствия.


3Aalto684Lahti Louna2009Taschen978-3-8228-3527-2207034

Finnish architect Alvar Aalto (1898 1976) was strongly influenced by both the landscape of his native country, as well as the political struggle over Finland's place within European culture. After early neoclassical buildings, Aalto turned to ideas based on Functionalism, subsequently moving toward more organic structures, with brick and wood replacing plaster and steel. In addition to designing buildings, furniture, lamps, and glass objects with his wife Aino, he painted and was an avid traveler. A firm believer that buildings have a crucial role in shaping society, Aalto once said, "The duty of the architect is to give life a more sensitive structure."
About the editor:
Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series.
About the author:
Finnish-born Louna Lahti worked for the Alvar Aalto Society for many years, first as exhibition secretary and later as treasurer, before establishing her own firm in 1984. She has lectured and published extensively on visual arts and architecture.
Издание на английском языке.


4Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities3151White Gary, Pienaat Marguerite2020Dom Publishers9783869224237774813
Africa Drawn. One Hundred Cities

Африка это континент малых деревень в джунглях и саванне? Определенно нет. Урбанизация континента идет семимильными шагами, делая африканские города одними из самых быстрорастущих в мире. Данная книга представляет сто мегаполисов Африки, наиболее значимых и интересных с градостроительной точки зрения. Более 300 иллюстраций и подробных планов иллюстрируют их историческое и современное развитие.
Язык издания: английский.


5Album Vilmorin. The Vegetable Garden3864Dressendorfer Werner2013Taschen978-3-8365-3599-1385690
Album Vilmorin. The Vegetable Garden

The French company "Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie" arose in the 18th century from the collaboration between Philippe Victoire de Vilmorin - a grain and plant merchant and connoisseur - and his father-in-law, Pierre Andrieux, Botanist to the King. The Vilmorins, though only producers and merchants on the Paris market, contributed enormously to the botanical and agronomic knowledge of their time. Their first catalog, comprising all kinds of seeds for kitchen-garden vegetables - including legumes, salad plants, flower seeds and bulbs - appeared in 1766. It was followed by a series of Publications periodiques in which the quality of the botanical and horticultural information was equaled only by the illustrations. By the mid-19th century, the firm had become the most important seed company in the world - active in production, trade, and scientific advances, thanks largely to Louis de Vilmorin's crucial research into selection and heredity in the 1850s. At the height of its international renown, the company published its splendid "Album Vilmorin. Les Plantes potageres (The Vegetable Garden, 1850-1895) featuring 46 magnificent color plates". The Vilmorins employed some 15 painters to create this work of agro-botanic iconography; most had trained as artist-naturalists at the Jardin des Plantes, the former Royal Gardens, including Elisa Champin, who painted a large number of the finest plates. These illustrations - reproduced here with exquisite care and accuracy - transcend mere artistic interest, beautiful as they are; they are also a valuable resource for anyone researching cultivarietal evolution, and old varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


6Alexander Ponomarev2333 2010TATLIN978-5-903433-10-0322451
Alexander Ponomarev

Александра Пономарева иногда называют "современным маринистом". Отчасти это верно: главная область интереса автора - океан. Погружаясь в воду, где он обычно устраивает свои акции и создает проекты, Александр, по собственному определению, "плавает в других пространствах". В процессе творческой эволюции художник не изменил однажды выбранному материалу - так или иначе его проекты всегда связаны с водой, и восприятие смысла произведения опосредовано ею. Вода как самая непостоянная субстанция символизирует в проектах вечность изменений. Вода как метафора больших перемен, сила ее потока разрушает границы, провозглашая единство. Книга об одном из самых известных в Европе современных русских художников Александре Пономареве открывает не только творчество автора, но и философию стихии воды.


7Alexandra Fedorova Architects3232Яковлева Ульяна, Шовская Татьяна2019TATLIN978-5-00075-178-7717251
Alexandra Fedorova Architects

В 2018 году архитектурному бюро Александры Фёдоровой исполнилось 15 лет. Основная масса реализованных за эти годы проектов приходится на загородные и приморские виллы, а также жилые интерьеры. В своих объектах бюро стремится реализовывать неустаревающую архитектуру, использовать решения, обращённые не к сиюминутным тенденциям, а к глобальным направлениям. Как следствие, для построек бюро характерны лаконичные формы в качественном исполнении и материалах, благодаря которым в них нет ни холодности, ни аскетичности. Важно и то, что как целые объекты, так и локальные интерьеры создаются средствами архитектуры, что не исключает дальнейшего декорирования пространства.


8Alexandria. Architectural Guide3427Taha Dina S., Sayad Zeyad El, Abaza Yasmeen2021Dom Publishers9783869226170823965
Alexandria. Architectural Guide

Founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, Alexandria was once the largest city in the ancient world. It has had an eventful past: it was home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was occupied by various foreign powers, and has long been a key port. Situated on the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt's second largest city is today a popular holiday destination.
This book, the first comprehensive guide to the city's archi tecture, traces how the ebbs and flows of history and diverse cultures have left their marks on Alexandria. It covers every thing from classical ruins and Ottoman fortifications to a Venetian Gothic hotel and Snohetta's modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. It also highlights edifices off the beaten path, such as the Cotton Palace T ower, a sky scraper intended for use as the headquarters of the country's cotton industry but inexplicably abandoned before completion.
Structured around five main routes, the publication serves as a user-friendly guide for exploring the city's wealth of buildings. Its knowledgeable authors, from the Architecture departments at Alexandria University, furnish readers with enlightening in for ma tion from multi ple perspectives, building up a clear picture of a multi- layered city.


9Ando. Complete Works 1975-20124048Jodidio Philip2013Taschen978-3-8365-2813-9385674
Ando. Complete Works 1975-2012

Philippe Starck describes him as a "mystic in a country which is no longer mystic." Philip Drew calls his buildings "land art" that "struggle to emerge from the earth." He is the only architect to have won the discipline's four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize. His name is Tadao Ando, and he is one of the greatest living architects. Combining influences from Japanese tradition with the best of Modernism, Ando has developed a completely unique building aesthetic that makes use of concrete, wood, water, light, space, and nature in a way that has never been witnessed in architecture. His designs include award-winning private homes, churches, museums, apartment complexes, and cultural spaces throughout Japan, as well as in France, Italy, Spain, and the USA. This book, created at the height of Ando's illustrious career, and thoroughly updated for this new 2010 edition, presents his complete works to date.

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


10Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque1012Pape Thomas, Wundram Manfred, Marton Paolo2013Taschen978-3-8365-0547-5385625
Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque

No other architect in the history of Western art has had an influence so spontaneous and yet so enduring as Andrea Palladio. Palladianism broke through all cultural stylistic barriers. It spread not only throughout the Neo-Latin nations but held Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the countries of Eastern Europe in its sway and formed the lineaments of English architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. Palladio lived in an age which was extremely exciting for the historical development of architecture and his work was an important factor in the evolution from Renaissance to Baroque. This volume offers a thorough introduction to the architecture of Palladio and includes all works which researchers have attributed to him.


11Antoni Gaudi2206Crippa Maria Antonietta, Gossel Peter2021Taschen9783836560283631291
Antoni Gaudi

Wherever they go, anyone who visits Barcelona today will come across the works of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926), the architect who has attracted art-lovers from all over the world to Spain. It was there, in the capital of Catalonia, that the famous master of architecture produced nearly all of his works. Raised during the Industrial Revolution, Gaudi strove to distinguish and reaffirm the identity of his native Catalonia as Spain and the rest of Europe modernized. Early neo-Gothic designs were the stepping-stone to the mature, original style that came to be synonymous with his name. Incorporating bold colors and odd bits of material into his designs, Gaudi created inspiring, visionary buildings and helped establish Barcelona (most notably with the still-unfinished Sagrada Familia cathedral) as a city of the world.

Серия: Bibliotheca Universalis


12ArchiMap. Карта Самары 1920-1940 (русская версия)934 2017TATLIN978-5-00075-144-2622117
ArchiMap. Карта Самары 1920-1940 (русская версия)

Архитектурная карта-путеводитель воссоздаёт реальность Самары (Куйбышев) 1920-1940-х годов - период формирования памятников конструктивизма. Издание представляет 11 пешеходных маршрутов (длина каждого около 5 км), включающих 123 объекта и 1 дополнительных направления. На оборотной стороне карты представлено изображение каждого объекта с названием, адресом и соответствующим номером на маршруте. Издание содержит вводную статью историков архитектуры. Карта упакована в картонный конверт.

Серия: ArchiMap


13Archinform3232 2020TATLIN978-5-00075-224-1763632

Монография посвящена деятельности архитектурного бюро Archinform. Книга раскрывает читателям особенности авторского видения проектирования как сложного синтетического творческого процесса, в основе которого лежат гуманистические принципы и социальное миссионерство. В нескольких разделах представлены реализованные проекты жилых и общественных зданий, многие из которых были отмечены наградами и дипломами архитектурных смотров конкурсов. Особое место уделено урбанистическим проектам различного масштаба от кварталов до крупных градостроительных образований. Решая полный цикл проектных задач от концепций и эскизов до разработки проектной и рабочей документации специалисты бюро комплексно оценивают потенциал развития территории не только с архитектурно-планировочной точки зрения, но и с точки зрения устойчивого формирования городской среды как совокупности социальных, культурных и экономических процессов.


14Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 20202453Martovitskaya Anna2020Dom Publishers9783869220086774823
Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 2020

The Architectural Guide Norway showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture.
Anna Martovitskaya s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e.g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature.
While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.


15Architectural Theory, 2 Vols.2024Evers Bernd2011Taschen978-3-8365-3198-6314360
Architectural Theory, 2 Vols.

Of buildings and men
Architects on their favorite subject
If you've ever wondered what goes through architects' minds when they design buildings, you'll be happy to know that there's no shortage of brilliant reading material to satisfy your curiosity. Wading through the archives at your local library may prove fruitful to your endeavor, but it won't give you the instant gratification that Architecture Theory will.
This book brings together all of the most important and influential essays about architecture written since the Renaissance, copiously illustrated and neatly organized chronologically by country. From Alberti and Palladio to Le Corbusier and Koolhaas, the best treatises by architecture's greatest masters are gathered here, each accompanied by an essay discussing its historical context and significance. This is the all-in-one, must-have book for anyone interested in what architects have to say about their craft.


16Architectural guide. Australia3085Zahradnik Sarah2022Dom Publishers9783869225234895925
Architectural guide. Australia

The Architectural Guide Australia presents over 200 projects in the vast island continent that is home to natural wonders, coastal settlements, and tropical climates up north. Each chapter, dedicated to one of the nation s eight state capitals, presents buildings that represent the major moments in the country s architectural history, from its colonial origins to the contemporary era. The book includes an introduction to Australia s most influential architects as well as essays by Harry Seidler (1923? ?2006), John Gollings, and David Bridgman.

Seidler s essay argues for the incorporation of sunlight and shadow, phenomena so distinctly characteristic of the country s climate, into architecture both from an aesthetic and practical standpoint. Gollings offers a historical sweep of Australian architecture before identifying the three major architectural strands of contemporary Australia. Bridgman explores the challenges of designing in the hot-humid tropics in particular, outlining the climatic considerations that must be accounted for when building in those regions.

Each chapter also includes an interview with a prominent architectural practice active in the respective city. The architects offer their views on the characteristics of Australian architecture and comment on their own practice within this context. With its comprehensive maps, aerial photographs, and images, this book is the ideal companion for those exploring Australia.

Серия: Art Architecture


17Architectural guide. Bangkok3228Takkanon Pattaranan2020Dom Publishers9783869223582774865
Architectural guide. Bangkok

Соседство футуристичных небоскребов и древних храмов, дворцов, исторической архитектуры отличительная черта Бангкока, столицы Таиланда и одного из самых популярных среди туристов городов мира. Удивительно, насколько гармонично здесь сосуществуют разные стили и эпохи. Яркие и шумные улицы Бангкока интересны не менее, чем богатая культура этой страны. Этот архитектурный путеводитель представляет 138 лучших проектов, отобранных Ассоциацией сиамских архитекторов. Для удобства читателя проекты распределены по пяти главам-маршрутам, берущим начало от реки Чаупхрая и основных магистралей города.
Язык издания: английский.


18Architectural guide. Berlin2273Schendel Dominik2020Dom Publishers9783869225470774817
Architectural guide. Berlin

Ни в одном другом месте на Земле сменяющиеся идеологии и градостроительные концепции не отразились так на городской структуре, как в Берлине. Показательная коллекция зданий и сооружений, представляющих разнообразные городские районы и архитектурные направления, позволит читателю отправиться в путешествие по истории, от средневековых кварталов Альт-Берлина до современности. Четыре маршрута познакомят с важнейшими архитектурными достопримечательностями города.
Язык издания: английский.


19Architectural guide. China7413Chakroff Evan, Godel Addison, Gargus Jacqueline2015Dom Publishers9783869223483770449
Architectural guide. China

В эпоху стремительного роста населения, глобальной урбанизации и усиливающегося давления на окружающую среду мегаполисы, расположенные вдоль восточного побережья Китая становятся центрами внимания архитекторов и урбанистов. Трансформация этих мега-городов поражает своими масштабами, хотя в каждом из них развитие городской структуры, транспортных узлов, бывших колонизированных территорий идет по своему особому пути. Старые районы на глазах сменяются небоскребами, бум развития городов привлекает в Китай самых известных мировых архитекторов, которые формируют их современный образ. Этот путеводитель представляет читателям лучшие реализованные архитектурные проекты разных периодов, сопровождая их точными описаниями, историческими планами и качественными фотографиями. На сегодняшний день - это наиболее полный путеводитель по современной архитектуре Поднебесной.


20Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist2731Palavandishvili Nini, Prents Lena2020Dom Publishers9783869226910774866
Architectural guide. Georgia. Soviet Modernist

В то время как здания в стиле советского модернизма, расположенные в Грузии, являются признанными архитектурными достопримечательностями уже на протяжении нескольких десятилетий, примеры монументального искусства тех времен всё еще ждут того часа, когда широкая аудитория откроет их для себя и оценит по достоинству. Яркие, изумительные мозаики, украшающие многие здания, являются полноценными произведениями искусства, и в то же время неотъемлемой частью архитектуры: они были призваны указывать на предназначение здания, определяли структуру его фасада или полностью покрывали его. В книге впервые задокументированы эти уникальные фрагменты советской истории искусства с указанием их точного географического положения. При помощи ярких фотографий и детальных описаний Нини Палавандишвили и Лена Пренц надеются привлечь внимание публики к художественному наследию. Они указывают на необходимость защищать и сохранять эти произведения искусства, которые представляют собой гораздо больше, чем просто элементы государственной пропаганды.
Язык издания: английский.


21Architectural guide. Mexico City2279Zahradnik Sarah2022Dom Publishers9783869227627895928
Architectural guide. Mexico City

Once the capital of the Aztec Empire, Mexico City has continuously evolved over the centuries to become one of the largest megalopolises in the world. The exuberant metropolis of the present day can be seen as a patchwork of Aztec, Hispanic, and contemporary Western cultures. This guide not only covers large-scale projects such as the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the site of vibrant, mural-covered buildings by some of the nation s leading architects from the 1950s. It also highlights lesser-known gems such as striking modernist chapels and cutting-edge commercial buildings.

This expanded edition explores the work of internationally renowned architect Luis Barragan in detail and features an introduction to contemporary architecture in Mexico. With its array of more than 200 images and its detailed maps, Architectural Guide Mexico City takes readers on an exhaustive tour of the finest buildings and monuments from across this vast megalopolis.

Серия: Art Architecture


22Architectural guide. Milan2923Berizzi Carlo2022Dom Publishers9783869223964895920
Architectural guide. Milan

From the 1920s onwards, Milan has become a laboratory of architecture due to architects such as Giuseppe Terragni, Gio Ponti and Giuseppe Pagano. Magazines such as Domus and Casabella were founded in the 1920s which infl uenced international debate throughout the 20th century. A new trend arose following the reconstruction of the city due to damages incurred during World War II: the city is now able to combine modernity with its existing context through the works of BBPR, Luigi Caccia Dominioni, Ignazio Gardella and Franco Albini. These architects introduced the renowned design which is nowadays identifi ed with Milan. In the last decade, an outstanding urban development took place owing to areas which feature the work of internationally renowned architects, including David Chipperfi eld, Zaha Hadid and Daniel Libeskind, as well as Italian architects such as Cino Zucchi and Stefano Boeri. Owing to its ambitious projects, Milan has transformed from an industrial city to a global capital of culture, fashion and leisure. This guide proposes thematic itineraries for discovering one of the most architecturally exciting European cities.

Серия: Art Architecture


23Architectural guide. Minsk3499Zadorin Dimitrij2020Dom Publishers9783869222394774822
Architectural guide. Minsk

Минск был основан в 1067 году. Долгое время он был одним из многих небольших городов на территории Восточной Европы. По иронии судьбы именно колоссальные разрушения, причиненные Второй мировой войной, вдохновили советские власти на трансформацию Минска. В послевоенный период он стал одним из самых быстрорастущих городов мира, в котором постарались воплотить идею идеального советского города. Сегодня Минск, существующий в своеобразном политическом и экономическом контексте, воспринимается многими как архив советской архитектуры и градостроительства.
Этот путеводитель, на создание которого ушло более трех лет, приглашает выйти за пределы круга популярных туристических достопримечательностей, предлагая читателю изучить все архитектурные слои города на примере 200 зданий, 10 площадей, 5 монументов, 7 парков, станций метро, а также жилых комплексов и серий панельных домов. Книга охватывает всё время существования города и его пространство: от Центральной площади до мемориального комплекса Тростенец на юго-восточной окраине; от средневекового Замчища и барочных церквей до новых гостиниц, возведенных к Чемпионату мира по хоккею в 2014 году; от небольшого деревянного дома РСДРП до завода-гиганта МТЗ и района Каменная Горка. Для автора архитектора и исследователя архитектуры Дмитрия Задорина издание стало откровением о Минске, а для читателя энциклопедией города, упакованной в формат архитектурного путеводителя.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


24Architectural guide. Munster - Munsterland1892Tiggemann Anke2022Dom Publishers9783869226057895922
Architectural guide. Munster - Munsterland

With its over-1, 200 year history, more than 300, 000 residents and an attractive old city, Munster is a modern industrial centre and a university city as well as the regional hub of the Munsterland area, bearing great influence on the region and beyond. In its dialogue among citizens, politicians and the administration, Munster has never lost its characterisation as a truly European city: The historical centre is still legible, streets and squares shape the public spaces and the various functions of the city centre are tightly intertwined.

On the basis of 170 buildings and projects, this volume recounts the latest architectural history in Munster and Munsterland since 2006. Many of the objects presented in this architectural guide are competition prizewinners, others have been distinguished with architectural awards and not just a few of them are well-known beyond the region. They all bear witness to a lively and fruitful discourse between architects and developers, above and beyond regional architecture and the aspirations of building culture.

Серия: Art Architecture


25Architectural guide. Phnom Penh1609Henning Moritz, Koditek Walter2022Dom Publishers9783869224343895921
Architectural guide. Phnom Penh

Founded in the fifteenth century, planned and rebuilt by the French, and then modernised and expanded in the era after independence, the city of Phnom Penh displays a diverse mix of styles. Here, early religious and vernacular buildings, the glittering structures of the Royal Palace, and colonial buildings of the French Protectorate (1863 1953) coexist with the gems of the New Khmer Architecture of the 1960s. After the destructive period under the Khmer Rouge, the city went through a rebirth. It has seen rapid modernisation and economic development in recent years, and its urban landscape is transforming at a breathtaking pace.
This guide offers a comprehensive overview of Phnom Penh s built heritage, highlighting its history and architectural layers. In addition to covering better-known masterpieces, it also takes readers through the city s everyday architecture , revealing places off the beaten track. Illustrated with contemporary photographs and historical images, the book presents more than 140 works that illuminate the four major phases of development in the city s ever-changing urban history. It thus makes an important contribution to current debates on heritage preservation in the booming metropolis. Interviews with local experts present their individual perspectives on the city and place the buildings in a broader context.

Серия: Art Architecture


26Architectural guide. Riga1297Krastins Janis2020Dom Publishers9783869222868774850
Architectural guide. Riga

Столица Латвии Рига знаменита уникальным смешением архитектурных стилей, которые являются отражением важнейших политических событий различных эпох. Город известен примерами немецкой готики, ар нуво в его высочайших проявлениях, советского модернизма. В 1997 году центр Риги был включен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Авторы книги описывают почти 800 построек, расположенных как в самой Риге, так и в ее окрестностях.
Язык издания: английский.


27Architectural guide. Turin1668Chiorino Cristiana2020Dom Publishers9783869224114774853
Architectural guide. Turin

Турин, в XX веке известный как город одной корпорации благодаря марке Fiat, примерно 20 лет назад запустил процесс трансформации и поиска новой идентичности.
Город стал лабораторией для переосмысления постиндустриального наследия отчасти благодаря Зимним Олимпийским играм 2006 года. Помимо своей промышленной истории, Турин может удивить барочной архитектурой и шедеврами современного итальянского зодчества. Путеводитель рассматривает 150 зданий, построенных с 1900 года и до наших дней.
Язык издания: английский.


28Architectural guide. Wroclaw3499Szczelina Marcin2020Dom Publishers9783869224268774827
Architectural guide. Wroclaw

Вроцлав - один из старейших городов Польши, и следы подлинной истории встречаются здесь повсеместно. Город фактически переходил из рук в руки, в разные периоды он входил в состав Польского государства и королевства Богемии, являлся предметом притязаний Венгрии и был присоединен к Пруссии. После Второй мировой войны он стал частью Польской республики. И хотя во время войны пострадало почти семьдесят процентов городской застройки, Вроцлав все же смог восстать из руин. Сегодня он является настоящей жемчужиной Западной Польши и может гордиться своей архитектурой. Этот путеводитель представляет более 150 избранных сооружений - от авангардных жилых кварталов 1960-70-х годов, спроектированных Ядвигой Грабовска-Гавриляк, до "Зала Столетия", который Фонд Гетти признал одним из важнейших памятников интернационального стиля XX века. Особое внимание уделено одному из первых разноуровневых домов в мире - "Дому холостяков" Ганса Шаруна, а также современным проектам крупнейших польских архитекторов.
Язык издания: английский.

Серия: Art Architecture


29Architectural terms - Архитектурные термины204Кияткина Инна Германовна2014Политехника978-5-7325-1049-2458588
Architectural terms - Архитектурные термины

Справочное издание "Architectural terms" - "Архитектурные термины" состоит из трех частей: "Orders of architecture" - "Архитектурные ордеры", "The Architectural styles" - "Архитектурные стили" и основной части "Architectural terms" - "Архитектурные термины".
Приведено описание каждого из этих ордеров на английском языке с иллюстрациями. Основная часть издания содержит около 500 архитектурных терминов на английском языке с переводом и кратким описанием на русском языке.
Предназначено для студентов техникумов, колледжей и вузов, обучающихся по специальности архитектура и строительство, для инженеров и специалистов, работающих в области реконструкции, восстановления и реставрации исторических зданий и памятников архитектуры, а также для широкого круга читателей, проявляющих интерес к архитектуре - одной из самых созидательных областей человеческой деятельности.


30Architecture Now!718Jodidio Philip2009Taschen978-3-8228-2507-5205637
Architecture Now!

The best of architecture in the world today.
About the author:
Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture.
Издание на английском языке.


31Architecture Now! 31012Jodidio Philip2011Taschen978-3-8365-0314-3296525
Architecture Now! 3

The pulse of architecture in the world today
As always, TASCHEN is doing its best to keep up with the fast paced world of architecture by continually producing guides to the world's best designers and projects. For the third volume of our Architecture Now! series, we've included many new and exciting names as well as recent projects by perennial favorites. Illustrated A-Z entries include current and recent projects, biographies, contact information, and website addresses.
Hitoshi Abe, Vito Acconci, David Adjaye, Werner Aisslinger, Asymptote, Shigeru Ban, Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner, Santiago Calatrava, Cook/Fournier, Charles Deaton, dECOi, Neil M. Denari, Diller & Scofidio, Olafur Eliasson, Masaki Endoh and Masahiro Ikeda, FOA, Frank O. Gehry, Gigon/Guyer, Sean Godsell, Alexander Gorlin, Gould Evans, Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, Toyo Ito, Wes Jones, Anish Kapoor, Rem Koolhaas/OMA, Kengo Kuma, Daniel Libeskind, Richard Meier, Meyer en Van Schooten, Oscar Niemeyer, Jean Nouvel, NOX, plexus r+d, Dirk Jan Postel, Werner Sobek, Philippe Starck, Jyrki Tasa, Akira Yoneda, Carlos Zapata, Rene van Zuuk


32Architecture Now! 41049Jodidio Philip2006Taschen978-3-8365-2345-5296526
Architecture Now! 4

Architecture Now! Volume 4 proves that the best keep getting better, with new names from all over the world and the most exciting and unique buildings and designs. As always, easy-to-navigate illustrated A-Z entries include current and recent projects, biographies, contact information, and website addresses.
Here are just a few of the projects that are featured in the book:
* A shelter for the needy made out of sandbags
* Nomadic Museum made by Shigeru Ban out of shipping containers
* A tree house in Germany
* New Museums that have been built by Gehry, Mansilla and Tunon, Richard Meier or Herzog & de Meuron
* The BMW Central Building in Leipzig by Zaha Hadid
* Klein Dytham's amazing Wedding Chapel in Japan
* Design hotels in Berlin, Sao Paulo, and Cerro Paranal, Chile
* The new masterpiece by Rem Koolhaas/OMA - the Central Library in Seattle
* Private houses in Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Corsica, and Great Mackerel Beach, Australia
* Mix Las Vegas by Patrick Jouin
* A tower that will grow like a tree in New York
* With-it architects like David Adjaye, Caramel, Graftlab, Jakob +MacFarlane, Asymptote or Lewis Tsurumaki Lewis
* Artists who take on architectural space like Anselm Kiefer, Frank Stella and Bill Viola, or architects who are interested in art, like Peter Eisenman


33Architecture Now! 83036Jodidio Philip2013Taschen978-3-8365-2681-4385679
Architecture Now! 8

Architecture Now! 8 reviews new and exciting projects completed and under construction in the whole world. No style, no building type is ignored, making this volume a true compendium of what anybody interested in buildings today needs to know. From well-known figures such as Zaha Hadid, Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA fame and Thom Mayne of Morphosis, to rising stars like Joshua Prince-Ramus (REX) and Sou Fujimoto and on to less-known architects who are the "stars" of tomorrow, like the Indians of Studio Mumbai, the Norwegian Todd Saunders, the Burkinabe Diebedo Francis Kere, and the Colombian Giancarlo Mazzanti, or the Chinese architect Li Xiaodong, they are all here and many more as well. Don't miss this opportunity to see the best of what architecture has to offer Now!
For anyone interested in the zeitgeist and building design in the 21st century, the Architecture Now! series is an essential work of reference. Easy-to-navigate illustrated A-Z entries include current and recent projects, biographies, contact information, and websites.
Featured architects and practices include:
2012Architecten, 24H Architecture, Effan Adhiwira, AFF Architekten, al bordE, Aparicio + Donaire, Ron Arad, Birk & Heilmeyer, Odile Decq Benoit Cornette, FELIX-DELUBAC, Foster + Partners, Sou Fujimoto, Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, Manuelle Gautrand, Frank O. Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Hapsitus, HplusF Architects, IA+B, Arata Isozaki, Jakob + MacFarlane, Diebedo Francis Kere, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong, LIN Finn Geipel Giulia Andi, Luis Longhi, LOT-EK, Gurjit Singh Matharoo, Maurer United, Giancarlo Mazzanti, Morphosis, Neri & Hu, Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Ryue Nishizawa, Jean Nouvel, Bassam El Okeily, Olson Kundig Architects, Carlos Ott, Muti Randolph, rare architecture, REX, Fernando Romero, Todd Saunders, Savioz Fabrizzi, Kazuyo Sejima & Associates, Studio Mumbai, Terrain, Undurraga Deves, UNStudio, Urbana, Various Architects, Vo Trong Nghia, Isay Weinfeld, Changki Yun, Peter Zumthor

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


34Architecture Now! Eat Shop Drink / Архитектура сегодня3036Jodidio Philip2012Taschen978-3-8365-3440-6385680
Architecture Now! Eat Shop Drink / Архитектура сегодня

Some of the most spectacular architectural designs of the moment have to do with our most basic needs: eating, drinking, and shopping.
Restaurants, bars, and boutiques are the substance of this new book that puts an emphasis - like all volumes of the "Architecture Now!"-series - on the very latest and best creations. This is where you will find the likes of David Chipperfield and Peter Marino in the same book, where Jean Nouvel and BIG star Bjarke Ingels meet. But it is also the place to discover new talents like the designer of London's Late Night Chameleon Cafe, Gary Card, to see how the director David Lynch imagined the subterranean Paris nightclub Silencio, or what designer Tom Dixon conjured up for the Tazmania Ballroom in Hong Kong. From Kobe, Japan to Turku, Finland to Sao Paulo, Brazil, Eat Shop Drink rounds up the newest and brightest places to see and be seen.

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


35Architecture Now! Houses 23036Jodidio Philip2013Taschen978-3-8365-1973-1385681
Architecture Now! Houses 2

Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded in it; some have stark minimal lines, others have tropical gardens; some are palatial, others monastic - all of them displaying remarkable structural and aesthetic mastery. From postmodern castles to hi-tech cabins, the Architecture Now! Houses series is a connoisseur's choice of the world's most remarkable new houses.Architecture Now! Houses 2 features architects and practices including:Amarterrance, Arkpabi, Eduardo Arroyo - No.MAD Arquitectos, Atelier Bow-Wow, Bellemo & Cat, Bernardes + Jacobsen Arquitetura, Alberto Campo Baeza, Casey Brown, Padraic Cassidy, Celula Arquitectura, Jose Cruz Ovalle, dRMM, dRN Architects, Thomas Fabrinsky, Fearon Hay, Carlos Ferrater, Float, FOVEA, Sou Fujimoto Architects, Alexander Gorlin, Jorge Gracia Garcia, Graft, Hangar Design Group, HHF, Jun Igarashi, Yosuke Inoue, Toyo Ito, Michael Jantzen, Johnston Marklee, Rick Joy, Stephen Kanner, Taiji Kawano, KWK PROMES, Jurgen Mayer H., McBride Charles Ryan, Richard Meier, Joeb Moore, Olson Kundig, Palerm & Tabares de Nava, Sara Pellegrini, Pezo Von Ellrichshausen Arquitectos, Powerhouse Company, PRODUCTORA, RCR Arquitectes, Rocha Tombal, Todd Saunders, Hartwig N. Schneider, Schwartz/Silver, SeARCH & CMA, Robert Stone, Studio Pei Zhu, Makiko Tsukada, Ulloa + Ding, WM + Associates, Kyu Sung Woo

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


36Architecture Now! Houses. Vol. 34048Jodidio Philip2013Taschen978-3-8365-3591-5398729
Architecture Now! Houses. Vol. 3

The third installment in our popular Architecture Now! Houses series includes 60 of the most dramatic new residences around the world. See the extraordinary House Turtle designed by the artists Carsten Holler and Marcel Odenbach in Biriwa, Ghana; visit Tadao Ando's dramatic House in Monterrey, Mexico, or take off to see the Flight of Birds House in the Azores by Bernardo Rodrigues. Unrivalled by any magazine or website, this new book allows you to explore the most beautiful and spectacular houses, both inside and out. Open the door into these private worlds, designed by some of the most talented architects of the moment. As in all the Architecture Now! books, the houses are presented with photos and drawings, alongside the architects' project lists and addresses, for those who may be tempted to ask Shigeru Ban to design an 800-square-meter house on a cliff in Sri Lanka for them (Villa Vista). But even if the budget for such extravagance is lacking, curiosity will surely see you delving into Architecture Now! Houses 3.


37Architecture in Asmara. Colonial Origin and Postcolonial Experiences1229Volgger Peter, Graf Stefan2020Dom Publishers9783869224879774828
Architecture in Asmara. Colonial Origin and Postcolonial Experiences

Древний город Асмэра является столицей Эритреи и ее крупнейшим поселением. Новая волна интереса к необыкновенной архитектуре Асмэры прошла в начале 1990-х годов. Авторы этой книги анализируют архитектурный облик колониального города, рассматривая не только реально существующие, видимые здания, но и историю второго, невидимого города, существующего только в форме концепций. В книге Асмэра представлена в виде совокупности фантастического множества городов, где каждый становится отражением другого, как в калейдоскопе.
Язык издания: английский.


38Architecture in Japan1928Jodidio Philip2009Taschen978-3-8228-3988-4205347
Architecture in Japan

TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured.
Architects included: Hitoshi Abe, Tadao Ando, Jun Aoki, Shigeru Ban, Shuhei Endo, Endoh & Ikeda, Hiroshi Hara, Arata Isozaki, Toyo Ito, Waro Kishi, Kengo Kuma, Fumihiko Maki, Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / S A N A A, Yoshio Taniguchi, Tezuka Architects, Makoto Sei Watanabe, Makoto Yokomizo.
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.


39Architecture in the 20th Century3257Gossel Peter, Leuthauser Gabriele2013Taschen978-3-8365-4118-3382864
Architecture in the 20th Century

A century of great buildings and their creators This is the be-all-end-all reference work for architecture in the 20th century. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Antoni Gaudi to Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and all the best stuff in between, it's all here. The chronologically organized chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large-format photos as well as a plenitude of drawings and floor plans. The biographical appendix covers all of the century's greatest architects, including today's new talents. An indispensable reference work and an absolute must for all lovers of architecture!


40Baltic Modernism. Architecture and Housing in Soviet Lithuania2273Dremaite Marija2020Dom Publishers9783869224701774889
Baltic Modernism. Architecture and Housing in Soviet Lithuania

Эта прекрасно иллюстрированная книга посвящена модернистской архитектуре в Литве. В советское время все прибалтийские республики в значительной степени стремились сохранить черты, присущие западной культуре. В этой связи особенно интересно исследование архитектуры советской Литвы, модернистские проекты в которой имеют ряд существенных отличий от модернизма в других регионах СССР.
Монография Балтийский модернизм. Архитектура и жилищное строительство в Советской Литве исследует разнообразные аспекты архитектурного дискурса, уделяя внимание как официальным идеям, так и их воплощению в жизнь.
Язык издания: английский.


41Bauhaus3168Gossel Peter, Droste Magdalena2019Taschen9783836560146692794

In a fleeting fourteen year period, sandwiched between two world wars, Germany's Bauhaus school of art and design changed the face of modernity. With utopian ideals for the future, the school developed a pioneering fusion of fine art, craftsmanship, and technology to be applied across painting, sculpture, design, architecture, film, photography, textiles, ceramics, theatre, and installation.
As much an intense personal community as a publicly minded collective, the Bauhaus was first founded by Walter Gropius (1883-1969), and counted Josef and Anni Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, Gunta Stoelzl, Marianne Brandt and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe among its members. Between its three successive locations in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin, the school fostered charismatic and creative exchange between teachers and students, all varied in their artistic styles and preferences, but united in their idealism and their interest in a "total" work of art across different practices and media.
This book celebrates the adventurous innovation of the Bauhaus movement, both as a trailblazer in the development of modernism, and as a paradigm of art education, where an all-encompassing freedom of creative expression and cutting-edge ideas led to functional and beautiful creations.

Серия: Basic Art Series


42Behind the Iron Curtain. Confession of a Soviet Architect2192Novikov Felix2020Dom Publishers9783869223599774829
Behind the Iron Curtain. Confession of a Soviet Architect

Феликс Аронович Новиков - известный советский архитектор, академик Международной академии архитектуры, доктор наук. В книге он делится своими ценными воспоминаниями о непростых и нестандартных условиях, в которых трудился он сам и работали его современники, о взаимоотношениях с коллегами и властью. Читателям будет интересно узнать, как проектные институты раньше взаимодействовали с Союзом архитекторов и какие творческие задачи вдохновляли архитекторов его времени. В этом издании Феликс Новиков дает ответы на вопросы, которые сегодня интересуют многих специалистов и любителей советского модернизма.
Язык издания: английский.


43Breuer694Cobbers Arnt2009Taschen978-3-8228-4887-6206399

In 1956, Time magazine called him one of the "form-givers of the 20th century": with his invention of steel-tube furniture, Marcel Breuer (1902-1981) has made his mark in the history of design at the tender age of 23. He started his architectural career as one of the Bauhaus's most influential architects with the 1932 Harnischmacher House. Even Breuer's earliest work was marked by the search for a symbiosis between local and global, big and small, smooth and rough. His sparse use of materials emphasized the balance among textures, colors, and shapes. In 1943, he conceived the "binuclear" house concept-the splitting of living and sleeping areas into separate wings-which he first applied to the Geller House I (1944-1946), and which would attain great popularity. After designing the UNESCO headquarters in Paris (1953-1958), reinforced concrete, with its formal plasticity und structural elasticity, continued to give monumental character to buildings such as the Abbey and Campus of St. John's University in Minnesota (1953-1961), the IBM Research Center in France (1960-1962), and the Whitney Museum of American Art (1963-1966) in New York City. With his keen sense of proportion, shape, and material, Breuer is one of the most important Modernists and is still very much central in the discussion of contemporary architecture.
Издание на английском языке.


44Built. Неизвестные истории известных зданий1206Агравал Рома2019Бомбора978-5-04-101252-6722739
Built. Неизвестные истории известных зданий

Как наша жизнь зависит от решений инженера? Почему рушатся одни мосты и веками стоят другие? Почему одни здания вызывают у нас дискомфорт, а другие наоборот - заставляют успокаиваться?
Туго натянутые тросы над огромным мостом через реку, стальной скелет под стеклянной кожей высокой башни, трубопроводы и туннели, которые прячутся у нас под ногами, - все это и есть мир, который мы построили, и он многое говорит о человеческой изобретательности, о нашем взаимодействии друг с другом и с природой. Наша постоянно меняющаяся инженерная вселенная полна разных историй и тайн, и если вы захотите прислушаться и присмотреться, то вас ждет увлекательное приключение.
Наверняка вы и не задумывались о том, что инженер может минимизировать трагедии в современном мире и спасти жизни людей? Быть может, вы не раз поднимали голову и, вглядываясь в силуэты зданий, пытались понять как архитектура подстраивается под нашу жизнь? Станьте свидетелем исповеди инженера, бесконечно влюбленного в свою работу.
Рома Агравал - инженер-строитель крупных международных проектов. Она оставила неизгладимый след в истории архитектуры, подарив миру множество произведений современного строительного искусства: от пешеходных мостов и скульптур до вокзалов и небоскребов, в число которых входит легендарный "Осколок".

Серия: Подарочные издания. Архитектура


45Cabins5049Jodidio Philip2016Taschen9783836565011649286

Ever since Henry David Thoreau's described his two years, two months, and two days of refuge existence at Walden Pond, Massachusetts, in Walden, or, Life in the Woods (1854), the idea of a cabin dwelling has seduced the modern psyche. In the past decade, as our material existence and environmental footprint has grown exponentially, architects around the globe have become particularly interested in the possibilities of the minimal, low-impact, and isolated abode.

This Bibliotheca Universalis edition of Cabins combines insightful text, rich photography, and bright, contemporary illustrations by Marie-Laure Cruschi to show how this particular architectural type presents special opportunities for creative thinking. In eschewing excess, the cabin limits actual spatial intrusion to the bare essentials of living requirements, while in responding to its typically rustic setting, it foregrounds eco-friendly solutions. The cabin comes to showcase some of the most inventive and forward-looking practices of contemporary architecture, with Renzo Piano, Terunobu Fujimori, Tom Kundig, and many fresh young professionals all embracing such distilled sanctuary spaces.

The book showcases the variety of cabins in use and geography. From an artist studio on the Suffolk coast in England to eco-home huts in the Western Ghats region of India, this collection is as exciting in its international reach as it is in its array of briefs, clients, and situations. Constant throughout, however, is architectural innovation, and an inspiring sense of contemplation and coexistence as people return to nature and to a less destructive model of being in the world.

Серия: Bibliotheca Universalis


46Candela828de Anda Alanis Enrique X.2009Taschen978-3-8228-3725-2207029

The focus of this monograph on Spanish-born Felix Candela (1919 1997) is on modern Mexican architecture and its international influence. Conducting daring structural experiments with materials such as reinforced concrete and experimenting with shell vaulting to find new methods to save costs and material in building, Candela not only succeeded in putting his engineering knowledge into high quality constructions but also into high quality architecture. Geometry marks his impressive sculptural work, not only in the industrial buildings but also in churches, restaurants, university buildings, and sport facilities. With this book, readers are invited to discover how construction problems result in poetic and bizarre forms, and how advances in engineering can lead to expressionist architecture.
Издание на английском языке.


47Collector's edition of Architectural guides4797Bokern Anneke, Moneo Rafael2020Dom Publishers9783869222660774900
Collector s edition of Architectural guides

Коллекционный сборник представляет 200 знаковых современных зданий из самых разных городов мира. Сборник состоит из 20 архитектурных мини-путеводителей, авторы которых состоят в глобальной Ассоциации Guiding Architects . В каждом из путеводителей 5 самых известных достопримечательностей и 5 скрытых жемчужин таких удивительных городов, как Амстердам, Барселона, Берлин, Бильбао, Будапешт, Доха, Дубай / Абу-Даби, Франкфурт-на-Майне, Гамбург, Стамбул, Милан, Москва, Мюнхен, Нью-Йорк, Осло, Рим, Роттердам, Турин, Венеция и Вена.
Все авторы практикующие архитекторы, большинство из них работают в тех городах, о которых пишут.
Язык издания: английский.


48Conversations with Peter Eisenman. The Evolution of Architectural Style2273Belogolovsky Vladimir2020Dom Publishers9783869225319774870
Conversations with Peter Eisenman. The Evolution of Architectural Style

Peter Eisenman s architecture carries many layers and meanings; one question leads to the next and one conversation provokes another. Vladimir Belogolovsky s new book highlights three separate conversations he had with the architect at his New York City studio in October 2003, June 2009, and February 2016. These conversations are part of the author s ongoing interview project he initiated in 2002, discussing architecture with over 100 leading international architects.
Peter Eisenman is in the bloodline of Palladio, Le Corbusier, and Robert Venturi, and in this book of brutally honest conversations between him and critic Vladimir Belogolovsky pithy assertions emerge, sometimes in contradiction, as Belogolovosky sympathetically questions this authority, one whose deep commitment to his art, over fifty years, has helped change contemporary architecture. ( ) Eisenman bemoans the fact that celebrity architects have supplanted such authorities, that is, authors of a critical architecture that reflects on its own language. All art languages must do this, an important insight of semiotics in the 1960s when Eisenman first started critical practice. (Charles Jencks)
Язык издания: английский.


49Cool Hotels USA606 2008te Neues3-8327-9248-0, 978-3-8327-9248-0247037
Cool Hotels USA

Whether you're planning the ultimate road trip or just need an edgy place for a short break, this photo guide to cool accommodations across the USA is for you. Each hotel offers a unique take on modern design. With heaps of personality, these cool cribs will make your travel experience one to remember.
Text in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.


50Daniel Libeskind: The space of encounter2300Libeskind Daniel2010Rizzoli0-7893-0496-1225874
Daniel Libeskind: The space of encounter

more than twenty years Daniel Libeskind has been regarded as one of the world's leading architectural theoreticians and educators. Since 1973, he has taught at more than forty institutions, maintaining such distinguished positions as head of the Cranbrook Academy of Art's School of Architecture in Bloomfield, Michigan, founder and director of Architecture Intermundium in Milan, Italy, the Sir Bannister Fletcher Architecture Professor at the University of London in London, England, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles' School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Los Angeles, California, and the First Louis Kahn Professorship at Yale University. Throughout Libeskinds career, his approach to the profession of architecture and the development of the world's built environment has defied convention. He is one of the last heroes of the architecture world's avantgarde. And while ^ is the recipient of numerous awards and citations for designs, Libeskind's architectural output has largely isisted of models, drawings, poetry, and ephemera. For rs, Studio Libeskind sustained itself as a laboratory for testing of his boundary-breaking ideas. Libeskind competed for the commission to design at would become the Jewish Museum Berlin. He won. Since then, he relocated his office from Milan to Berlin, s nominated for the Pritzker Prize for Architecture, and is commissioned to design the Felix Nussbaum Haus, a museum for the city of Osnabruck, Germany, which opened to critical acclaim in 1998. In 1999, he was awarded the Deutsche Architektur Preis (German Architecture Prize) for his Jewish Museum Berlin, a structure that received over 250, 000 visitors before it contained even a
lgle work of art.


51Decommunized. Ukrainian Soviet Mosaics5461Nikiforov Yevgen2020Dom Publishers9783869225838774891
Decommunized. Ukrainian Soviet Mosaics

Масштабное исследование украинских монументальных мозаик советского периода было создано на основе фотографий Евгения Никифорова, который в течение 3 лет скрупулезно собирал материалы, путешествуя по всей Украине и фиксируя самые интересные произведения 1950 1980 годов.
В книге представлено около 200 уникальных панно удивительных произведений искусства. На них изображены спортсмены, рабочие, пионеры, космонавты представители идеального советского общества. Сложно поверить, но некоторые из сфотографированных объектов уже уничтожены в рамках действующей правительственной программы по декоммунизации. Тем важнее сегодня обратить внимание на мозаики, многие из которых разрушаются на глазах, и признать их высокую художественную и историческую ценность.
Язык издания: английский.


52Digital Design Manual2090Tiggemann Anke, Hemmerling Marco2020Dom Publishers9783869221380774871
Digital Design Manual

Эта книга является руководством для архитекторов по цифровому проектированию, которое представляет различные инструменты, проверенные многолетним опытом, и практические рекомендации. В современной архитектуре и дизайне интерьера процесс проектирования практически полностью компьютеризован, а проекты должны быть представлены качественными и информативными визуализациями. В книге использованы примеры из практики бюро UNStudio.
Язык издания: английский.


53Drawing for Architects4906Meuser Natascha2020Dom Publishers9783869224510774872
Drawing for Architects

Чертежи для архитекторов издание, включающее не только сведения о теории и истории архитектурного рисунка, методах его преподавания, но и практические рекомендации по созданию эскизов и визуализации проектов на бумаге. Информацию дополняет большое количество иллюстраций, относящихся к разным периодам.
Язык издания: английский.


54Drawing for Architects8566Meuser Natascha2020Dom Publishers9783869224145774831
Drawing for Architects

Чертежи для архитекторов издание, включающее не только сведения о теории и истории архитектурного рисунка, методах его преподавания, но и практические рекомендации по созданию эскизов и визуализации проектов на бумаге. Подробные комментарии дополняет большое количество иллюстраций и примеров, относящихся к разным периодам.
Язык издания: английский.
Дополненное издание.


55Dream Cities. 7 урбанистических идей, которые сформировали мир750Уэйд Грэхем2018Бомбора978-5-699-96759-9627334
Dream Cities. 7 урбанистических идей, которые сформировали мир

Городская архитектура - как она влияет на нас и как мы влияем на нее? Откуда берутся привычные формы зданий? И какие идеи они могут олицетворять? Знаменитый ландшафтный дизайнер, историк и писатель Уэйд Грэхем расскажет истории архитекторов, чье представление о городах стало основой сегодняшнего градостроительства, чтобы через жизнь этих "мечтателей и энтузиастов", их сторонников и противников не только проследить развитие окружающих нас форм, но и научиться по-новому воспринимать мир, в котором мы живем.

Серия: Подарочные издания. Архитектура


56EMBT Arquitectes Miralles/Tagliabue497 2003te Neues3-8238-4540-3246850
EMBT Arquitectes Miralles/Tagliabue

In 1992, Miralles Tagliabue founded his architectural firm with his wife Benedetta Tagliabue. Together, they have designed seeral award-winning buildings in cities throughout Europe. Since 1978 Miralles held various teaching positions at his alma mater in Barcelona. In addition to her role as partner im EMBT, Benedetta Tagliabue has lectured and taught courses at architectural schools all ober the world. Since Miralless death in 2000 she has headed the firm.
Test in English, German, French, Italian


57Eames828Koenig Gloria2009Taschen978-3-8228-3651-4207028

Nothing says modernist perfection like an Eames design. Though they are best known to the general public for their furniture, the husband and wife duo of Charles and Ray Eames (1907-78 and 1912-88, respectively) were also forerunners in the fields of architecture, industrial design, photography, and film. This book covers all the aspects of their illustrious career, from the earliest furniture experiments and molded plywood designs to the Case Study Houses to their work for Herman Miller and films such as the seminal short, Powers of Ten.
Издание на английском языке.


58Eco Homes in Unusual Places. Living in Nature3319 2019Monsa9788416500895801763
Eco Homes in Unusual Places. Living in Nature

Houses on the side of a mountain, on rocky terrain, or on cliffs by the sea - a perfect blend of contextual architecture and interior design that channels our shared desire for peace and tranquility. Whether because of their impossible location in many cases, or the irregularity of the terrain, the slope of the plots and their geological characteristics, innovative solutions are required in the planning of the structures and the building of the foundations.

Серия: Art Architecture


59Egypt: From Prehistory to the Romans1049Wildung Dietrich2009Taschen978-3-8365-1030-1206340
Egypt: From Prehistory to the Romans

The architecture of the pharaohs represents some of the most impressive creative work ever produced in Egyptian art and yet it has never been completely assessed.
Dietrich Wildung, Curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, gives a compelling account of the breathtaking architectural achievements in the Valley of the Nile during one of the oldest architectural eras: from the earliest royal tombs from c. 3000 B.C. to the pyramids of Giza and the temples of Karnak and Luxor. This volume provides a fascinating insight into a civilization that has caught the imagination of countless generations since its demise, elucidating not only 3000 years of architectural history, but also outlining the related visual arts, reliefs and wall paintings. With more than 250 color illustrations, computer-aided reconstructions, plans of famous buildings and clear chronological tables that place architectural developments within the context of historical events, this publication makes a considerable and highly readable contribution towards a more profound understanding of Egyptian culture.
"... a truly remarkable publishing event in architecture."
The Architectural Review, London
About the editor:
Henri Stierlin was born in Alexandria in 1928. The 16-volume work Architecture Universelle, Editions de l'Office du Livre, was published between 1964 and 1972 under Stierlin's direction. He has also published Tanis - Tresor des Pharaons, Paris 1987, Les Pharaons batisseurs, Paris 1992, and L'Or des Pharaons, Paris 1993.
About the author:
Dietrich Wildung is Curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin and professor of Egyptology at the Freie Universitat Berlin. He directs excavations in the Nile Delta and organises international exhibitions about Egypt. He specializes in art in the Kingdom of the pharaohs.
Издание на английской языке.


60Egypt: from Prehistory to the Romans810Wildung Dietrich2001Taschen978-3-8228-1221-1207003
Egypt: from Prehistory to the Romans

The architecture of the pharaohs represents some of the most impressive creative work ever produced in Egyptian art and yet it has never been completely assessed.
Dietrich Wildung, Curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, gives a compelling account of the breathtaking architectural achievements in the Valley of the Nile during one of the oldest architectural eras: from the earliest royal tombs from c. 3000 B.C. to the pyramids of Giza and the temples of Karnak and Luxor. This volume provides a fascinating insight into a civilization that has caught the imagination of countless generations since its demise, elucidating not only 3000 years of architectural history, but also outlining the related visual arts, reliefs and wall paintings. With more than 250 color illustrations, computer-aided reconstructions, plans of famous buildings and clear chronological tables that place architectural developments within the context of historical events, this publication makes a considerable and highly readable contribution towards a more profound understanding of Egyptian culture.
Литература на английском языке.


61Exhibition Halls. Construction and Design Manual5874Kusch Clemencs2022Dom Publishers9783869221847895923
Exhibition Halls. Construction and Design Manual

Выставочный центр отражение достижений города в области экономики. Это место, где собираются профессионалы из самых разных сфер, которое обязано отвечать самым разнообразным экспозиционным задачам.
Пособие содержит описание 22 современных проектов выставочных центров, построенных в Европе, и экскурс в историю развития торговых ярмарок. Дополнительно в книге опубликовано интервью с Фольквином Маргом из gmp Architekten, всемирно известным специалистом по реализации успешных проектов выставочных центров.
10 параметров проектирования:
1 Локация
2 Генеральный план
3 Входы
4 Параметры зала
5 Количество уровней
6 Формат перекрытия
7 Освещение
8 Оборудование
9 Услуги и конференц-залы
10 Фирменный стиль

Язык издания: английский

Серия: Art Architecture


62Facades: Selection & Details2630Broto Carles2010PAGE ONE9789812456687225851
Facades: Selection & Details

A building's facade, apart from being a structure's skin, defines the character of its architecture. This volume is an exhaustive study on the treatment of facades from design conception to final execution of the project. Each chapter focuses on a specific material, highlights its design possibilities and construction details.
This volume is an indispensable reference for laymen and professionals to enjoy fine architectural works or for a more thorough understanding of the technical details behind each facade.
На английском языке.


63Flying Panels. How Concrete Panels Changed the World4075 2020Dom Publishers9783869225630774832
Flying Panels. How Concrete Panels Changed the World

Эта книга повествует о том, как строительные технологии стали мощным инструментом в процессе формирования нового мира и нового общества. После Второй мировой войны индустриальное производство сборных бетонных панелей коренным образом изменило облик и вектор развития современных городов. Ручной труд был заменен автоматизированным серийным производством, а бетонные элементы стали использоваться для возведения миллиардов квадратных метров жилья по всей планете. Прежде чем превратиться в то, что многие сегодня считают унылым лицом наших городов, новая панельная застройка, как и сам процесс быстрого возведения зданий, производили ошеломляющий эффект. Образ бетонной панели, парящей в небе, нашел отражение во всех видах медиа и в популярной культуре: от живописи, фотографии, оперы и кино до плакатов, мультфильмов, детских игрушек.
Проект Flying Panels объединяет архитекторов, историков, философов и кураторов, размышляющих об культурном значении этого феномена, начиная со второй половины XX века вплоть до наших дней. Публикация сопровождает выставку "Летающие панели" (18 октября 2019 - 1 марта 2020 года), куратором которой выступили Педро Игнасио Алонсо и Уго Пальмарола. В книгу также вошли статьи Майкла Абрахамсона, Химены Кастильо, Адриана Форти, Бориса Гройса, Марии Линд, Дженнифер Мак, Филиппа Мойзера, Натальи Солоповой, Эрика Штенберга и Кристины Варга-Харрис.
Язык издания: английский.


64Folding Architecture644 2010PAGE ONE9789812455284261999
Folding Architecture

Folding Architecture explores the development of folding methods to arrive at a new architecture. This booklet illustrates simple actions including fold, press, crease, pleat, score, cut, pull up, rotate, twist, revolve, wrap, pierce, hinge, knot, weave, compress and unfold. Folding liberates the design thought-process and removes any existing architectonic images, to stimulate creativity. Folding Architecture is an inspiring booklet for design students and designers who regard experimentation as an important aspect of their work.


65Frank Lloyd Wright2206Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce2021Taschen9783836560498699812
Frank Lloyd Wright

Acclaimed as the "father of skyscrapers, " the quintessentially American icon Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was an architect of aspiration. He believed in giving cultivated American life its fitting architectural equivalent and applied his idealism to structures across the continent, from suburban homes to churches, offices, skyscrapers, and the celebrated Guggenheim Museum.
Wright's work is distinguished by its harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture, and which found its paradigm at Fallingwater, a house in rural Pennsylvania, cited by the American Institute of Architects as "the best all-time work of American architecture." Wright also made a particular mark with his use of industrial materials, and by the simple L or T plan of his Prairie House which became a model for rural architecture across America. Wright was also often involved in many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furniture and stained glass, paying particular attention to the balance between individual needs and community activity.
Exploring Wright's aspirations to augment American society through architecture, this book offers a concise introduction to his at once technological and Romantic response to the practical challenges of middle-class Americans.

Серия: Basic Art Series


66Frank Lloyd Wright the Buildings4876 2010Rizzoli978-0-8478-3093-0225875
Frank Lloyd Wright the Buildings

Frank Lloyd Wright: The Buildings, a companion volume to Rizzoli's Frank Lloyd Wright: The Houses, features the great non-residential masterpieces of architecture by this American genius. Wright's major projects are here showcased, including such seminal works as the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, California, Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, and Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona. Included also is stunning archival imagery of the great demolished buildings, such as the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and Midway Gardens in Chicago, as well as inspiring visions conceived and drawn by Wright, among them The Baghdad Opera House and The Mile High "Illinois, " to name only a few. In Frank Lloyd Wright: The Buildings, extensive, all-new photography shows the buildings to an extent rarely seen (including such little-known gems as Beth Sholom Synagogue, Kalita Humphreys Theater, R. W. Lindholm Service Station, and many others) while rich text by author Alan Hess coupled with insightful essays by Wright scholars David G. De Long and Kathryn Smith uncover the great innovative richness of the master architect's non-residential work, ultimately inviting a reevaluation of the architectural legacy of this almost mythical figure.


67Fresh Morphosis 1998-20046088Mayne Thom2010Rizzoli978-0-8478-2803-6225876
Fresh Morphosis 1998-2004

THOM MAYNE, winner of the 2005 Pritzker Architecture Prize, founded the influential firm Morphosis in the early 1970s. Over the past three decades Morphosis has maintained an avant-garde presence among contemporary architecture firms even as it has garnered high-profile, big-budget commissions around the world.
Since Rizzoli published the first volume of the Morphosis series, in 1989, the Los Angeles-based firm has attained the highest levels of international acclaim as it continues to push its critical practice and progressive architecture into new territory. In the tradition of its three comprehensive and visually groundbreaking predecessors, this fourth volume features 575 illustrations in an in-depth survey of Morphosis's activity at the turn of the twenty-first century.
New works presented here include the Caltrans Headquarters in Los Angeles, housing designed for New York's 2012 Olympics bid, the San Francisco Federal Office Building, the Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse in Eugene, Oregon, and major academic projects in Toronto and Cincinnati, as well as a New Academic Building for The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art in New York City.
На английском языке.


68Frey828Koenig Gloria2009Taschen978-3-8228-4883-8207030

In 1930, when Albert Frey (1903-1998) came to the US from his native Switzerland, he brought the influence of his mentor, Le Corbusier, with him. The innovative Aluminaire House that he developed together with A. L. Kocher was exhibited in 1932 by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson in the legendary show in the Museum of Modern Art in New York The International Style: Architecture since 1922 as one of the very few American examples of the movement. Soon after, Frey discovered the California desert, where he would settle and complete his most substantial works. Throughout his life, Frey was interested in finding new ways of building, as well as working with and doing research on prefabricated materials, the results of which he regularly published. With visionary talent, Frey built elegant, clearly structured residential houses and was the founder of the desert modernism style.
Издание на английском языке.


69Fuck context?458Паперный Владимир Зиновьевич2012TATLIN978-5-903433-49-0, 978-5-903433-49-Х322453
Fuck context?

Фраза, вынесенная в заголовок, была произнесена Ремом Колхасом в 1995 году в его книге "S, M, L, XL" и с тех пор многократно цитировалась в архитектурной прессе, как правило, совсем не в том смысле, какой имел в виду автор. Само понятие контекста в архитектуре появилось, когда архитектуру начали рассматривать как текст, а это связано (по крайней мере, хронологически) с возникновением архитектурного постмодернизма. Новый текст, утверждали борцы с модернизмом, должен быть вписан в существовавший раньше, по возможности не разрушая его. О том, так ли это, с какими проблемами приходится сталкиваться архитекторам, помимо пресловутого контекста, а также о взгляде на город "сверху" и "снизу", Владимир Паперный побеседовал с Фрэнком Гери, Ричардом Мейером, Сезаром Пели, Чарльзом Гватми, Стивеном Холлом, Рикардо Легорретой, Томом Диксоном, Робертом Вентури и Дениз Скотт-Браун, Вольфом Приксом, Томом Мейном, Антуаном Предоком, Фернандо Ромеро и Ремом Кулхаасом.


70Galina Balashova. Architect of the Soviet Space5156 2022Dom Publishers9783869229003849518
Galina Balashova. Architect of the Soviet Space

This monograph on the work of the Russian architect Galina Balashova presents a unique collection of designs for Soviet cosmonautics. These include plans and engineering drawings for Soyuz capsules and the space stations Salyut and Mir. Balashova acted as a consultant to the Buran programme, the Soviet counterpart to the American Space Shuttle.

Серия: Art Architecture


71Gaudi And Modernism In Barcelona418Garcia Raul2002Loft978-84-89439-87-0329156
Gaudi And Modernism In Barcelona

The city of Barcelona is considered the essence of Modernism, and certainly it is where the movement left the greatest number of its architectural jewels, many of them widely known. There are, however, pertaining to this historical period other less well-known works that are authentic gems, highly evocative and attractive. This book proposes a discovery of this other Modernist treasure - works that shine with a light of their own, encrusted in the estimable legacy of this artistic movement.
"Caudi and Modernism in Barcelona" is the third volume in a collection dealing with this artistic current that spread throughout Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, leaving its indelible mark on all areas of aesthetic manifestation. As with the previous volumes, this work is an indispensable tool for visitors with the curiosity and desire to discover more about this movement that brought a new way of understanding architecture and the arts in general. Over 150 colour photographs produced for this book and maps that pinpoint the locations lead readers out of the centre of Barcelona, guiding them through other areas of the city to seek out buildings that form an inherent part of the legacy of Modernist architecture. Moreover, the book includes two special sections dedicated to stained glass and furnishings. These two chapters are a tribute to the excellence of the artists and craftsmen who complement the great names of Modernist architecture, and who with their work contributed to the diffusion and great splendour of a unique movement in the history of architecture and art.


72Greece. From Mycenae to the Parthenon616Stierlin Henri2013Taschen3-8228-1225-0392113
Greece. From Mycenae to the Parthenon

From the superb mausoleum of Mausolus in Halicarnassus, stop by the shrine to Apollo at Delphi with its famous oracle, or pass through the imposing Lion Gate in Mycenae. This "picture book journey" takes us through all the important architectural sites in ancient Greece. "Noble simplicity, quiet proportions" was how the distinguished archaeologist Johann Joachim Winckelmann once described Greek culture, and the beauty of classical art certainly lies in its simplicity. This book is a comprehensive introduction to the architecture of perfect harmony and proportion, and a journey into the splendid art of the Mediterranean.

Серия: Мировая архитектура (ad, awarch)


73Greece: from Mycenae to the Parthenon884Stierlin Henri2001Taschen978-3-8228-1225-9207004
Greece: from Mycenae to the Parthenon

Setting out on the trail of Greek Architecture, this volume presents a comprehensive survey which extends beyond the borders of Greece itself to include southern Italy, Asia Minor and Persia. Fortifications, domed tombs, theatres, oracular sites, temples and palaces dating from the sixteenth to the fourth century B.C. are all set within their cultural and historical context, conveying a vivid impression of the architecture of Ancient Greece and its profound importance.
Литература на английском языке.


74Green Architecture Now! Vol. 2 / Архитектура сегодня. Книга 23036Jodidio Philip2012Taschen978-3-8365-3589-2385677
Green Architecture Now! Vol. 2 / Архитектура сегодня. Книга 2

Green architecture used to be on the fringes, but it has gone mainstream and this new volume shows how, why, and where. This is not a technical handbook, but rather a guided tour from one end of the globe to another where sustainability has become both chic and indispensible. Solar panels and double glazing are taking a dent out of the high cost of energy.
As always in the Architecture Now books, you can discover the latest realizations of established stars like Peter Zumthor and Bernard Tschumi, but also catch up on the rising new generation of architects, from Korea to Vietnam, from Los Angeles to Berlin. Green Architecture Now! 2 is the only place where a tunnel of flower pots by Olafur Eliasson and a Waste to Energy plant with a ski slope on top by BIG come together with a bang.

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн


75Green House. Каталог1379Белоголовский Владимир2012TATLIN978-5-903433-22-3322454
Green House. Каталог

Понятие "зеленая" архитектура в последние годы все шире ассоциируется с энергосберегающими, экономичными и экологически дружелюбными проектами, внимание к которым усиливается в эпоху продолжающегося глобального экономического кризиса. Выставка Владимира Белоголовского, прошедшая в рамках XVII Международного фестиваля "Зодчество", представляет детальное описание 12-ти наиболее ярких и интересных примеров "зеленой" архитектуры в Великобритании, Испании, Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах, США и Японии таких ведущих мастеров, как Ренцо Пьяно, Норман Фостер, Том Мейн, Питер Айзенман, Уильям Олсоп и Кенго Кума. Проекты всевозможных масштабов и назначений исследуют различные аспекты "зеленой" архитектуры. Каталог одноименной выставки, подготовленный в издательстве TATLIN, содержит весь представленный на выставке материал, начиная от публикации проектов и интервью с ведущими мировыми архитекторами и заканчивая их краткими биографиями с интернет-адресами.


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Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена

Примечание: если название категории заканчивается на [А] или любые другие буквы в квадратных скобках, - это означает, что данная категория является частью одноименной категории без скобок. Исходная категория была автоматически разбита на подкатегории по первым буквам наименований позиций, из-за большого объема.