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Acts Of Charity by Mark Peterson. Фотоальбом
Acts Of Charity by Mark Peterson. Фотоальбом

Showing how the other half gives, Acts of Charity pulls back the curtain on the world of high society fund-raising and offers a vivid glimpse into the spectacular ceremonies that have become a necessary tool in getting americans to part with their wealth. The photographs in this engaging book range from the ridiculous to the sublime, capturing the rich and powerful in the nation's best gardens and ballrooms, decked out in all their vainglorious splendor with wallets at the ready. Accompanied by insightful quotations and telling statistics, Acts of Charity is a probing examination of the very big business that philanthropy has become. With an eye for the witty detail and the unguarded moment, photographer Mark Peterson takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of the charity party circuit, documenting the fabulous fashions, crazy antics, and rich ironies that abound when good causes and well-heeled donors come together.

Цена: 348 руб.
Год: 2017
Производитель: powerHouse Books
Артикул: 587581
ISBN: 978-1-57687-211-6
Автор: Peterson Mark


AirPano. Мир с высоты. Лучшие фотографии
AirPano. Мир с высоты. Лучшие фотографии

О книге
AirPano - это популярный, динамично развивающийся интернет-проект (сайт ежемесячно посещают свыше миллиона человек), созданный командой фотографов, которые снимают панорамы с воздуха.

Мы смотрим на все снизу вверх - на дворцы и небоскребы, на деревья и горы. А что, если бы мы могли подняться в небо и увидеть сверху Париж или Альпы, Мыс Доброй Надежды или Мачу-Пикчу?

Команда AirPano так и сделала - восемь талантливых фотографов поднялись под облака и сняли на камеру озера и водопады, города и пустыни и даже Землю из стратосферы. Тадж-Махал и небоскребы Нью-Йорка, Байкал и вулканы Камчатки, Эверест и водопад Анхель, Исландия и Мальдивы, Антарктика и пустыни Намибии, Великая Китайская стена и Московский Кремль и не только. Вы увидите в этом альбоме самые удивительные уголки и достопримечательности планеты.

Эта книга - не просто захватывающие фотопанорамы, редкие кадры, запечатлевшие уникальные творения природы и человека. Это возможность взглянуть на нашу планету глазами птицы и лучшее средство от визуального голода.

Фишки книги
Top-26 мест по версии AirPano: урбанистическая фотосъемка, красивейшие виды дикой природы и эксклюзивные кадры из стратосферы.
Репортажи и любопытные истории с места съемок, нетривиальные факты о самих памятниках природы и архитектуры.
Каждая панорама содержит QR-коды, позволяющие обладателям смартфонов перейти от фотографии к интерактивной 360 панораме.
История и бэкстейдж проекта.

Для кого эта книга
Для тех, кто хочет увидеть, как выглядит Земля с высоты птичьего полета.

Для тех, для кого не существует границ, кто любит путешествовать и открывать новое.

Для тех, кто ценит фотоискусство и восхищается красотой этого мира.

Свернуть описание
AirPano - крупнейший в мире ресурс, представляющий 360 панорамы, снятые с высоты птичьего полета. По географии съемок, количеству аэрофотопанорам, художественному и техническому качеству материала ему нет аналогов.

Проект неоднократно побеждал на российских и международных фотоконкурсах: Epson International Pano Awards, Best of Russia, Золотая черепаха, "Премия Рунета 2012", грант Русского географического общества.

Airpano сотрудничает с такими компаниями как National Geografic, GEO, Вокруг света, Der Spiegel, Daily Mail, Microsoft, Samsung, LG, Sony и другими.

Создатели проекта: Олег Гапонюк, Андрей Зубец. Участники проекта: Дмитрий Моисеенко, Майк Рейфман, Иван Росляков, Сергей Румянцев, Станислав Седов, Сергей Семенов, Дмитрий Чистопрудов.

Цена: 2008 руб.
Год: 2015
Производитель: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
Артикул: 464076
ISBN: 978-5-00057-275-7


Album Vilmorin. The Vegetable Garden
Album Vilmorin. The Vegetable Garden

The French company "Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie" arose in the 18th century from the collaboration between Philippe Victoire de Vilmorin - a grain and plant merchant and connoisseur - and his father-in-law, Pierre Andrieux, Botanist to the King. The Vilmorins, though only producers and merchants on the Paris market, contributed enormously to the botanical and agronomic knowledge of their time. Their first catalog, comprising all kinds of seeds for kitchen-garden vegetables - including legumes, salad plants, flower seeds and bulbs - appeared in 1766. It was followed by a series of Publications periodiques in which the quality of the botanical and horticultural information was equaled only by the illustrations. By the mid-19th century, the firm had become the most important seed company in the world - active in production, trade, and scientific advances, thanks largely to Louis de Vilmorin's crucial research into selection and heredity in the 1850s. At the height of its international renown, the company published its splendid "Album Vilmorin. Les Plantes potageres (The Vegetable Garden, 1850-1895) featuring 46 magnificent color plates". The Vilmorins employed some 15 painters to create this work of agro-botanic iconography; most had trained as artist-naturalists at the Jardin des Plantes, the former Royal Gardens, including Elisa Champin, who painted a large number of the finest plates. These illustrations - reproduced here with exquisite care and accuracy - transcend mere artistic interest, beautiful as they are; they are also a valuable resource for anyone researching cultivarietal evolution, and old varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Серия: Архитектура и дизайн

Цена: 3864 руб.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 385690
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3599-1
Автор: Dressendorfer Werner


Alexander Rodchenko. Photography is an Art
Alexander Rodchenko. Photography is an Art

This book is to mark the 115th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Rodchenko. It consists of two parts, Creative Experiment and Photo Reportage . This structure enables us to enter the artist s laboratory and see how his ideas were embodied in the day-to-day work of one of the most productive photographers of the age.The quotations from Rodchenko s articles, speeches and diary entries, his daughter s reminiscences, his correspondence with contemporaries and the unusually rich illustrative material present a vivid and rounded picture of the personality of this great Constructivist and world famous reformer of twentieth-century photography. Much of the material is published for the first time.

Цена: 6057 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: ИНТЕРРОС
Артикул: 312703
ISBN: 5-91105-013-7


All About Saul Leiter
All About Saul Leiter

`A photographer's gift to the viewer is sometimes beauty in the overlooked ordinary'
Saul Leiter
Photography lovers the world over are now embracing Saul Leiter, who has enjoyed a remarkable revival since fading into relative obscurity in the 1980s. This collection reveals the secrets of his appeal, from his life philosophy and lyricism to masterful colours and compositions. Some 200 works - including early street photographs, images for advertising, nudes and paintings - cover Leiter's career from the 1940s onwards, accompanied by quotations from the artist himself that express his singular world view.

Цена: 6222 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Thames&Hudson
Артикул: 731798
ISBN: 9780500294536


American houses The best / Лучшие американские дома
American houses The best / Лучшие американские дома

Лучшие американские дома - В книгу включены лучшие дизайны, планировки и архитектуры Американских домов.
Твердая обложка + суперобложка.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 1920 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118994
ISBN: 987-97781-7-0


Andre de Dienes, Marilyn. 2 vol
Andre de Dienes, Marilyn. 2 vol

Before there was Marilyn, there was Norma Jeane
The photos and secret memoirs of Marilyn Monroe's first photographer and lifelong friend
Fashion photographer Andre de Dienes's life was changed forever one day in 1945 when he met a lovely young aspiring model named Norma Jeane Dougherty. He instantly fell in love with her innocence and charm and the two were briefly engaged. They took many adventurous road trips together in those early years, de Dienes shooting Norma Jeane in every possible natural setting in his original, inspired style. He soon built up a huge portfolio of stunning photographs of the smiling brunette which helped to launch her model career and, a few years later, a film career that was to make her a legend.
His entire relationship with the star, including many private moments shared only between the two, is detailed in de Dienes's secret memoirs, which were discovered when Monroe fans ravaged his home after his death in 1988.
The memoirs tell a beautiful story of love and friendship from the point of view of someone who knew Marilyn intimately; describing the transformation from Norma Jeane to Marilyn Monroe - the evolution of a sensitive, ambitious girl into a deeply troubled megastar - from an inside perspective, they shed light on a little-known side of Marilyn. From their trip to see Norma Jeane's mother in a mental hospital to Marilyn's visit to his home a few days before her death, de Dienes recounts all of the emotional moments they shared. The combination of de Dienes's memoirs and an extensive selection of his Monroe photographs (which numbered in the thousands) makes for an unprecedented, personal exploration into the psychology, history, and iconography of the world's favorite movie star.
The editor:
California-native Steve Crist's TASCHEN titles include Andre de Dienes's Marilyn, William Claxton's Steve McQueen, and The Polaroid Book.

Цена: 3036 руб.
Год: 2011
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 281238
ISBN: 978-3-8365-2710-1
Автор: Dienes Andre de


Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque
Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque

No other architect in the history of Western art has had an influence so spontaneous and yet so enduring as Andrea Palladio. Palladianism broke through all cultural stylistic barriers. It spread not only throughout the Neo-Latin nations but held Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the countries of Eastern Europe in its sway and formed the lineaments of English architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. Palladio lived in an age which was extremely exciting for the historical development of architecture and his work was an important factor in the evolution from Renaissance to Baroque. This volume offers a thorough introduction to the architecture of Palladio and includes all works which researchers have attributed to him.

Цена: 1012 руб.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 385625
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0547-5
Автор: Pape Thomas, Wundram Manfred, Marton Paolo


Andreas H. Bitesnich. Nudes / Обнаженные
Andreas H. Bitesnich. Nudes / Обнаженные

Контур и поверхность человеческого тела находятся в центре внимания творчества Андреаса Битеснича. На его фотографиях женские и мужские формы соединяются в единое целое. Фотограф умело играет с цветом и тенью. Он знает, как вызвать напряжение. Битеснич во всем стремится достичь совершенства, его фигуры безупречны. Рассматривать их - истинное наслаждение!
Подарочное издание.

Цена: 1347 руб.
Год: 1998
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118960
ISBN: 3-8238-5559-X, 3-8238-5559-Х
Автор: Bitesnich Andreas H


Andreas H. Bitesnich. On form / В форме
Andreas H. Bitesnich. On form / В форме

Книга Андреаса Битеснича - это рандеву с приятными моментами, рождающими в воображении образ безупречного женского и мужского тела. Кажется, все понятно: жанр -эротическое фото. Но Битеснич неутомим в погружении глубже - в жанр НЮ. Он превращает человеческое тело в нестандартную фигуру, размывая грань между эстетикой и сексуальным желанием.
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском, итальянском языках.
Фотографии цветные и черно-белые.
Подарочное издание в суперобложке.

Цена: 2286 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118951
ISBN: 3-8238-4556-X, 3-8238-4556-Х
Автор: Bitesnich Andreas H


Andreas H. Bitesnich. Polanude/ Полануд
Andreas H. Bitesnich. Polanude/ Полануд

Хорошая фотография непременно должна вызывать реакцию и эмоциональный отклик.
Это определение подходит ко всем произведениям искусства, а особенно к фотографиям Андреаса Битеснича. Каждая из его фотографий - это безупречно обработанный драгоценный камень. Без сомнения, фотография - это его жизнь.
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском и итальянском языках.
Подарочное издание в суперобложке.

Цена: 2006 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118981
ISBN: 3-8327-9083-7
Автор: Bitesnich Andreas H


Ansel Adams. 400 Photographs
Ansel Adams. 400 Photographs

ANSEL ADAMS: 400 PHOTOGRAPHS presents the full spectrum of Adams' work in a single volume for the first time, offering the largest available compilation from his legendary photographic career. This iBook is optimized for the iPad's Retina display and provides arguably the best possible representation of Ansel Adam's photographs outside of viewing original prints.
The photographs are arranged chronologically into five major periods, from his first photographs made in Yosemite and the High Sierra in 1916 to his work in the National Parks in the 1940s up to his last important photographs from the 1960s. An introduction and brief essays on selected images provide information about Adams' life, document the evolution of his technique, and give voice to his artistic vision.
Few artists of any era can claim to have produced four hundred images of lasting beauty and significance. It is a testament to Adams' vision and lifetime of hard work that a book of this scale can be compiled. ANSEL ADAMS: 400 PHOTOGRAPHS is a must-have for anyone who appreciates photography and the allure of the natural world .

Цена: 7060 руб.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Little, Brown and Company
Артикул: 599108
ISBN: 978-0-316-40079-4


Antoni Gaudi. Salvador Dali
Antoni Gaudi. Salvador Dali

Antoni GaudI/Salvador DalI, the premiere book in the Duets series, brings together the work of these two artistic geniuses in order to present a rich comparative study. Essentially three volumes in one, a section on each artist presents a brief biography and an examination of some major works, with a third section that compares the images and ideas of the two artists. Although upon first glance one wouldn t think to compare the architectural whimsy of GaudI with DalI s dark visions, this book illuminates the similarities between them. Both men were great observers of nature, gifted with an uncommon sensitivity, and able to transcend the techniques of their respective disciplines to create unique designs that influenced and changed their fields forever. Antoni GaudI/Salvador DalI is a book that art and architecture lovers will treasure for years to come.

Цена: 418 руб.
Год: 2002
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 129776
ISBN: 84-89439-38-9, 978-84-89439-38-2
Автор: Montes Cristina, Bonet Llorenc


Arquitectura de Casas. Spectacular Houses
Arquitectura de Casas. Spectacular Houses

Domestic architecture is a paradigm of evolution, a privileged field experimentation. It examines the domes tic aspirations of our time and places before us new lifestyles and speculations. Spectacular Houses features a selection of homes from the beginning of the new millennium. This selection examine houses that have broken away from the past and that define today's innovation and tomorrow's classicism. The book does not aim to convert these houses into prototypes to follow; they are included because they reflect the peculiarities of their era, sites and owners.

Цена: 1055 руб.
Год: 2002
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 129775
ISBN: 84-89439-18-4
Автор: Cuito Aurora, Asensio Paco


Athens. Photographs by Vassillis Gonis
Athens. Photographs by Vassillis Gonis

100 b/w photographs. Text in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.
Greece boasts an unrivalled historical and cultural legacy that is nowhere more apparent than in its capital, yet Athens also functions as a bustling, modern city. In this collection of striking black and white images, Vassilis Gonis manages to capture the paradox of life in a city full of contradictions, of crowded cafes and ancient ruins, age-old religious processions and big city sprawl. His walks through the city's streets are reflected here in engaging images of everyday life shot close-up and in sweeping panoramas of Athens taken from afar. Designed to fit in any briefcase or handbag, this portrait of one of the world's most important cities is the perfect keepsake for any traveler.

Цена: 626 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 129755
ISBN: 3-8238-4579-9
Автор: Gonis Vassilis


Audrey: The 60s
Audrey: The 60s

The 1960s was a decade that Hollywood actress and international fashion icon Audrey Hepburn defined with her gamine, elegant style. Audrey: The 60s is a landmark photographic chronicle of her film and fashion career during those tumultuous years. Regarded as one of the most beautiful and best-dressed women in the world, Audrey Hepburn had timeless appeal-and this breathtaking photographic collection compiled by David Wills, author of Marilyn Monroe: Metamorphosis, captures this legendary star at the height of her career-from Breakfast at Tiffany's to the Vogue fashion shoots with world-class photographers that captured her unique, trendsetting style.

Цена: 4525 руб.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Harpercollins
Артикул: 387536
ISBN: 9780062209016
Автор: Wills David, Schmidt Stephen


Australia. Photographs by Jeff Drewitz
Australia. Photographs by Jeff Drewitz

Book DescriptionIn this extraordinary collection of color images, noted landscape and wildlife photographer Jeff Drewitz presents Australia's natural beauty in all its stunning diversity. Whether photographs of dry outback or breathtaking coastline, the lush woods of Tasmania or the rainforests and wildlife of the tropical north, these pictures reveal a landscape that offers beauty and diversity in spades. The cities scattered along Australia's coasts are also covered. Here is a portrait of a vast land of extremes that will be the perfect keepsake for any traveler.

Цена: 626 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 129766
ISBN: 3-8327-9039-X, 3-8327-9039-Х
Автор: Drewitz Jeff


Barcelona. Photographs by Alejandro
Barcelona. Photographs by Alejandro

Barcelona is rich in culture and leisure. With its colorful history and unique architectural heritage, delicious food, and traditional festivals, this cosmopolitan city offers both residents and visitors a world of possibilities. Acclaimed photographer Alejandro Bachrach captures Barcelona in all its splendor. His walks through the city's streets are reflected here in engaging images of everyday life shot close-up and in sweeping panoramas of Barcelona taken from afar. Designed to fit in any briefcase orhandbag, this portrait of one of the world's most enchanting cities is the perfect keepsake for any traveler. Alejandro Bachrach was born in Buenos Aires in 1966. His work has appeared in several Argentinean and Spanish magazines and has been widely exhibited in Europe and South America.

Цена: 626 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 129428
ISBN: 3-8238-4550-0
Автор: Bachrach Alejandro


Bars and Restaurants The best / Лучшие бары и рестораны
Bars and Restaurants The best / Лучшие бары и рестораны

Лучшие бары и рестораны - Книга демонстрирует фотографии, планы и рисунки более 35 изданий знаменитых международных архитектур.
Гибкий переплет.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 898 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118992
ISBN: 95-09575-86-0


Beautiful Christmas Cards
Beautiful Christmas Cards

The custom of sending relatives, friends and acquaintances seasonal greetings in Christmas cards began in the middle of the 19th century. In those days, as nowadays, artistic and original cards were created and produced with lost of, Creativity and time. The 68 cards that have been selected for this book are examples of an extensive collection of Christmas cards, which Alexandra Adami has been working on for over 10 years. Each card is distinguished by its quite unique originality and illustrates how famous, well-known and also lees well-known families in Europe and America sent their seasonal greetings. Radiant and happy children are the most popular themes that are usually depicted in an artistic fashion through photography. In the Christmas spirit, part of the earnings from this wonderful book is donated to the charity CLIC Sargent-Caring for Children with Cancer.
Text in English.

Цена: 2360 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 246930
ISBN: 3-8327-9093-4
Автор: Taylor Helen


Berlin. Photographs by Stefan Dauth
Berlin. Photographs by Stefan Dauth

Anyone familiar with the long and tumultuous history of Berlin and also those who have read about the changes wrought by the end of the Cold War, will find Stefan Dauth's photographic portrait an invaluable guide to this city on the cutting-edge. By concentrating on new perspectives of Berlin's most familiar sights, Dauth draws attention to the transformation of a city only recently reunited and re-born as Germany's capital. His stark black and white images reveal the clash of old and new; the Berliner Dome with construction cranes in the background, the Potsdamer Platz, the remains of the Berlin Wall, and the modern bustle of the Kurfuerstendamm built around a memorial church. "Today's professional photography is missing a touch of reality. I work with a city just as it exists in front of our eyes. It's a personal view of changes in Berlin, its people and locations, " writes Dauth. 120 b/w photographs.

Цена: 626 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 129425
ISBN: 3-8238-4530-6
Автор: Dauth Stefan


Bimbos & Machos
Bimbos & Machos

Bimbos and machos: a match made in heaven. Both are twentieth century cultural phenomena that are unrivalled in their vulgarity. And they are everywhere! With examples from TV, film, comics, games, literature, music and real celebrity life, this book attempts to explore the bimbo and macho universe and pay tribute to the greatest bimbos and machos of all time, both fictional and real - Jordan, Anna-Nicole Smith, Pamela Anderson, Lolo Ferrari, Britney Spears, Sabrina; David Hasselhof, Julio Iglesias, Tubbs & Crockett, Bruno - get ready to meet them as you have never seen them before!

Цена: 436 руб.
Год: 2014
Производитель: Tectum publishers
Артикул: 438569
ISBN: 978-90-79761-71-5



Born 1964 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fabio Borquez currently lives in Germany. In Buenos Aires he studied art, photography and architecture. He won various scholarships for India, Columbia and Germany and has taken part in many exhibitions. His work spans over various areas of design. This book exclusively presents his female nude photography.

Серия: Photographers

Цена: 3681 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: DAAB
Артикул: 225839
ISBN: 978-3-86654-082-8


British Wildlife Photography Awards 9
British Wildlife Photography Awards 9

This dazzling collection showcases the very best of the British Wildlife Photography Awards, presenting over 150 of the winning, commended and shortlisted images from the 2017 competition. Featuring a range of photography from world-leading professionals as well as inspired amateurs, it is a book that captures the magnificent diversity of the British Isles. Now in it's eighth year, the annual competition has a long tradition of supporting conservation. It provides a platform for the finest examples of British nature photography, revealing it's wonders to a wide audience and engaging with all ages through it's evocative and powerful imagery. With a 20, 000 prize from lead sponsor Canon, it is one of the most prestigious photography competitions, attracting major sponsors and culminating in an exhibition at London's Mall Gallery. British Wildlife Photography Awards 9 is divided into the competition's fifteen categories, from Animal Portraits through to the Young People's Awards. Every photograph is beautifully reproduced in a large format, with detailed technical information alongside the photographer's personal account, to appeal to both photographers and natural historians. Featuring a fresh new design, and supported by a major media campaign, this is a book that will bring every reader closer to the often unseen and always surprising world of British nature.

Цена: 4241 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Alma Books
Артикул: 687494
ISBN: 978-1-78145-344-5


Bruno Bisang. Exposure / Экспозиция
Bruno Bisang. Exposure / Экспозиция

"Фотографии - это зеркало, отражающее мою личность. Конечно, консерваторам многие из моих работ покажутся провокационными, но мое мнение остается неизменным - работы должны быть в первую очередь чувственными". Это слова Бруно Бисанга.
Фотографии цветные и черно-белые.
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском и итальянском языках.
Подарочное издание в суперобложке

Цена: 2286 руб.
Год: 2004
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118959
ISBN: 3-8238-4598-5
Автор: Bisang Bruno


Burton Holmes Travelogues. The greatest Traveler of His Time, 1892-1952
Burton Holmes Travelogues. The greatest Traveler of His Time, 1892-1952

It was the Belle Еpoque, a time before air travel or radio, at the brink of a revolution in photography and filmmaking, when Burton Holmes began a lifelong journey to bring the world home. From the grand boulevards of Paris to China's Great Wall, from the construction of the Panama canal to the 1906 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Holmes delighted in finding "the beautiful way around the world" and made a career of sharing his stories, colorful photographs, and films with audiences across America. As a young man, Holmes was mentored by John L. Stoddard, a pioneer of the U.S. travelecture circuit, who passed on his well-established mantle when he retired. Holmes roamed the globe throughout the summer and traversed the United States all winter, transforming the staid lecture tradition into an entertaining show. He coined the term "travelogue" in 1904 to advertise his unique performance and thrilled audiences with two-hour sets of stories timed to projections of multihued hand-painted glass-lantern slides and some of the first "moving pictures."
Paris, Peking, Dehli, Dubrovnik, Moscow, Manila, Jakarta, Jerusalem: Burton Holmes was there. He visited every continent and nearly every country on the planet, shooting over 30, 000 photographs and nearly 500, 000 feet of film. This book represents the best of the Holmes archive, brimming with brilliant color photographs not published in decades. A rare window on the world of 100 years ago, Burton Holmes Travelogues will transport you to a time that has all but evaporated, and inspire you to strike out on a journey of your own.

Цена: 3857 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 206835
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4815-9
Автор: Burton Holmes


CHERNOBYL. Фотоальбом
CHERNOBYL. Фотоальбом

The explosion that shattered the Chernobyl nuclear power station at 1.23 a.m. on 26 April 1986 reverberated around the world. It sounded another ominous warning to the human race that the immense power of the atom, if not properly controlled, could threaten its very existence.
Over the past fifty years, advances in knowledge and the progress of science have carried human beings into space and enabled them to develop previously unknown sources of energy to serve their growing needs. In the same period, the world's population has doubled, confronting mankind-and above all the scientific community-with the task of finding ways to satisfy the escalating demand for food and energy. In many countries, nuclear energy began to supplement organic fuels, the traditional, but finite, source of power.
The Chernobyl disaster carried a timely message: once unleashed, either by accident or warfare, nuclear power cannot be confined within state borders. Its proper use and control must therefore be the concern of the entire international community.
This book, appearing on the tenth anniversary of the catastrophe, first gives an account of the development and organisation of the nuclear power industry in the USSR. It then describes the accident at Chernobyl and its aftermath, drawing upon the testimony of individuals involved in the dramatic battle to deal with its consequences. Authentic pictures show the extent of the destruction, the scope of the clean-up operations and the effects on the region and its population.
Hundreds of thousands of people, disregarding their own safety, fought to contain the disaster. Many of them died; many suffer from ill health and will die before their time. It is to these heroes of the Chernobyl disaster and to its innocent victims that this book is dedicated.

Цена: 1076 руб.
Год: 1996
Производитель: Лидер-Инвест
Артикул: 423598
ISBN: 5-87087-024-01
Автор: Gubarev Vladimir


Cafe & Restaurant Design/ Дизайн кафе и ресторанов
Cafe & Restaurant Design/ Дизайн кафе и ресторанов

От Нью-Йорка до Барселоны, от Лондона до Милана современное общество предпочитает наиболее активно общаться в кафетериях и барах. Архитекторы и дизайнеры по всему миру усиливают и направляют в русло это течение, предлагая инновационные, оригинальные решения для все более критически настроенной публики.
Эта книга представляет ряд кафе и ресторанов, построенных за последние десять лет по всему миру самыми модными художниками. В издании более 400 фотографий удивительных помещений, поэтажные планы зданий, биографии архитекторов и дизайнеров. Книга представляет исчерпывающее исследование по интерьерной архитектуре.
Книга на английском, немецком языках.

Серия: Designpockets

Цена: 803 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118962
ISBN: 3-8327-9017-9
Автор: Fischer Joachim


Cafes The Best / Лучшие кафе
Cafes The Best / Лучшие кафе

Лучшие кафе - В книге тщательно отобраны проекты кафетерий со всего мира, которые в свою очередь воплощают идею нового кафетерия.
Гибкий переплет.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 1056 руб.
Год: 2004
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118988
ISBN: 84-96241-70-X, 84-96241-70-Х


California. Photographs by Christopher Bliss
California. Photographs by Christopher Bliss

An outstanding collection of photographs that captures the beauty and variety of the California landscape, both natural and manmade. Another in teNeues' successful color version of its Photopocket series, this will be the perfect keepsake for any traveler, and a source of pride for all natives.

Цена: 532 руб.
Год: 2006
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 129773
ISBN: 3-8327-9085-3
Автор: Bliss Christopher


Casas Houses / Дома
Casas Houses / Дома

Дома - Книга включает жилые проекты, частные территории, служебные и жилые места.
Твердая обложка + суперобложка.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 1633 руб.
Год: 2001
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118984
ISBN: 84-89439-66-4


Cherish Madonna Like An Icon
Cherish Madonna Like An Icon

Cherish is the Madonna Icon-ography a collection of more than 150 photographs alongside a lively commentary, in tribute to every key and unforgettable moment of Madonna's life and career. Timeless and timely, this rich mosaic allows readers to experience the making of 'Her Madgestry' from the very beginning. Self-confessed fan David Foy explores all in this comprehensive collector's biography the cleverly navigated controversies, the experimental film forays, the groundbreaking moments that redefined a genre taking the reader right up to the release of Madonna's critically acclaimed number one album, MDNA. Madonna is well known as the world's top-selling female recording artist of all time. For her fans, Cherish will redefine Madonna as the history of women in music.

Цена: 2593 руб.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Ivy Press
Артикул: 387540
ISBN: 9781908005670
Автор: Foy David


Chill Out / Интерьеры отдыха
Chill Out / Интерьеры отдыха

Интерьеры отдыха - В книге собраны лучшие интерьеры и архитектура мест отдыха.
Гибкий переплет.
Английский, немецкий, французский, испанский, итальянский языки.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 96 руб.
Год: 2003
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118987
ISBN: 84-96241-56-4


Contemporary Fashion Photographers
Contemporary Fashion Photographers

This book features 50 successful international fashion photographers - shooting-stars of the scene, who work for established and cutting-edge fashion magazines and designers, each introduced by a short biography and numerous pictures.

Серия: Photographers

Цена: 5202 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: DAAB
Артикул: 225841
ISBN: 978-3-86654-077-4


Cool Hotels Europe / Роскошные отели Европы
Cool Hotels Europe / Роскошные отели Европы

В книгу включены самые лучшие отели Европы.
Издание красочно иллюстрировано сотнями цветных фотографий гостиниц.
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском, итальянском языках.

Серия: Designpockets

Цена: 944 руб.
Год: 2004
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118952
ISBN: 3-8238-4582-9
Автор: Kunz Martin Nicholas


Cool Restaurants Cote d Azur/ Роскошные рестораны Лазурного побережья
Cool Restaurants Cote d'Azur/ Роскошные рестораны Лазурного побережья

В издании представлены роскошные рестораны Лазурного побережья.
Никакой другой регион во Франции не прекрасен так, как Лазурное побережье! Это солнечное Средиземноморское побережье, где проводится большое количество кино- и музыкальных фестивалей.
Книга включает также рестораны, бары и закусочные таких известных мест, как Сан-Тропе, Ницца и Канны.

Цена: 658 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118974
ISBN: 3-8327-9040-3
Автор: Dallo Eva


Cool Restaurants Milan/ Роскошные рестораны Милана
Cool Restaurants Milan/ Роскошные рестораны Милана

В издании представлены роскошные рестораны Милана.
Разнообразие ресторанов Милана открывает нам картину, полную эклектики и динамики этого города. Рестораны Милана предлагают широкий ассортимент блюд на любой вкус! В книгу также включены рецепты ведущих шэф-поваров Милана.
Издание на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском и испанском языках.

Цена: 560 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118953
ISBN: 3-8238-4587-X, 3-8238-4587-Х
Автор: de Miguel Borja


Cool Restaurants Shanghai/ Роскошные рестораны Шанхая
Cool Restaurants Shanghai/ Роскошные рестораны Шанхая

В издании представлены роскошные рестораны Шанхая.
Шанхай является одним из великих городов мира. Это город, в котором жизнь бьет ключом! Своей энергией и возможностями Шанхай привлекает иностранцев.
В книгу включены 30 самых известных ресторанов Шанхая и рецепты шанхайских шеф-поваров.
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском и итальянском языках.
Подарочное издание.

Цена: 658 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118976
ISBN: 3-8327-9050-0
Автор: Ciliang Chen


Cool Shops London/ Роскошные магазины Лондона
Cool Shops London/ Роскошные магазины Лондона

Данное издание служит проводником по лучшим магазинам и бутикам Лондона.
Бутики этого города отличаются не только своим дизайном и архитектурой, но и известными именами кутюрье. Книга содержит карту, с помощью которой Вы можете смело отправляться за покупками!
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском и испанском языках.
Подарочное издание.

Цена: 658 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118973
ISBN: 3-8327-9038-1
Автор: Cuito Aurora


Cool Shops Milan/ Роскошные магазины Милана
Cool Shops Milan/ Роскошные магазины Милана

Данное издание является проводником по лучшим магазинам и бутикам Милана. Бутики этого города отличаются не только своим дизайном и архитектурой, но и известными именами (такими, как Paul Smith, Emilio Pucci). Книга содержит карту, с помощью которой Вы можете смело отправляться за покупками!
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском и испанском языках.
Подарочное издание.

Цена: 658 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118964
ISBN: 3-8327-9022-5
Автор: Klein Caroline


Cool Shops New York/ Роскошные магазины Нью Йорка
Cool Shops New York/ Роскошные магазины Нью Йорка

Данное издание является проводником по лучшим магазинам и бутикам Нью-Йорка. Каждый магазин уникален сам по себе (к примеру, дизайнером бутика Жана Поля Готье является Филипп Старк и т д.) Книга содержит карту, с помощью которой Вы можете смело отправляться за покупками!
Книга на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском и испанском языках.
Подарочное издание.

Цена: 560 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118963
ISBN: 3-8327-9021-7
Автор: Valette Desiree von la


Cool Shops Paris
Cool Shops Paris

In Paris, focal point for all important designers, creative energy is reflected not only by the range of exclusive products on offer, but by the innovative interior designs of the shops as well. The present guide takes the reader inside the most interesting business locations and boutiques of the dynamic French capital where-besides fashionable clothing, furniture and accessories-flowers, fine paper or automobiles are skillfully showcased.
Text in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Цена: 1541 руб.
Год: 2005
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118972
ISBN: 3-8327-9037-3
Автор: Bonet Llorenc



Получив архитектурное образование в 2004 году, Петр Ловыгин быстро сказал зодчеству "гудбай", купил фотоаппарат и начал снимать собственную жизнь.
Ловыгин - абсолютно сегодняшний человек, которому удается мифологизировать наше время. В его работах и текстах реальность так легко превращается в сказку, а сказка не исчезает от соприкосновения с реальностью. Его "костарику" наполняют вымышленные Волк-Изумрудное сердце, его верный друг Одномубогу, и совсем невымышленные Такеши Китано, БГ и Сатья Саи Баба, с которыми Ловыгин так в жизни и не познакомился. Но в его "костарике" жирафы всегда гуляют вокруг Покрова-на-Нерли, "Бессамэ муччо" звучит на барселонских улицах, а девушка с воткнутым в седло велосипеда ямайским флагом мчится под Робертино Лоретти по верхневолжским равнинам

Серия: Отдельные издания

Цена: 442 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Махаон
Артикул: 220400
ISBN: 978-5-389-00634-8
Автор: Ловыгин Петр


Country Homes / Загородные дома
Country Homes / Загородные дома

Загородные дома - Книга включает реконструкцию загородных домов и резиденций расположенных в сельской местности.
Твердая обложка + суперобложка.
Цветные фотографии.

Цена: 1920 руб.
Год: 2002
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 118983
ISBN: 84-89439-35-4


Dali s Mustache
Dali's Mustache

Cult classic and collector's item, Dali's Mustache is the result of the astonishing artistic collaboration between surrealist Salvador Dal and experimental photography pioneer Philippe Halsman. Dal and Halsman were friends as well as professional collaborators for more than three decades. Subtitled A Photographic Interview, the concept of the book is one short question presented to Dal , which Dal answers, followed by a corresponding black-and-white photograph by Halsman. The photographs are intentionally absurd and hilarious. Early editions of this book came with a warning on the back that said "Warning! This book is preposterous."
Question: "I have the feeling, to have discovered your secret, Salvador. Could it be that you are crazy?"
Answer: "I am certainly saner than the person who bought this book."

Цена: 1932 руб.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Flammarion
Артикул: 731741
ISBN: 9782080304667
Автор: Dali Salvador, Halsman Philippe



Decade presents 500 engaging photographic images, both iconic and idiosyncratic, selected by acclaimed photo editor Eamonn McCabe and arranged in strict chronological order to tell the story of the first decade in our new millennium. The shorter historical span of this book, compared to CENTURY, allows this sequence to embrace developments in art, architecture, sport and technology alongside key moments in international political affairs, so that the reader encounters surprising moments from our history alongside those familiar from coverage in the mass media. Global in scope, these photographs tackle subjects ranging from the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11 to the AIDS epidemic blighting Africa, from the first tests of the Hadron collider at CERN, Geneva, to the death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Award-winning documentary photography sits alongside the new "citizen journalism", which has seen ordinary bystanders capture historic events equipped with nothing more sophisticated than a mobile phone camera. Each image is accompanied by both a short descriptive and an extended, historical caption, to provide a wider context within which to understand these often beautiful, always surprising, photographs.15 historical and thematic essays are also included, exploring the events, trends and social phenomena that have characterized the decade.

Цена: 4269 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Юпитер-Импэкс
Артикул: 329174
ISBN: 978-0-7148-5768-8
Автор: McNamee Terence


Dog Dogs
Dog Dogs

This book presents 500 of Elliott Erwitt's dog photographs, divided into horizontal and vertical shots with short captions detailing the place and year...

Цена: 1192 руб.
Год: 2012
Производитель: Юпитер-Импэкс
Артикул: 329175
ISBN: 978-0-7148-3805-2
Автор: Erwitt Elliott


Eadweard Muybridge. The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs
Eadweard Muybridge. The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs

English photographer Eadweard Muybridge was a pioneer in visual studies of human and animal locomotion. In 1872, he famously helped settle a bet for former California governor Leland Stanford by photographing a galloping horse. Muybridge invented a complex system of electric shutter releases that captured freeze frames-proving conclusively, for the first time, that a galloping horse lifts all four hooves off the ground for a fraction of a second. For the next three decades, Muybridge continued his quest to fully catalog many aspects of human and animal movement, shooting hundreds of horses and other animals-and of nude or draped subjects engaged in various activities such as running, walking, boxing, fencing, and descending a staircase (the latter study inspired Marcel Duchamp's famous 1912 painting).
This resplendent book traces the life and work of Muybridge, from his early thinking about anatomy and movement to his latest photographic experiments. The complete 781 plates of Muybridge's groundbreaking Animal Locomotion (1887) are reproduced here. In addition, Muybridge's handmade and extremely rare first illustrated album, The Attitudes of Animals in Motion (1881) is reproduced in its entirety. A detailed chronology by British researcher Stephen Herbert throws new light on one of the most important pioneers of photography.
Exhibition Eadweard Muybridge at Tate Britain, London, 8 September 2010 - 16 January 2011 The photographer:
Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904), born in England but active as a photographer in the United States for most of his adventurous life, was a key figure in photographic history. On giant glass plates he captured the natural splendor of Yosemite and photographed panoramas of San Francisco. He notoriously shot and killed his wife's lover, but his fame was earned by solving the problems of short-time exposure-and exploiting its possibilities. His subsequent studies of human and animal movement became the ultimate passion of Muybridge, the chronophotographer and predecessor of cinema.
The author:
Hans Christian Adam studied psychology, art history and communication in Gottingen and Vienna. As a specialist in historical images, he has published numerous articles and books, including titles on travel and war photography. He is the author of TASCHEN's Edward Sheriff Curtis: The North American Indian, Karl Blossfeldt, Eugene Atget: Paris and Berlin, Portrait of a City.

Серия: Фотоальбомы

Цена: 4729 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 367907
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0941-1
Автор: Adam Hans Christian


Early Travel Photography
Early Travel Photography

"This stunning and genuinely fascinating book is a record of the best of his archive of over 30, 000 photographs and 500, 000 feet of film... Beg, borrow, or steal to get your hands on a copy of this book." -Sunday Telegraph, London
It was the Belle Epoque, a time before air travel or radio, at the brink of a revolution in photography and filmmaking, when Burton Holmes (1870-1958) began a lifelong journey to bring the world home. From the grand boulevards of Paris to China's Great Wall, from the construction of the Panama canal to the 1906 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Holmes delighted in finding "the beautiful way around the world" and made a career of sharing his stories, colorful photographs, and films with audiences across America. As a young man, Holmes was mentored by John L. Stoddard, a pioneer of the U.S. travel lecture circuit, who passed on his well-established mantle when he retired. Holmes roamed the globe throughout the summer and traversed the United States all winter, transforming the staid lecture tradition into an entertaining show. He coined the term "travelogue" in 1904 to advertise his unique performance and thrilled audiences with two-hour sets of stories timed to projections of multihued hand-painted glass-lantern slides and some of the first "moving pictures."
Paris, Peking, Dehli, Dubrovnik, Moscow, Manila, Jakarta, Jerusalem: Burton Holmes was there. He visited every continent and nearly every country on the planet, shooting over 30, 000 photographs and nearly 500, 000 feet of film. This book represents the best of the Holmes archive, brimming with brilliant color photographs. A rare window on the world of 100 years ago, Burton Holmes's Early Travel Photography will transport you to a time that has all but evaporated, and inspire you to strike out on a journey of your own.
About the editor:
In the 1960s, Genoa Caldwell was the New York-based photo researcher for the London Sunday Times, as well as photo editor for both Black Star and Magnum. While operating her own photo agency in Los Angeles in the 1970s, Caldwell was introduced to the work of Burton Holmes and became private archivist for the extensive and unique photographic collection. Caldwell has maintained the collection for over 30 years and has lectured and published on the life and work of Burton Holmes.
Edition: English.

Цена: 2024 руб.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 248860
ISBN: 978-3-8365-2140-6
Автор: Burton Holmes


Edward Weston
Edward Weston

Few photographers have created such a legacy as Edward Weston (1886-1958). After a decade of successfully making photographs with painterly soft-focus techniques, Weston became the key pioneer of the school of precise and sharp presentation, dubbed "Straight Photography." Through the 1920s, '30s, and '40s, Weston was a major force in pushing forward the art of photography. His photographs are monuments of sensual realism, perfectly composed images of stillness that sear with passion and intensity. Whatever the subject, be it a vegetable, landscape, shell, or naked body, Weston's lens captures the essence of its life force, the fundamentals of its form.

Цена: 1049 руб.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 398720
ISBN: 978-3-8365-4402-3


Страницы: 1 2 3 4

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена

Примечание: если название категории заканчивается на [А] или любые другие буквы в квадратных скобках, - это означает, что данная категория является частью одноименной категории без скобок. Исходная категория была автоматически разбита на подкатегории по первым буквам наименований позиций, из-за большого объема.